First, they confirmed each other's situation to Historia for a peaceful negotiation.

“I will take you to the Public Security Office to interrogate me and uncover the truth, I understand. Well, you definitely have to take an advantage to force something.”

just like me now look. Because it's advantageous, I'm talking to you directly.

“But the situation has changed, hasn’t it? To be honest, it wasn't because of my strength, but because my teammates were too strong, this side started to overwhelm me. Now I have an advantage, right?”

“… Speak quickly.”

“Your personality is too quick. I want to say this. Now that my circumstances have been reversed, how about changing your plans to get me?”

'… What do you mean? no way.'

After all, maybe it was a motive at one time? Historia quickly understood what I was talking about.

The late response is because it is difficult to accept.

“I guess it was just a guess. right. Is it really the only way for me to be caught? Maybe that's your stereotype? Shouldn’t we be a little more flexible now that the situation has changed?”

I don't need to be caught to reveal the truth.

Change your mindset! reverse it!

It's not me, it's enough if you get caught by me and become a prisoner!

'… Am I going to get caught? over there?'

“okay! Not a bad story. There are prisoners, so we can be at peace. The military doesn't want to suffer any more damage, so I'll stop the pointless pursuit. Also, I'm more at ease because I've avoided the chase, and I'll be talking about all sorts of things. Then you can hear what you want! What do you think?”

A shift in thinking that breaks stereotypes. If you just accept this, your safety will be secured, and at the same time, you will be able to avoid the pursuit of the military. It's good that the military doesn't waste energy either.

I'm proud of myself for coming up with this idea. Conversely, it is easy to say. It's actually difficult, so I admire it.

Nevertheless, Historia showed chronic suspicion.

“… Even if I am taken prisoner, there is no guarantee that you will tell the truth.”

“Oh, was that a problem?”

with no problem. I lightly laughed at Historia's doubts.

“ha ha ha. Leah. You are misunderstanding something. Do you think I will tell the truth when I go to the Public Security Office and receive something like torture?”

“… you.”

“no. Even if I tell the truth among so many stakeholders. Can you believe it?”

'… Honestly, I can't believe it. Because this kid is a guy who deceives people even with a gag in his mouth.'

I didn't know if I should be happy that my plan went from being in denial, or if I should be sad because my credit is low.

The part that I can trust the most is that I am not someone I can trust.

“I promise, though. After all, I think my co-workers will be quite curious about what happened back then. If you get caught, you might be able to overhear what I say to my comrades. Do you think I will lie to my new colleague who saved my life?”


Although Historia asserts in her heart, she is not hasty in saying those words.

'However… I can't believe a single word. I can't hear the story that day. In the end, some compromises have to be made… .'

It looks like you've made up your mind. OK, that's good. I'm glad that Historia is a reasonable person like the military.

I felt that Historia's momentum had softened and approached me slowly.

“great. Now adjust the sum appropriately. Remember when we practiced in Dalian? Let’s go to action number three.”

Historia did not answer. Instead, she just raised her arms.

The second reason to wear armor. It makes you look strong when you wear it. Even if my movements are blunt and slow, you won't notice them from afar.

Now, the scam begins.

mature age. triple window. It was a weapon with spear blades hung on both ends of the speargun, made for the feast of Patraxion.

When qigong is blown in, the seam is interlocked, and depending on how it is used, it has a unique property that it can become a long spear, a single horn, or a samjeolgon.

Wearing an army uniform over it, Patraxion was fully armed and confronted the founder Tirkanzaka.


The curved spear spear hit Sijo's head hard. poop. A single-gon-shaped triple spear squeezed Tyr's defense and struck his temple. Tyr's head turned quickly.

Even if the opponent was a bear, it would have been a fatal blow. However, the founder was a being that could be treated as 'like' a bear.

Not a drop of blood came out of the slightly torn temple.

“… That's pretty good. There are only a few knights as good as you in history.”

The wounds he had worked so hard to make had healed and his head returned to its original state. The situation is not much different from before the attack. At the irrational exchange, Patraxion laughed in dismay.

“Ha, it’s not that I’m proud of myself, because I’m also listed in the history books… . It's pretty famous.”

Without speaking, Patraxion ran forward. He slid across the ground with the same momentum he was rushing to, spewing out a feast. The spear holding the spear firmly added numerous curves into one to draw a clean trajectory.

season, season.

A single line of curve that was close to a straight line penetrated the space.

The spear that penetrated the kingdom, the feast that decorated an era, unfolded at Patraxion's fingertips.

The attack ripped through Tyr's blood, bones, muscles, and flesh, smashed his collarbone, and protruded from his back. Obviously, it would have been a serious blow that could not be recovered if it were a human.

If only I had been human.

Pataxion murmured.

“Nimiral. I will not write it.”

Tyr with the palms of both hands slashed the triple spear that had pierced his body.

You must not break the spear that was originally inserted into the body. The spear will break through the body, and that is disparaging the feat of the spear that penetrated the body of a single person.

But what good is it? The opponent is the progenitor of vampires.

No matter how hard it is, the seam is inevitably a structure in which power is concentrated. The seam was broken and the last joint of the spear fell off.

Patraxion, who had now finished his spear, cursed those who were not here.

“You bastard bastard… . I said The best weapon is just to be strong.”

“He would be embarrassed. It's not the weapon's fault that it broke.”

Tyr pulled out a single spear that had been embedded in his body. He had just pulled it out and there was not a drop of blood on the spear.

Instead, Tyr cut his arm with the tip of the spear and swung it wide with a drop of blood hanging from it.

Her blood doesn't try to leave her body, but when she gets hurt, she can control it for a while before it seeps into her body.

Shake the spear and spit out the blood. The red slashes ran out and spread radially.

Intuitively feeling threatened, Pataxion gripped the spear firmly and caught the exploding blood in his eyes.

'It's powerful. Avoid it or stop it!'

The judgment was instantaneous.

She backs away, shakes it off with anti-tank qigong, wields a spear to kill momentum, and blocks it by relying on armor. Even after receiving the pouring blood, the spear was unharmed.

'The movement is big, the momentum is fierce! Easy to understand! but… !'

However, can I say that I was safe with this? Did you run away from the street with a lot of energy consumed?

Feeling the tingling pain in his chest, Pataxion burst out laughing.

“haha. That's unreasonable. huh, really It feels like fighting a country.”

“You’re talking as if you’ve done it before.”

“that is… eri, yep. What are you proud of in front of that? Wrinkle in front of the pupa.”

Pataxion looked behind him with a squint.

Pataxion and the generals were like migratory birds that split the wind. When Patrak Sion pushed the front line against the ancestors, it was a plan to break through the sea created by his generals in darkness.

However, with this blow, Patraxion, as well as the generals, were pushed back. It doesn't matter what you've done so far.

“… Whoa. I feel the difference here. Even if you get stabbed, you won't die, even if you hit it, you won't move. Isn't that a scam?”

“I have lived for over a thousand years. If only one of you was stabbed to death, what else could be more useless than that?”

“Ah ha ha ha ha!”

Patraxion, who was laughing out loud, grabbed his stomach and bowed his head. The laughter that echoed inside her armor gradually ceased.

Is the intermittent trembling laughter or fear?

“ね. yes too It's fun, it's very fun… . I feel like my blood is boiling.”

However, Patraxion burned even more. Energy surged from his body again.

He, who had once dueled the kingdom, did not back down even against the father of the country itself. Instead, he scraped the spear blade of the double spear against the container next to it.

Kiggy geek. Sparks scatter from the window edge. The energy that formed on him burned fiercely with the sparks as flint.

Pataxion, who ignited his energy, swung his spear violently. A spear blade filled with flames drew letters in the air.

“A hundred times? a thousand times? Avoid them all, and match them all. Alone country? Ha, I've already done it once. A duel with the country.”

The spear took a deep breath and held out the blade of the spear to Tyr.

“It’s a duel. The founder Tirkanzaka. I will challenge you Only the winner is justice… don't even need Fight with me, let's compete for male and female!”

“The momentum will cover the land. One, it’s over-expressive.”

Against him, Tyr clenched his fists. His fingernails, digging into his palm, were stained red with the blood that flowed out.

“Human, your blood does not boil. Boiling blood is only possible if I, the owner of the blood, allow it.”

After he regained his heart, he rotted his head in the blood that was constantly trying to hide inside his body. However, Tyr is an expert with 1200 years of experience that no one can match when it comes to blood. He regained his dexterity in repeated battles.

Outside the body but close to the body, the inside of the nail, only there, can contain enough blood.

Tyr, realizing this, gave his nails a lot of blood and stretched them. The red glowing blood looked just like a flame.

It was at that time that Jerichang and Tyr were about to resume the battle once again.

“ha ha ha! Is it only like this!”

Wearing the armor, I dazzled Historia and restrained her by tying her arms with chains. Historia, who had fallen on the floor, placed her feet on her back and pulled out her card from the inside of the mask.

Clover 4, wave and shake, frequency wave.

Clover 5, a lot of air, hectopascals.

Both are only partially open. It creates sound. Creating a wind that amplifies my voice.

With the two cards rolled up and placed in my mouth, I called the meta-conveyor belt to leave.

“You captured the daughter of the military! Hey, military! Give me your daughter!”

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