“Weather, it is.”

Half a beat before the alarm went off, Avi instinctively opened her eyes. Ab, who got up at once, rolled back the soft blanket and got up, and turned it off before the alarm clock rang.

Waking up before the alarm goes off, something that only those who wake up on time for the rest of their lives can learn.

Abby has already reached that point.

“Good. I don't see any chaos.”

Even though I slept relatively late last night, my body was supremely refreshed. If he was exhausted and tired from injury and fatigue, it wouldn't be a problem for A.B. to fall asleep on time and wake up on time every day, such as a slight lack of sleep.

“… .”

Of course, to claim that she was able to maintain her condition was entirely due to her sincerity would be an act of ignoring the influence of the environment too much.

A cozy blanket, a warm room, and a dry yet refreshing smell as if dried in the sun. Washed and dried clothes and a kettle that is always boiling.

Everything in this room was wrapped around Abbie softly, and although she was not used to the unfamiliar comfort, she used to be buried in it when she came to her senses.

Abby looked around the room and looked at him sleeping on the sofa. He slept in the most comfortable position in the world and still seemed unwilling to wake up on his own.

“Wake up… .”

Abby, who was trying to wake him up, suddenly stopped her hand.

Last night, he disappeared somewhere and came back with a doctor. Thanks to this, Anna received appropriate treatment and was taken to her residence.

In addition, he had someone to take care of Anna, so Aby could sleep more comfortably.

He must have been busier than Abby was last night.

“… Get a good night’s sleep.”

Ab, who was about to touch his shoulder, pulled the blanket up to his shoulder instead. He licked his lips like a baby and tossed and turned. Seeing this, a gentle smile appeared on Abby's lips.

After all, Ab has a body that has something to do with it. You don't need to wake him up.

“I will go.”

Ab, who had changed into his uniform, put on his hat and left the room.

Is it because it's not yet time to go to work? The street where the sun did not rise was much quieter than yesterday. Ab, who got up early and left, walked the leisurely streets in uniform.

The target area is Area 10. Not a walking distance.

As I was heading to the main road to catch the carriage, Abbey's eyes saw the hallway-type residence I saw yesterday. The door that the two young men knocked over yesterday was wide open today.

I wonder if I woke up late today, when I was thinking about A.B.

in that door… Two young men who were knocking on the door walked out yesterday morning. They were very depressed and had a sad expression on their faces.

Those who have learned the magic of synchronization are those with excessive empathy. Abby's chest tightened for a moment. Her Ab instinctively stuck to her side and listened to her.

“Philip… Motherf*cker, if you're going, just tell me and go… . Somehow, he said that he had a chin, but… .”

The young man who came out first covered his face with his hands and muttered. Another young man following him cautiously asked.

“… What are you going to do? If you don't pay Philip, no, Philip's body goes to the incinerator.”

“… Damn, if you want to pretend you're having a funeral, you've got to put the crew together for a week. What are we eating in the meantime? I can't help it. It's my sale.”

I usually get angry to avoid guilt. The young man who threatened him without knowing who he was aimed at slowly moved away from the house. Another young man hurriedly followed after him.

When they left, only the wide-open door was standing there in a gloomy way. The dark inside seemed colder than yesterday, when it was tightly closed.

Abby couldn't take her eyes off the door until the chariot driver had the courage to urge her.

'Shelter'. It was a group that A.B. was also familiar with.

There were a lot of soldiers in the military, and there were so many veterans. Among them, there were many who had served since the days of the kingdom and were discharged due to injury or old age.

As former soldiers, their bodies were strong. He had money and was proud of destroying the kingdom, and it was easy to form a new group thanks to his experience in the organization.

The group, a shelter created by those who were discharged from the military, became a kind of vigilante group and a charity organization that protects and provides relief to orphans.

“… Please understand that we are unable to provide the official name. The main building is conducting a secret operation.”

Area 10. The shelter's headquarters, located on the border between the city center and the back alley.

Frontine, the former military commander and current shelter commander, answered with a twitching eyebrow.

“okay. In principle, yes. Even though I am the former director, I can’t ask active-duty officers to make a government official statement.”

“Positive. Also, because you are a former military person and a civilian at the same time, you have an obligation to cooperate with the main building. We ask for your sincere cooperation.”

The bodies of those who have learned qigong are stronger than those of ordinary people, but physical exhaustion due to aging is unavoidable. It was both a duty and a virtue to be discharged from the military if it was too old for even a high-ranking soldier to beat with all his might.

This was the case when Frontine, who had been a soldier since the days of the Old Kingdom, was discharged from the military.

Frontine said, narrowing her wrinkled eyes.

“her? Hey, Captain. Still, I said I was the chief. By the way, cooperation? her! It's not a lieutenant, but at most a consul level… . Where do you belong?”

“It is confidential. Also, we are not obligated to answer you by the rules.”

“her! Whatever you do, hide behind the confidentiality and regulations. If you are a soldier, you should act more proudly!”

“The main building is decent. Also, such remarks have nothing to do with the current situation.”

Even at Abby's words, Frontine snorted and muttered.

“Still, you know that I am scary, do you hide your affiliation? it would be Among the generals, there are only two guys I raised! Do you think anything happened to one captain's subject? If I say one word, you may have to end your military life as a captain!”

Although childish, it was quite a fatal threat to an officer who was thirsty for promotion.

However, this was not the case with Abby. The identity of the signalman is not revealed because it is a secret, and in the first place, A.B. was greedy for even surviving, let alone being promoted.

“question. Are you asking the main building to be treated with all the respect?”

When Abby asked the question without a single bit of agitation, Frontine, who was frowning, groaned in disbelief.

“… Hmmm. Not necessarily.”

“If you are not willing to cooperate, say so. After confirming that fact, the main building will come up with a different number.”

“When did I say I wasn't cooperating? I was just pointing out a stiff attitude!”

Of course, if you know a little about how the military is going, you will know that Frontine's threats are futile. Because the military is not a country that is relaxed enough to be treated as a courtesy.

Frontine coughed heavily, then asked with an even more displeased face.

“Yes, Captain. What are you curious about?”

“The main building is investigating a series of incidents taking place in the military's 10th division. Do you know anything about 'Shadow of the Army'?”

The old man made a strange expression. Now, the complicated feelings of whether he was interested or whether he was interested in such things were revealed.

“her. Are the authorities slowly starting to take an interest in the back alleys? Then why don't you bring the military police and overturn it? That would be for sure.”

The military is not interested. This is just AB's personal investigation.

However, A.B., a carrier, can directly transmit information he has. This is a privilege that only signal operators can have, so it was a privilege that should be used with caution.

Of course, I couldn't tell you this.

“It’s confidential.”

“her. it would be You wouldn't be able to tell a trash like me anything!”

As if claiming that snoring is a kind of laughter, Frontine's snoring was full of feelings of disappointment.

“Tell me. Captain, do you know what they call themselves Moore?”

“It is the shadow of the military.”

“great. So, where did they get their name from?”

A.B, who recalled the information in his head, responded late.

“The shadow of the kingdom, isn’t it?”

“Exactly. No, you were expecting it from the beginning.”

Frontine raised her eyes slightly and looked at Abby. A.B. nodded her head in affirmation.

She's a communications officer, a special forces unit that handles and remembers all kinds of information. I can't say it's confidential, but I can't help but know more than the former warden.

What I came to ask was just to confirm.

“You are right. The method is similar.”

The old veteran didn't hesitate to spare his time. Even though he knew it was information that A.B. already knew, he began to explain.

“In the past, there was an organization in the kingdom that called itself 'the shadow of the kingdom'. They're the hyenas who take care of the chauffeurs who are knights and help out. Murder, looting, intimidation… It was a sort of processing group that was in charge of that kind of work. It was notorious not only for the citizens but also for the soldiers.”

After the spear and the rebels overthrew the kingdom, naturally the shadow of the kingdom was also revealed above the water. It was only natural that the military government captured them, who were the evil of the old state.

“The head of that organization, ‘Bone Shadow’ Wolfen. After a long time of being imprisoned in Tantalus, he has returned… I am sure about that.”


Abby nodded heavily.

Wolfen Fenstein. In the past, the main shadow that led the shadow of the kingdom.

The darkest of the ugliest parts of the Old Kingdom.

He was imprisoned in the depths of Tantalus, but escaped after the last jailbreak and returned to his hometown.

As the capital of the old kingdom, a city profaned by burying it under concrete.

The most populated land in the military.

to Amittengrad.

“Instead of killing him, the military imprisoned him in Tantalus. tt, just kill me, why lock me up for nothing… .”

Abby knew the reason, and the information was not confidential. Abby said over and over again.

“As 'Bone Shadow', he inflicted a magical treatment on his heart. As soon as his heart stops, the 'half-shadows' from all over the military will all at once create a state of unrest. So instead of killing him, the military decided to just lock him up in Tantalus.”

Frontine's eyes widened at the information coming out.

“what. I know it well. Knowing everything, why did you come to ask me?”

“It’s confidential.”

“her. It's not cheap… . Do the fortress officers have no respect?”

Even in front of the old general, Abby was not at all intimidated or troubled. She just kept her principles and convictions.

Frontine's tongue twitched as if unsatisfied with his attitude.

“What is the true purpose of the shadow of the military?”

“What do you think it is?”

Abby closed her eyes for a moment and organized the information.

indiscriminate robbery. A move to attack even the officers of the military, and organized crime.

If you don't want to call the military police, they're outlaws who only do things they should never do.

So the purpose appears. Abby replied.

“Calling the military police. I think that is the purpose in itself.”

“… I have a cane, and I have a head. No manners… ? A true soldier was born, but a true soldier was born.”

Frontine nodded his head in a sarcastic way.

“That’s right. They're going to induce the military police to come and clean the back alley! Otherwise, there is no explanation.”

“question. One, why do they call the military police? The military police won't let them pass by pretending they didn't see it.”

“I know Nanda. I wonder if there is any connection with a high-ranking military officer. Anyway, it's clear they're planning a cleanup. The level of crime is increasing day by day. If we go on like this, it looks like we're going to attack an officer somewhere.”

Abby also agreed. Because no one else and she actually almost got it.

“agree. The main building was also attacked.”

“You were attacked? you?”

Frontine opened her eyes and fiddled with something in her hand as if anxiously.

Abby only then realized that the object Frontine was holding was a small cross.

“Then it looks like we are almost ready. Oh my, already… . Hope you get there… .”

Frontine, who was very nervous, changed his complexion and spoke with a low posture.

“Captain. I have some request.”

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