I strode down the street. It was just a little off the road, but a dark and complicated street appeared as if early evening had arrived.

The windows are piled up in a toy-like building made by pouring concrete and pouring more. A scruffy face was occasionally revealed through the window, then quickly disappeared when our eyes met.

A line that you do not know whether it is a clothesline or something is moving between buildings like a spider's web. It's like a shoe before the laces are pulled. If someone pulled that string to either side, it seemed that the poor building would lean and tighten.

Shouts are heard in some houses. A person who is annoyed by the noise continues to cry, and the other person responds to the sound. It's like an echo that doesn't stop, just to grow bigger and bigger on the wall. and then.


When someone rang the alarm clock, everyone crouched down in fear.

The waking bell silenced all other sounds.

Ah, nice to meet you. this chaos.

Even louder than that, the noise and screams from my mind reading.

Coming to a place with a lot of people makes me feel a little bit better.

“This is District 15. It is an abandoned land from the military, with only administrative districts and no other facilities.”

in the midst of that commotion. Me and the captain were walking casually. At the sight of the stranger, people glanced at this side, and when they saw the captain's uniform, they fled or hid themselves.

He said to the captain, who trembled little by little.

“Captain Beep. What should I do with the uniform? Everyone is afraid just looking at their clothes… I hate it.”

“… Fear and hatred are not illegal.”

“haha. It could be, but wouldn't it be better to reduce unnecessary friction?”

I went through the crowd and entered the street that could be called the busiest area in this 15th district.

Thousands of people were trying to exchange for goods with twisted coins and torn alchemy coins.

It was not originally a commercial building. It was a market street that naturally emerged as a result of an accidental trigger when the outer wall of the first floor collapsed and people started business on the exposed wall.

A little dark alley there. I led the captain there. The captain followed me without a single doubt.

what. Isn't that too naive?

“But shouldn’t we be a little more careful? Is it okay to follow me all the way down to an alley like this?”

The captain asked curiously.

“The main building is the captain of the military. Would there be any criminals who risked a summary judgment and attacked the captain of the military?”

Summary disposition, that sounds terrifying.

If you're a captain, you're right, but that's it.

“Not usually. But be careful.”

I smiled, grabbing the wrist of the child who just passed me by, and walked over to me.

Woodang Tang. The child fell ridiculously. I whispered as I whistled and broke the boy's arm as he was about to get up.

“Little boy.”

“Ah! Let go!”

“Your brain is worse than your hand habit. Didn't you learn not to touch people in uniform? If you've learned it, you shouldn't even touch the person next to you. Idiot?”

“What am I! I did nothing!”

A child who continues to use evil without admitting it. People are flocking to see this side.

uh huh I know how to draw attention. I smiled and said to the child.

“I didn’t learn. Then you wouldn't be on the 'shelter' side. It's not a 'family' because I don't have ears. Aha. Is it a market?”

“Oh no!”

“Does Manager Clean teach you that way? I should give you a warning.”

As soon as the name of the head of his organization was mentioned, the child's face turned to fear. The clever child changed his attitude like a flip-flop and knelt down on his knees.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I'm hungry. Please forgive me.”

'Shit! Did you know the store manager? It's a big deal. First I have to pray for the palms to wear out! Still, I'm a child, so I'll take care of you!'

No matter what the military is, children are not punished. They are only taken to an orphanage.

Are all children who commit wrongdoings orphans? It seems that the military's view of education is clearly exposed. Still, it's better than a laborer.

“Okay, I’ll give it back. here… .”

The child politely held out what he stole from me. But he was startled when he saw the identity of the object in his hand.

Voila, this one.

“What are you going to give me back? Twisted handkerchiefs? You bastard, where are you hiding my wallet and trying to get over this!”


The child looked at me and took turns looking at the twisted handkerchief under his hand, bewildered.

“Gee, it was my wallet… .”

“Are you kidding me? I just watched you take your wallet out of my pocket a little while ago!”

I immediately grabbed the child by the collar, and the child turned into a frightened face.

“Aren’t you going to give it to me right now?”

“Gee, it’s real!”

“Where are you talking loud? I can't. I will drag you like this and attack the main store of the market. I'll have to put your face in front of Krynn and ask. Oh, I'll have to take the soldier next to me too. That way, Kreen will feel a sense of crisis.”

“I, please! That’s it!”

“Kyahaha. where! Look at the confusion! A child like you should be beaten very simply!”

The captain who stood behind me, who smiled wickedly, tapped my shoulder. When I turned my head, the captain said, pointing to my pocket.

“… You. What do you have in your pocket right now?”

“This one? My wallet.”

“Why is it there?”

a natural question.

“It’s my wallet, so it’s in my pocket. Then where are you?”

“Didn’t you say you watched it come out of your pocket?”

“Obviously, it was a lie I said to get this little guy in trouble. Do you think I'm going to be pickpocketed by my nose-covered hands?”

Now that he realized that he had suffered, the little boy spat out and shook my hand away.

“Shit! I got a bad luck!”

where did you learn Are you really going to go check it out?

The little boy hurriedly ran down the street and started running away. I immediately cried.

“oh! Pickpockets run away! Captain, what are you doing? Hurry up!”

“… denial. The main building is not a military police station, nor is it. In fact, that boy didn't steal anything, so it's hard to charge.”

“Ew. It was a chance to fix that little boy's ponytail.”

After a while, the crowd of people had disappeared. When the child runs away, he deliberately avoids his gaze. Anyway, it seems like he was afraid of being photographed by the captain.

I grunted and threw the wallet out of the boy's pocket high and grabbed it. The captain, who was about to walk, suddenly stopped and asked.

“… What is it?”

“That kid’s wallet.”

“Why is it in your hand?”

“Did you pickpocket?”

How dare you pickpocket in front of me. It's not hard I have to give him harsh lessons as a pickpocket senior.

“Anyway, you look the most dangerous on this street.”

“yes? what sound I am harmless Like a non-venomous snake!”

The little boy's wallet was empty. After all, wallet packets are pretty popular these days, and nobody gets pickpocketed.

Still, don't make it my loot. I put the little guy's wallet in my pocket and gave my advice.

“Anyway, look. You just saw the captain in uniform, and you aimed at my wallet, right? This is a place where a lot of crime takes place.”

“Pickpocketing is a crime, but the sentence is not that high. You can compensate 50 times the loss, or pay it back by working hard.”

“Right. It's a misdemeanor. However, such misdemeanor crimes are common here. Especially since it is lightweight.”

This is an area ruled by a strange logic of security.

No matter how half-abandoned, even in a place where people don't know when people die, it's impossible for a pleasure killer who can kill people to their heart's content to roam the streets. This is because the military police will come to you if you make a mistake, capture all of them and put them into labor.

let's not forget this is a military

The existence of darkness that rules the back alleys? There could be no such thing. If such an existence enters the borders of the military, the general overturns this area.

What if something stronger than the general appears? Then the army, including the 6th general, will make a huge mess. I haven't done that yet, though.

A land where the strong and the weak are clearly separated. A ruler behind the scenes cannot be born here. I don't know if I'm on the dark side of the country. This dirty back alley… A wild where the weak worthy of it reincarnate.

“This is a paradise for thugs. Unusual circumstances will happen. There… If you're in a captain's uniform, you can be a target for some really dangerous guys hidden among the thugs. So.”

Turn the corner and you'll see a staircase leading straight down. I led the captain there. The captain walked down the dark stairs.

I said as I opened the old-fashioned door at the end of the stairs leading to the basement.

“Let’s change clothes.”

As I entered the door, I was greeted by a warm and cozy scent. The aroma of black tea from the boiling kettle rises.

A variety of rolled up fabrics filled the room.

After the packet was commercialized, it was a new alchemy fabric that overtook all other fabrics.

There, an elderly man in a well-groomed suit looked at the customer through his monocle.

“Guest… Oh, it was Hughes. Did you come?”

She has a skinny body, but because of that, her clothes are more revealing. It was as if she was keeping her skinny body to make her clothes stand out.

I also greeted him face to face.

“It’s been a while, Smen.”

“It’s been a long time. fufu. Is this old man too old? It still feels like yesterday when I was making clothes for Hughes.”

Smen poured the tea into a glass and set it down elegantly on the table. I sat down like I was at home, sipping my tea. The captain sat right across from me.

Smen also put the tea down in front of the captain.

“Eat it. This old man brews a cup of tea just fine. It’s one of the few talents.”

“Can, accept.”

What if there was a prom in the old kingdom days? It will probably be similar. Because Smen was one of the people who led the ball at that time.

The captain, swept away by the atmosphere, timidly sips the tea. As if he liked him, his eyes lit up and he wet his tongue.

I said leaning back against the back of the chair.

“I came back from a trip. Just give me a pair of clothes.”

“If only one pair. What about the clothes of this beautiful lady here?”


The captain, who was saving tea, immediately waved his hand.

“refuse. As a member of the military, the main building cannot receive any monetary compensation from you.”

but anyway. I glanced at the captain and discussed it with Smen.

“I’ll leave the color to you. In an atmosphere as free as possible.”

“It was roughly set. However, you cannot ignore the customer's preference. Come on, lady. Do you have any favorite colors?”

“refuse! I'll do it! That's a bribe! Bribery is a felony, punishing both the giver and the giver with servitude!”

Hey, that's savvy.

“Captain Beep.”

'I appreciate not calling the name of the main building, but if the name of Captain Pi is hardened, it might have a negative effect on the dignity of the captain… .'

“… Please tell me.”

“You think I’m trying to bribe Captain Pi to look good?”

bang. I shouted at the captain, who deliberately smashed the desk so that the tea did not spill.

“Captain Beep. Are you kidding me now? You want to be with me for a week!”

“Wealth, denial… then… I didn't say it.”

“Anyway, whether you want to enjoy a short vacation or just try to spy on me! It's impossible to work in that outfit!”

I pointed to the captain's stiff uniform. Uniforms that had to be washed once every three days must have been worn for a long time, but they were still clean.

“You should at least try to dress up and disguise yourself!”

“… No, you mean effort.”

“okay! Whether you're on vacation or spying! Wearing a uniform will do great! They advertise everywhere that a captain on a secret mission is here! Can I do it? World, look! Captain Pi was here-!”


'The main building is a communicator… There's nothing good about being out on the water!'

great. almost passed I shouted more confidently, like a wedge.

“If you don’t want to be found out, you should wear casual clothes!”

“Ha, but the main building is a soldier of the military. If you don't wear a uniform.”

“It's allowed during covert operations!”

“👌👌 Ha, but the main building already has everyday clothes.”

“Is a shirt everyday wear? Smen. Does this make sense? Looking at the shirt he wears when he sleeps, he says it’s everyday clothes!”

Smen shook his head and let out a sigh.

“Huh. That's absurd. Clothes have a clear purpose, how can you buy a single piece of clothing? It's an insult to clothes and abuse. If the clothes had hands and feet, they would have stood up right away.”

“Did you hear that? Semen here is a master at making clothes who worked as a tailor in the past in the kingdom. Although slightly pushed out of the mainstream after the development of the garment packet, he is determined to learn packet technology and is an expert with the times! Are you going to ignore even his advice?”

The captain could no longer say no and only shook his head.

“ruler. Then wear everyday clothes! I see?”

“… Accept.”

In the end, the captain accepted my persuasion and went into the fitting room after receiving the packet Smen had handed him.

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