“teacher. There is a problem.”

The immortal man took a bottle of alcohol and asked me for advice. He poured alcohol into a glass even though he didn’t order it, and he said heavily as if he was carrying the weight of life alone.


“Didn’t you say you were going to get out of this place on the next sunny day?”

“It was.”

“Hmm. What will you do when you go out?”

Suddenly life advice?

Nothing has been decided It’s something I have to live with, so I don’t have time to think about it until after I escape.

I responded without thinking.

“For now, I will go back to where I was.”

“You mean the military? They say there is no tolerance for criminals. Can you come back?”

“The military has no tolerance even if it doesn’t commit any crimes.”

“hahaha! That’s right! I know it well!”

“And I used to be a criminal. So, there is nothing to say.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that either!”

The immortal, who smiled wildly, drank a glass of wine and took out the business.

“teacher. But I have a question. Callis said he can’t return to the military anymore.”

“Perhaps it is.”

“Why can’t people as tall as a lieutenant colonel return to their own country?”

“You belonged to a secret society. The secret society won’t keep her alive who betrayed them. You will be assassinated as soon as you return.”

“Hmm! Won’t the military also protect her, a precious officer?”

“Do you know what the easiest way for the Secret Society to assassinate you? You can report that the lieutenant colonel moved under orders from a secret society other than the military. Then you will be arrested and sentenced to death.”

Level 3 citizens, these are not worth replacing.

But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. The military government prioritizes the protection of the system above all else, and brutally purges those who oppose it.

The military is something that even 4th-level citizens can decisively strike against if they go against their will… .

Of course, once you reach level 4, there is no reason to oppose the will of the military government.

“It’s so tight! As I always feel, the military has too strict standards!”

When I was assured that I would die if I returned to the military, the determined immortal told me.

“Then I can’t help it! Even if it was hardship, it would be better than death. Now that this is the case, I will have to take her with me when I leave the military.”

“Are you leaving the military?”

“I guess so. Or she will die without me knowing. I will no longer be welcome.”

“More? Wasn’t Mr. Rash not very welcome from the start?”

“hahaha! You’re stabbing a sore spot! How did you know?”

“Because the military doesn’t really like being outside of the norm. Except in war.”

“hahaha. The military is also a very consistent country.”

The undead murmured bitterly. His sigh was accompanied by the strong smell of alcohol and deep regret.

The wine supplied by the returning person is a precious Cheonlahyangju that is said to be drunk with a clear mind. It is a legendary drink that the prime ministers of the old empire drank when they wanted to get drunk during heavy duty.

I can’t get you out of this place. I also drank a glass of wine in front of me.

The alcohol that runs down the esophagus burns in the depths. The clear incense remaining after burning in the body seems to permeate the whole body.

“Big. kill. This is alcohol.”

After all, a luxury item that was chosen by the returnee. I poured out all the liquid in the glass without breaking it a little.

Tak, put it down on the table, and the immortal nodded eagerly.

“You should thank the boy! It’s different from the strong and bitter beer of the military!”

“Don’t compare it to that kind of miscellaneous drink. It is an abomination that uses water compression technology in addition to miscellaneous beer to increase distribution and transportation efficiency.”

I still don’t understand why what’s called a craft beer is a level 2 luxury. Luxurious is what you put on when you feel luxurious.

“Why is such a terrible liquid a luxury, you can’t tell if it’s beer unless you mix it with water or someone hit the head hard while eating barley porridge? This is the peril of efficiency. Not all results are the same.”

“ha ha ha! What a fun expression! I was surprised too. How did we end up in a country where we can’t even drink one drink at will!”

The story went back and forth along with the gossip and goblet.

Those who do not have memories to share tend to confirm each other’s friendship by swearing at the same thing at a drinking party. Like a resident of a military back alley, I sharply cut the military, and the immortals agreed with me, but kept showing regrets about the military.

I asked.

“How did you feel after you came to this country?”

“I am not fond of it. It’s a pity that I didn’t feel good about it.”

“If you don’t like it, you can just leave.”

“That is unfortunate. Even if I leave the military, I don’t think I will miss the military very much.”

What are you talking about. natural words. Even those who live in the military right now, no one will miss the military.

The immortal murmured, pouring a glass full of alcohol.

“I thought the military was a great country. The military built cities, built dams and paved roads. He even made the land flow like a river and connected the whole country.”

“It is one of the few achievements of the military.”

“On the other hand, our clan only rejoiced in planting large beans made by the military. Those who don’t die, maybe that’s why there’s not even a single point of fierceness. I always admired the army that was trying to build something.”

the glass smashed The immortal drank the glass and leaned his back against the backrest. His gaze turned a little further away.

“Since childhood, our tribe has grown up drinking muddy water and eating muddy grains and meat. Then, on the day of the coming-of-age ceremony, do you drive the energy accumulated in your body to a certain corner? Then, cut off the part closest to the soil and offer it to the Mother Earth Mother.”

The immortals who spoke of their tribe’s traditions felt a bit of remorse and longing. He said fiddling with his right arm.

“So, we give a part of our body and bury it in the ground, and we get a new body. My right arm is that, the god of sacrifice.”

You said that your right arm was running wildly, you must have done something strange.

It’s true that humans do crazy things casually.

“I had to get immortality thanks to you, but… . Is it because of that? we’ve stagnated The military is building a country of iron, but at best the beans we plant are slightly different. I came to see the military because I was tired of the sights that were no different from when I was a child. By the way.”

The undead looked around once. The color of concrete, which seemed to symbolize the military power, filled his eyes.

“I don’t know. When I think of our tribe, I feel resentment and longing. In this country… I don’t feel any excitement.”

“If you were imprisoned and left unattended with your whole body torn, it could be.”

“hahaha. no. I don’t care about small things like that.”

how trivial is that

Laughing from the point of view of an immortal, he spilled all the remaining alcohol into the glass.

“It seems like it won’t get any better if I’ve been here longer. I can’t stay any longer because I’ve sinned. I’ve seen everything I’ve seen, so I’ll have to leave.”

And drank it in one breath, he made a definite decision.

“I will cross the border and go to the godmother. I’ll try to invite Callis to come along, but I don’t know if he’ll respond.”

Of course I will. Maybe that’s what he was talking about in the first place.

The immortal rose from his seat. He continued walking, even though his face was slightly red. He was amazed at his appearance.

“It’s because it’s a delicious drink! Even though I drank this much, I just got drunk and I’m so smart!”

“It’s a clear drink, Cheonlahyangju. A drink that only makes you feel better and doesn’t hurt your body.”

“There are all kinds of alcohol in the world!”

“You didn’t even know what kind of alcohol it was and asked you to drink it?”

“What do I know! I brought it out because Callis asked me to drink it!”

Eh. Callis?

But why did you bring it to me? Where do I remember to read it?

From a rough memory read, it seems that Callis played the female lead of the tragic story. He said that he had nowhere to go and said he wanted to drink because it was complicated, with a faint expression on his face. as possible.

The Undead accepted the offer and took the drink with him.

“But when I took it out, I realized that Calis was not a wounded man who couldn’t even walk! I stole the glass before I drank it! Huh, that must have been a disaster!”

He stumbled and stumbled by his own schemes. After recovering to the point of secretly skipping food at night, who pretends to be so sick?

However, there is one problem.

“… Did you bring it to me as it is?”

“I took the lid off, so there is nothing I can do about it. You must drink!”

“Why was it me?”

“I can’t give it to a little boy or a blood demon who can’t even taste it! It’s the same with the beast girls, there’s only one teacher as an extinction method! There was something I wanted to ask the teacher!”

If you do, I’ll get the grudge from Callis.

Ego, that’s why the person who brought alcohol should read it from memory. It’s been a while since I’ve been there, so I think my boundaries have loosened a bit.

It doesn’t matter as it’s not with bad intentions, but there’s also the wish of Kalis.

I sighed and pointed my finger at the cupboard.

“Mr Rash. There’s a medicine in the cupboard over there. It is a drink full of fire, but it is a medicine that defeats all kinds of unclean energy and heals the body.”

“Five! Do you have any such strange drinks?”

“yes. Then the patient will be able to drink it.”

“Tell me a little bit earlier! Couldn’t have gotten better sooner!”

Without knowing that he was already healed, the immortal man quickly approached and took out the medicinal liquor. He grabbed another glass and left with a few pieces of meat as snacks.

“Then I will go!”

I waved my hand to see him off.

Realize the cruelty of civilization, savage. you are already in the trap

Anyway, after I got out of here.

Hmm. I never thought about it.

I’ll have to go back to the back alleys of Amittengrad and get my hidden possessions and stuff.

After that, I don’t know.

There is nothing more meaningless than a grand future plan. Because the future is unpredictable. It is absurd that even a person who has been around for a long time in an isolated abyss can predict the flow of the world.

You have to go out and find information, and do your best every now and then based on it.

To avoid danger and survive.

I must have drank in moderation. Feeling better, I went out to the yard to play with Aji. I took a piece of chicken as a small amount.

Then I saw a strange sight.

“Nya-! Stand still-!”

The darkness beyond the space illuminated by the daytime lights.

There, a butterfly was running, chasing a zigzag escaping round light.

“Nya-! Are you pretty fast? But I can’t keep up with Nya’s speed… ? what?”

I wanted to run for something in the dark where I couldn’t see well, but a butterfly landed on the light of a searchlight. He let out a triumphant cry and touched the light with his front paws.

However, the intangible light leaked through the claws and then crawled across the ground and ran away. Then the butterfly, which was full of medicine, ran after the light.

“what! what! You’re pretty quick!”

“Woof woof!”

“Nyaa! You stupid dog! Are you a bikini!”

This time Aji appeared and stepped on the round light. Of course, while Aji couldn’t catch the light and passed it, the round light fled again in a zigzag pattern.

That’s weird. Searchlights are supposed to chase objects. Why are you avoiding butterflies and chicks?

I turned my head to do something.

Above the searchlights on the outer walls of the prison. The returner stood there lightly, moving the light.

The returner is playing with Aji and Nabi himself. Also play like this.

“The sun rises in the west.”

He said he couldn’t treat him like an animal because he was human. Have you finally changed your mind?

The regressor, who had been absorbed in moving the light for a long time, met my gaze and panicked.

“Ah, ah. This.”

“What are you playing with?”

“No, that’s it.”

‘The butterfly is chasing the searchlight alone, but the light doesn’t move… .’

Searchlights were made to chase fugitives. Instead of running away from the butterfly, it tries to catch up with it. Even if a butterfly points on the light, the light does not move.

So, after a certain moment, the butterfly will come back tired of the light that only shines on it. Prey that doesn’t run away isn’t fun.

“So, you felt sorry for the disappointment, so you moved the light yourself? So did Aji play together?”

“Do not misunderstand! I just, I don’t think it’s okay to smoke magic candles every day, so I just!”

A returnee who excuses himself as if he had committed a sin.

Who says what? what am i misunderstanding

“Say, good job.”


“Hey. I’ve finally gotten the hang of it. Yes. When you raise an animal, you have to think about taking care of it together. How hard it was to take care of me with poison ivy every day… . Whoa. I am so moved that I am almost in tears.”

“You are lying. My eyes are all dry.”

“That’s what it means.”

The regressor smiled and manipulated the direction of the light. The searchlight was moved so that the butterfly and the young man could not easily catch it, and then suddenly spit it out.

“The canned food you gave me. You write well.”

“A snack?”

“okay. liked it I thought you would hate it because it was just fishy and had no taste… .”

“Why are you eating it?”

“I just tasted it! Whether it’s the king of beasts or whatever, the body is a human being! I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat it!”

“It wasn’t made for human consumption, but it’s dishonest because it’s eaten. The only people who eat human food well are those who eat dog food. It’s strange to try to eat human food in the first place.”

It was when we were having a normal conversation like that.


At the same time as the ground vibrated, the searchlight suddenly began to move freely.

The returner had already let go of the searchlight. With her eyes wide open, she looked in the direction the sound had come from a moment ago.

The searchlight detected a new intruder and followed the trail. The scattered light moves in a straight line and converges to one place.

And at the point where the lines intersect, at the end.

A man was standing.

It was a tall woman with apricot-colored skin.

Black hair tied in a single strand ran down the back. Earrings in the shape of a human doll fluttered in their ears. Tightly taut muscles can be seen under the body, which is dressed in puffy clothes that can be worn as a prostitute. Five bracelets fluttered a beat late.

“bruise! Dangerous!”

“Nyay! Nya comes first!”

Just then, the king of the two beasts who pursued the light arrived. When Aji realized that there were humans, she twisted her direction, but the butterfly, who was not absorbed in her play, ran towards her at the same speed it was running.

swinging front paws. There is only one human on that trajectory. The assault of the king of beasts is an attack that is like a disaster for humans.



The butterfly’s front paws were blocked by her arms.

By spreading her legs wide and raising her arms, she withstood the blow of the butterfly.

No, can I say that I endured this?

If a cat scratches its claws on a giant tree, did the old tree withstand the attack?

I wouldn’t say that. In the first place, a giant tree wouldn’t be broken by a cat’s claw. It was just there and the cat came and scratched it.

In that sense, she was like a giant tree.

That wasn’t the end.

Aji should have lost her balance and rolled on the ground to avoid a human that appeared suddenly.

However, Aji was now held by her side.

“Woof woof?”

When the hanging boy is puzzled.

“King of dogs, king of cats. Well, it looks like you’ve come to the right place. Mother Mother Goddess, I thank you. Thanks to your grace, I have found a way through this hell.”

A gentle prayer was heard.

neither butterfly nor ahji. He became quiet while being caught in that strong body. Having won the king of the two beasts alone, even with pure physical ability, it was a truly absurd feat.

The returner widened his eyes.

‘Why are you here already? It must have been a long time later!’

As Aji struggled, caught in her armpits, she carefully put her down. Aji jumped and spun around her.

“bruise! Hi! nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you, King of Dogs. To the representatives of existence, those who follow Mother Mother will greet you.”

She nodded in front of Aji, and Aji followed her and shook her head.

“King of cats… .”

But the vigilant butterfly was running away and staring at the stranger. She looked at the butterfly and smiled a little, then turned her gaze to the prison.

Oh, we met eyes. She looked over here and cried.

“I am no stranger to passing by!”

And the footsteps that follow.


That small but gigantic gesture announcing his arrival shook the whole of Tantalus.

“This meeting was also led by Mother Goddess. I hope Gilson will be treated one day!”

Onnuri is in the arms of Mother Goddess, and as long as they set their feet on each other, they are all connected.

The master will not hesitate to give his hands, and his hands should be as diligent as his master’s hands and feet.

A devout member of Mother Goddess brought out the old rules.

But, in the first place.

In this place where all flow with the world has been cut off, if they come to the abyss, their hell.

Of course, I am not an ordinary believer.

Fortunately, before I read the memory of that jimoshinto. A thought came from the returner.

‘The agent of Mother Goddess. Jiseon!’

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