Omnipresent God of War Chapter 879


Chapter 879 Introduction

"Success?" Wei He was taken aback.

"Not bad." At the beginning confirmed. "In fact, we were too successful, so we also had excessive greed."

He paused, with a trace of reminiscence and regret in his eyes.

"When a person can master the time changes of everything around him, he doesn't have to worry about consumption. In addition to that, we have nearly infinite energy.

Then what he wants to do most What is it?"

Wei He thought for a while. "Let yourself evolve infinitely!?"

"Yeah." Nodded at the beginning. "When you only need a seed and a certain amount of consumption, you can get the fruit in an instant. When you only need a single thought, some energy, you can speed up the evolution. That feeling is like omnipotent"

"So, we fell. We kept going, going, going. A hundred thousand years, a million years, tens of millions, and even billions of years would be meaningless to us.

We were obsessed with chasing the end of evolution, trying to find a more perfect ultimate evolution."

"And then."

"And then we saw this." Pro Hajime looked towards The Gate of Silence.

"We have exhausted all the time of life. Only then did I realize that life itself also has lifespan. Whether it is flesh and blood, or soul."

"You mean the whole concept of life also has a lifespan?" Wei He clear comprehension came over.

"Yes. From the very beginning of life to the end, from the very beginning is a certain number. It will never cease to exist, and it will eventually go out. At the end of life, we see the infinite silence."

At the beginning, there was a hint of sadness.

"The concept of life, like other concepts, was hatched here.

So nature has a similar lifespan like other concepts."

Wei He digested the news quietly.

at first But now it seems that the harvest has exceeded his expectations.

"So, you are guarding here, in fact, to suppress the gate of silence?"

"That's right." Nodded at the beginning, "The evil we created by ourselves, naturally We can only bear it ourselves. We try to go out of the evolutionary extreme of life, but we completely exhaust our life.”

“That is to say, the door of silence is the last hidden trouble?” Wei He grabbed focus.

"There are still 110,000 years." Lin Shi calmly said. "Our strength can be suppressed for so long in the end."

Wei He's eyes fell on the golden round door and looked at it carefully for a long time.

"Thank you very much for explaining so much to me." His face suddenly showed a sincere look.

"I wonder if I can get close to the Gate of Silence? I'm curious about the lifespan of life, the ultimate future."

"Anything other than us, Approaching, it will destroy the balance inside the Gate of Silence. Therefore, there is no way." Lin Shi rejected Wei He's request.

"Really?" Wei He's face returned to calm, "What a pity."

"What a pity?" Lin Shi asked in confusion.

"Unfortunately." Wei He smiled, "You almost convinced me"

He extended the hand with a gesture.

"Really, it's almost."

"You don't believe it??" Lin Shi was stunned.

“Thank you.” Wei He took a step back. "What I want, I have already got it. So, let's say goodbye."

"Wait, you.!" Lingshi didn't understand what Wei He meant at all.

Soon, he saw Wei He retreating rapidly, moved towards the distance, and disappeared in the Ninth Layer in a blink of an eye.

Leaving Lin Shi's eyes flashing with surprise.

His stunned expression slowly returned to indifference.

Looking at the direction Wei He left, Lin Shi thought for a long time before closing his eyes and returning to silence.




Star Abyss Frontier.

The three major river systems where the three Great Empires of mankind are located, plus the discrete river system of Jiudu, a total of four river systems, sent troops at the same time.

Looking from a distance, the four rotating galaxies flew out of countless huge fleets painted with crimson.

Among the fleets, there are countless Divine Beasts hovering and flying, occasionally chirping.

Hundreds of thousands of fleets with a number of hundreds of millions, sandwiched with hundreds of free War Stars, as well as hundreds of black hole-level strategic weapons, thousands of stellar weapons, and tens of thousands of celestial weapons. One after another, grandiose, moved towards the direction of Xingyuan and invaded away.

The commander-in-chief of the Recovery Society, Yuesai, stands at the top of the central commander War Star, overlooking the bloody abyss.

The entrance to one after another beast tide that opens from time to time around Xingyuan.

As soon as these entrances appeared, they were bombarded by the huge human fleet.

"This is the most powerful force after the unification of mankind!" Yue Sai exclaimed, blood surging in the center of his chest.

Gather the power of all human beings, attack Xingyuan in an all-round way, and completely solve this parasitic tumor on human beings.

This was his biggest dream ever.

And now, it's about to become a reality

One after another blood streamer is constantly pouring out of the Xingyuan river system, which is the beast wave sent by the local lord of Xingyuan.

But no matter what kind of beast tide, they were all concentrated by countless strategic weapons and exploded in an instant.

Even a group of crimson terrifying people were blasted as soon as they flew out, and they couldn't escape at all.

"It has been determined. The specific orientation of the Garden of Life is in the galaxy at the core of the Xingyuan. It needs to be nearby to calculate the coordinates." The Vermilion Bird Star Monarch on the side said sharply.

"Where's the president?"

"Should have arrived. Just didn't show up." Vermilion Bird replied.

"Then keep going step by step until you reach the destination." Said Solemnly.


After the huge Legions converged, they moved towards the interior of Xingyuan.

After being blessed by Wei He's flesh and blood, human beings are no longer afraid of Xingyuan pollution.

Each of them can be regarded as a half-child of Wei He, and has a very high resistance to the pollution of Xingyuan's chaotic will.

In addition, there are many Star Monarchs that master the stellar level.

In the Divine Court established by Wei He, the upper and lower limits of the Star Monarch are extremely large. In theory, as long as it can perfectly achieve the power of destroying a star by itself, it can become a Star Monarch.

In this range, the Supreme Sun Star, who can reach the monarch level, and the ordinary dark red terror level, can be counted.

The huge combined fleet is like a huge red mouthpart, slowly gnawing along the Xingyuan periphery.

Because of Wei He's flesh and blood, each of them devoured Xingyuan's chaotic will.

Feeding on Xingyuan is the core of Wei He's real solution to Xingyuan.

He completely destroyed Xingyuan, not only for eternal peace, but also for the sake of all recovery.

There are too many dangers in countless universes. To create eternal peace, you must be strong enough.

Above the countless fleets, Wei He floats quietly in the dark space, no one can notice.

He uses the form of illusory shadow dragon at this time, as long as he doesn't want to be seen, then no one can find him.

"Since all hidden dangers have to be completely eliminated, then the other underground rat should also be completely solved."

He slowly extended the hand and turned it up sharply.

oh la la

His hands actually started to flatten. like a piece of paper. Even thinner than paper.

Immediately after, this strange state began to spread from the arms and along the body.

In less than two seconds, Wei He's whole body became completely flat.

"No? This dimension." He closed his eyes to perceive, showing a hint of disappointment.


pu! !

In an instant, Wei He's whole body shrank, became thinner, and turned into a line.

A black red with a strange golden line.

". Found it. Sure enough it's here."

Wei He's voice paused, and the lines disappeared instantly, disappearing into the void of the universe.

What is the field of view of the line?

Wei He never imagined it before, but this time, he used the power of illusory shadow dragon to directly cross the dimension and enter the two-dimensional world.

That is a world universe composed of countless lines.

There is no up and down here, only four directions. It was pitch black all around. Everything is line segments of different lengths, just with different colors and glosses on the line segments.

When you encounter everything, you can't jump over it, you can only go around it.

Such a universe is actually very small.

Wei He just radiates psionic energy, his psychic energy seems to be extremely magnified, and in the blink of an eye, it covers the entire river system.

Soon, he found what he was looking for.

In an unremarkable yellow planet star nucleus in an unnamed system of the Eastern Pole League.

A piece of copper-colored metal plate that has been buried for countless years, and lines of different colors are coming together.

Psionics are constantly communicating and discussing topics about humanity.

This is the Legendary party.

"The general trend of the recovery meeting has become where we are going, and it is time to make a final decision." The thickest and whitest line asked with psychic energy.

"Human, do you really see no hope?" Another line segment between yellow and red, said pessimistically.

"Ancient God rules everything, even Xingyuan can't resist much. As far as I know, Xingyuan itself has more than half of the black flame lords, all of them have joined the revival. Some of them even became Ancient God Star Monarch ."

"Unstoppable, irresistible, the only way now is"


Suddenly a black and red glowing golden The line of light rushed in from the periphery of the metal plate.

"Not good!! Something came in!?"

"This aura. Could it be.!?"

"It's a resuscitation meeting!! What Possibly!? How could the power of Ancient God invade this dimension!?"

A group of line segments froze instantly and fell into a dead silence.

The line segments of all colors turned their heads, looking towards Wei He who rushed in.

The black and red line segment transformed by Wei He twisted his head.

"It's no wonder that no one has found you for so many years. It's really hard to find across two dimensions."

"It's the president of the Recovery Society!! Escape!!"


with a scream.

A swarm of line segments lose one's head out of fear , fleeing in all directions. Like a burst of thread.

But it's too late

Wei He's body flickered, and suddenly there were countless lines of densely packed.

A large number of lines make up the surface, and the entire metal plate is stained and submerged in an instant.

All the other lines of Legendary are dyed instantly, captured, and frozen in place, impossible to move even a little bit.

Soon, all the black red faded, condensed into a drop of ink, and penetrated from the surface of the metal plate.

The ink turned into water droplets and swelled suddenly, became bigger, and in the blink of an eye it turned into an illusory shadow dragon shape, penetrated the earth's crust, rushed out of the planet, and disappeared in the Boundless Starry Sky.

(end of this chapter)

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