Omnipresent God of War Chapter 874


Chapter 874 Looking from afar

Knossa Spencer Frontier - Belle Star.

In the frenzied Knossian fleet, countless officers were revelling and celebrating.

They just plundered a fleet of merchant ships that dared to flee.

The materials and wealth obtained, so that everyone can get a lot of benefits.

In recent years, Eldest Prince Nohi has been in power because of Perfection.

The military discipline of Knossus is festering.

Because of the True Spirit Summoning Technique, it has become a common method for the Knossian army.

And the True Spirit from summon said that it is True Spirit, but it is actually some powerful souls in the mother river.

They are eager for promotion, Devouring Soul, and are quite willing to respond to the individuals here.

A few officers who were exhausted after the revelry, supported each other, and walked to the open-air bridge, all drunk.

Across the protective field, stand by the bridge and urinate.

"I'll just say that Custer is absolutely bragging and bluffing. With his physique, I'm not arrogant to give him three more!"

"This is a good meal! It's been a long time since I met such a fat caravan!"

"I heard that as long as we keep killing like this, as long as our own summon's fixed True Spirit becomes stronger and stronger, it will also make us the same. Stronger and stronger! when the time comes."

The three of them laughed excitedly together.

Suddenly a person pointed to the starry sky in the distance, and there was a little golden that was slowly brightening.

"What is that? Why is it so bright?"

The other two looked up.

"Maybe some planet has been bombed again. Too many planets have been bombed recently." One person said indifferently.

"No, why is it getting brighter and brighter." The last person asked suspiciously.

The three looked there carefully.

In a trance, a large ripple appeared beside that little golden light.

Ripple spreads, spreads, and the same golden light is lit up again innumerable.

Aw! ! ! !

A huge tweet, across the vacuum, across the distance, directly into the minds of everyone in the fleet.

The golden light in the distance grew bigger and brighter, and soon turned into a Three-legged Golden Crow flying head to head.

Innumerable Three-legged Golden Crows burn golden flames, like one after another shooting star, rushing towards the fleet.

A Golden Crow's razor-sharp golden wings just swept past the mothership where the three of them were.


The golden feathers appear to be soft and flutter in the wind, but with no difficulty draw large sparks on the mothership's armor.

The entire mothership was instantly cut into two pieces by golden wings.

bang! !

The mothership exploded, and intense fire splashed on the wings of the Golden Crow, like a little fire star. It was soon overwhelmed and squeezed by the rest of the fire stars on the huge wings.

Compared to the Golden Crow, this tens of thousands of meters of mothership is not even worthy of its attention, its size is not as good as a feather on its single wing.

The three people standing on the bridge were also instantly submerged and disappeared with the huge explosion.

Soon, the Knossian fleet stationed on the border turned into a fire sea under the collision of hundreds of thousands of Golden Crows and completely perished.

Among the hundreds of thousands of Golden Crows, a Golden Crow with a size comparable to a star fluttered its wings and continued to move towards the hinterland of Knossus.

"By the order of the Heavenly Emperor, all members of the Perfection Society of Knossus will grant you eternal destruction"

Soon, after the Golden Crow, Pensha and Jiudu combined fleet.

At the center of the fleet, the metallic brilliance that belongs to the free War Star one after another will soon reflect the golden red left by the Golden Crow into a piece of silver.

one after another huge War Star, seemingly slowly and firmly, crossed the border and entered the Shengyun River System.


The borders of the rest of Knossus were also swarmed by a large army of Divine Beast.

Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Phoenix, Azure Dragon

A total of more than 90 billion huge recovery diver bloods, under the leadership of many immortal high-level Star Monarchs, at the same time Enter the hinterland of Knossus.

The so-called divide blood is a powerful psionicist who has fused with Divine Beast True Blood.

After these psionicists have obtained the flesh and blood transformation of the Resurrection Society, the weakest also has the fleshy body strength of the fission level.

Coupled with the terrifying regeneration speed, the immortality can't be killed even if the head is cut off. And the star Monarch of the black flame level leads.

The war immediately cast a huge shadow on the entire Perfection.




The Knossian Core System.

Inside the Fate Starship.

Nuo Xi's complexion, which had never changed, finally turned gloomy.

He has an innate talent far beyond ordinary people from birth. For him, cultivation psionic power is as easy as eating and drinking.

Everything is at his fingertips.

As things go on like this, his views on the outside world have gradually become fixed.

Boring, boring, simple, boring.

After contacting the mother river, he was attracted by the huge unknown of the mother river. Determined to achieve the upper True Spirit.

But the rigid thinking of the True Spirits and the huge support of the empire's power still made him feel no difficulty.

Until now.

In the great hall of the Star of Life, one True Spirit has arrived here one after another. But no one spoke up.

The army of the Recovery Society is constantly approaching, and the Sectors are constantly falling and falling into the opponent's control.

Many galaxies in the empire's territory even volunteered to surrender without any resistance.

All stationed Legions, collapsed on the first encounter. There is no resistance.

The leader of the previous resuscitation meeting, Supreme Sun Star, personally shot and crushed it all the way, until Nuoxi also shot and blocked it.

And last time I was able to block it, only Supreme Sun Star was the only one.

But this time.

"The newly descended Ancient God, the Heavenly Emperor, may not be as strong as we thought. Otherwise, he only needs to take action in person, and our entire river system will be It disintegrated in a blink of an eye but he didn't do anything now, maybe." Osiris couldn't help opening the mouth and said.

"Then can you try it first?" True Spirit choked him.

Osiris was about to get angry, but thinking that he was blown up on the spot by Supreme Sun Star before, he suddenly held speechless in his heart.

"What we can do now is to figure out the purpose of the recovery meeting as soon as possible. It would be best if we can make peace." Ying, Mother Earth, said softly.

"If we have the strength to absolutely crush the opponent, will we make peace with the opponent?" Nuo Xi suddenly said.

"." Ying sighed softly, somewhat regretting that this soul hunting ground was about to be lost.

The rest of True Spirit also understand that if they think differently, they will be too lazy to talk nonsense with each other.

Talking about peace, that is under the premise that the strength is not much different.

Nosy stood up slowly.

"The only way now is to activate that in advance."

For the first time, he had a new emotion in his heart.

Worried, scared, cowering, wanting to run away.

These negative emotions made him feel novel like never before.

"The Recovery Society is the biggest cancer in my human evolutionary history, they are trying to interrupt me to make a great change."

Nuo Xi recovered calmly said.

"Now, since they insist on my last choice"

"As they wish."


In an instant, the entire life starship lit up with a bright green light.

Countless pale green winds escaped from Jin De's body silently.

He was body trembled, and even himself was taken aback.

But those weird mysterious winds of green energy were wafting from him continuously.

A large number of complex and ancient runes began to light up on the surface of the entire life star mothership.

Includes the great hall where all the True Spirits stand, which also has countless intricate patterns.

"Wait! This is Nuo Xi, you are crazy, you dare to sacrifice us!!? How can you!?" Recognize this Formation.

This is a strong great array of sacrifices of souls to the mother river, but such Formation, this time does use them on them.

What makes him wonder is that even with the Formation in effect, they still retain their power.

It is impossible to sacrifice them.

Bato tried to struggle, but was shocked to find that he was actually unable to move! !

At the same time, the thirty-six free War Stars surrounding the protection of the Life Star, the hundreds of billions of Great Empire ships and colonies, all bloomed bright green light at the same time.

The vast green light frantically submerged and dissolved some weak battleship colonies in the periphery.

Then it is like a ripple, moved towards the innermost circle in a circle.

"Nuo Xi is crazy!!! This is the last elite of Knossas!!" In the main control room of Life Star, the immortal generals and marshals of the empire showed despair.

Although long ago, they no longer had expectations for Nuo Xi. But when the scene in front of them really happened, they completely felt the last despair.

From the very beginning, Nuo Xi never cared about the entire empire.

Never cared about everyone else.

He is sacrificing everything!


In an instant, the green light poured in, and this group of immortals was too fragile to resist, slowly dissolving and blending into the green light.

The green light ripples in circles, from the outside to the inside, like a snowball, piled up layer by layer, accumulated, dissolved everything, and sacrificed everything.

In particular, the True Spirit, which was summed up in large numbers, has a very high quality of soul, which also makes the sacrifice specifications of this time unprecedented.

Nuo Xi stood quietly in the middle of the great hall, watching the rest of the people who were locked by the green light and began to dissolve.

"You thought you could escape!! Noxi, you will die too!!" Osiris' body slowly dissolved, causing him to roar frantically.

"Of course I know, but what does that matter?"

Nuo Xi opened her arms and let the green light wash her body, and her body and soul slowly began to melt.

"Besides, you are wrong."

His body suddenly turned into a green liquid, scattered and melted into the wind.

Soon, a splendid crystal-like crown slowly rose from Jin De, who had been unable to fathom anything.

All the green winds around, also moved towards this crown at this time.

"The Crown of Eternal Soul!!? You actually." Osiris showed a look of shock.

This guy Nuo Xi actually replaced his fleshy body very early.

To be precise, his real fleshy body is actually the Crown of Eternal Soul!

At this moment, a huge shock spread on the Fate Star Mothership.

Outside the transparent crystal skylight above the mothership.

Beyond the Star River, a silver-black silhouette wearing imperial robes slowly emerged.

Its eyes are filled with purple light, and the golden and red round wheel behind it rotates slowly.

The circular wheel releases red light, almost illuminating the entire Shengyun River system.

"I am Heavenly Emperor."

He opened his hands and gently hugged the entire Star River to his chest.

The huge river system was only half the size of his chest.

"Thousands of evening elephants are eternally unified."

Silently, the huge golden and red circle behind the silhouette shines with countless rays of light.

The countless ray of light crossed space and penetrated everything. In an instant, it flew to every corner of the Shengyun River System.

At this moment, all the planets in the entire river system trembled.

In the hundreds of billions of galaxies, all the stars are displaced one after another, as if there is life, their star nucleuses fly out of the crust, turn into phantoms, and fly to the huge outside the river system. silhouette .

"Sure enough. It's indeed a Xixiang!!"

"He is in the fusion of all the star nucleuses of the entire holy aggregate!!"

In the great hall of the life star , The True Spirits who were still struggling to support them all trembled.

"It turns out that the universe we were in was destroyed like this back then?" O'Hara, the wood god, stared at the magnificent terrifying scenery.

In this brief moment, he knew that even if he waited for True Spirit to stay, nothing would change.

If Nuo Xi has no last resort, then everything will be completely annihilated today.

Once Xixiang fuses all star nucleuses, his strength will be greatly improved again. Until then

(end of this chapter)

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