Omnipresent God of War Chapter 724


Chapter 724 Understand the atmosphere of

184 stars.

light blue atmosphere.

At this time, a streamlined humanoid colony with a whole body of light blue is slowly suspending in it.

The whole body of the colony is covered with bright blue fluorescence, with two horns like horns on the head, and a circle of silver circles floating in the air behind it.

A closer look reveals that the silver wheel is actually composed of various silver metal firearms arranged in an arrangement.

All firearms have the barrel facing outwards, forming a radial shape and turning slowly.

"I really didn't expect to be here, run into the famous giant beast Niez."

Around the blue colony, a circle of psionic energy spread naturally.

That's a faint wave of communication psionics.

And right across from him.

In a small shuttle-shaped spaceship, a three-meter-tall giant with heavy armor is wearing a red cloak, and his copper bell-like eyes are looking at the colony outside the spaceship through the colony goggles.

He is the supreme officer of the Knossian Empire, the intelligence organization Franza, who is in charge of this star system, giant beast Niz.

He is also the direct superior of the Red Devils and Mordia and the others.

"Catri is interesting." Giant beast Niez moved his hands, "Aren't you worried about the following situation? Just flew back in a hurry, and now suddenly stops here. It's giving up. Is it?"

"Give up?" Catri smiled, "No, I just choose, choose to fully believe in the subordinates I choose."

"Fully believe? You won't. Do you think the two lights on the ground can resist the three people I sent?" Niez grinned and sneered.

Although he is the chief intelligence officer, what he hates most is this kind of person who talks about Heavenly God and doesn't speak clearly.

He has only one principle for intelligence.

No matter what means or method you use, he only needs the result.

In addition to this, what he is best at is the core of his ability to achieve this position all the way, that is fast!

Katri was hearing this, but his smile deepened.

"What about the three? You think, why do I have to pick two of them in the 228 silver belt area of Nuoda?"

"Oh???" The sneer on his face gradually subsided.

He didn't know what else Catri was hiding, but he knew he didn't have much time to show up here.

An expert will be dispatched from the General Defense Department soon.

This is the Pensa Empire after all, he can hide himself and do things, but just and honourable stand up, that is truthy courting death.

The fission-grade colony is stronger than the light, but don't forget that a star system has the highest level of sublimation.

Hrudan García Dis, the supreme military leader of the entire star system.

It is also the most powerful force capable of suppressing everything.

"It's over." Katri said suddenly.

"!?" Niz was taken aback for a moment, then immediately looked down the planet.

A projection of the ground below quickly emerged in front of him.

It was pitch black where the signal was blocked before, now the signal has started to weaken.

A little bit of the image gradually began to flicker, appearing in the projection.

The mountain wind howled.

At this time, the cliff was in a mess.

The grass is like a middle-aged bald head, with no cover in the east and the west.

The Red Devil faced the ground and fell to the ground.

The blood flowed down his body and flowed far and far, dripping down the periphery of the cliff.


Wei He gently placed the other Mordia's corpse beside the Red Devils and let them lie side by side.

"I was ignorant before. I don't understand why there are so many people who love peace in this world. Even those who are hostile and sinful will be given the most basic mercy."

He sighed softly.

"Now that I'm older, I'm slowly understanding."

"It turns out that they are not sympathetic, but respectful."


In the woods behind, Ansaya slowly walked out.

At this time, he was completely arrogant without his previous arrogance, but his face was indifferent and his eyes were as cold as ice. Basically and normally there are two people, two temperaments.

"Yes. Respect." Wei He turned around, "They, not the corpses that died in front of them, but the life itself, such a miracle."


He looked towards Ansaya with a sigh.

“A complete life, from conception, birth, to growth, is baptized by information.

It experiences everything it should experience, and time accumulates traces of changes on it . Years, decades, centuries, even hundreds of years, nature has paid too much for them, and then."

"Then, it became a corpse, representing this brilliant and wonderful The journey ends here."

Wei He opened his arms.

"What a pity."

"You bastard." Ansaya squinted at Wei He.

From a long time ago, when he pretended to test Wei He, he felt that this guy was unusual.

He was picked by Catri because he has a strong hole card that is unique to him.

On the surface, he's just an arrogant, uninformed general light. But in fact. If others really take him as an ordinary superficial light, then the other party can be close to death.

"Two here, one over there. At the same time, your speed is actually faster than me." Ansaya coldly said.

"It seems that you are stronger than I thought."

Wei He laughed: "I'm not strong, I just happen to have a little way to protect myself."


"Whatever you say." Ansaya thought Wei He might be sick. Brain is a little out of order.

But in any case, as long as the other party completes their own work, it will be fine.

In fact, he is not qualified to speak to others. My own mental problems are also very big.

"Let's go, go back." Ansaya glanced at the two corpses on the ground.

The heads of both corpses are gone.

Headless means unable to detect brain tissue memory, read the scene just now, and clean it up.

In a blink of an eye, his silhouette disappeared into the woods.

Wei He picked up a plastic bag, which he had just recovered from the two bodies, and put it in a plastic bag he was carrying.

Of course, the more valuable thing on the corpse is the colony, but he has no tools to remove the colony without triggering the self-destruction program.

So I can only wait for the professionals behind to get it.

Looking away from the corpse, Wei He looked far across the canyon, where there was an endless prairie.

The remarks just now were not deliberately joking, but were made out of emotion.

Wei He does not consider himself to be an extreme person, but during this period of time, he has been exposed to a lot of dark experiments.

For the people of the Pensa Empire, perhaps the indigenous people on this planet are just creatures like monkeys, not humans.

But Wei He inevitably thinks of the month of his birth.

Compared to this planet, where is the situation different in January?

If one day, someone discovers the Transmission Formation in and out of January, will they be the same as the 184planet in front of them when they drive a spaceship down there.

It brought havoc there.

Wei He is unknown.

During this time, as a supervisor, he more or less minimized tests and experiments on living bodies.

And the experimental damage to the natives has also been greatly reduced.

In addition, because of the Realm Breaking Bead, as long as it is a biological experiment.

Wei He only needs to set and formulate an experimental goal as the goal of the cultivation technique, and use the repeated experimental process as the cultivation technique.

Then the success of this experiment only depends on whether the Realm Breaking Bead can break through.

So although the casualties of the natives have decreased, the experiment progress is much faster than before.

This is still Wei He's experimental goal to release part of the progress.

In this way, he has completed most of the biological tissue analysis tasks on this planet.

These information materials can be used for gene adjustment and increase the available gene material fragments.

The high-level nobles, those beings who can modify their genetic information at will, these are what they need.

From countless foreign excellent gene fragments, find the ones that best suit them, and then adjust, embed and optimize them for their offspring.

This is the core of the upper-class aristocracy that will always remain strong.

Therefore, the gene fragments of many humanoid creatures such as this planet are quite valuable after analysis.

In the interstellar, as long as the gene structure has not been seen, some people are rushing to buy it.

Wei He doesn't think he's a good person, but he doesn't want to be a bottomless bad person either.

He was reluctant to inflict killings at will.

"It's time to go back." Wei He breathed a sigh of relief, and the smiling faces of the Leland and Kas married couple flashed in his mind.

Their white dresses and wedding dresses still left traces in his mind to this day.

"It's easy to destroy a life, but if a life is created just to kill it. That would be a shame."

"They should bloom brighter Flower."

Thinking of this, Wei He extended the hand and gently took a little bit of flesh and blood from the Red Devils and Mordiah.

He wrapped it with his own flesh and blood, transplanted it, and integrated all their genetic information into himself in this way.

Wei He suddenly felt that since he killed them, he destroyed two lives for the universe.

Then he should also be obliged to return the corresponding life to the universe two.

At a certain time, he plans to use the genetic cells of these two people as a blueprint to re-bring two new people.

Although the clones cultivated in this way have no memory, everything is like a baby.

But the light-level genes, in case either of the two of them has no children, they are cut off like this, which is a pity.

"That's the decision. In the future, if you encounter rare materials, kill them and save them as cell samples. In the future, find an opportunity to clone a batch and return it to the universe."

"In this way, no matter how many people I kill, I will still be a good person."

Thinking of this, Wei He's simple and natural balance of the world immediately feels much more comfortable.

Until now, he was holding on to the idea that the murderer would die of being killed sooner or later.

And the sense of crisis brought about by such thoughts made him go forward desperately every moment.

Don't dare to stop.

There are more and more negative emotions accumulated in the heart.

But it's different now.

He finally figured it out.

Now, even if he kills someone, he will keep the fire for him.

So, in this way, even if he kills, the universe will certainly not blame him.

He kills, just as the superior predator hunts to survive, it becomes part of the natural cycle.

Heaven and Earth go back and forth, reincarnation is natural, and he will definitely have the best ending in the future.

Somewhere in the world, Wei He's current psionic energy, since he merged with Gravity God and came to this planet, he could vaguely feel that there is some kind of wonderful and huge power, affecting and dominate the natural operation of all things.

And just now, after killing the Red Devils, the feeling he felt was even stronger.

That's why he would act like he just did.

lifts the head, Wei He stared at the tiny blue dot above his head in the sky, vaguely aware that he might have caught the biggest secret of this planet.

(end of this chapter)

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