Omnipresent God of War Chapter 66


Chapter 66 Investigation (Thanks to Xiaofeidu Alliance Lord for the reward)

"In addition, Incense Seeker Cult. If My parents were really caught by Incense Seeker Cult, so didn't they go to Illustrious Virtue Temple to carve Buddha statues? Isn't that the branch altar of Incense Seeker Cult?

He made up his mind.

"This trip has determined the level of strength of these third degree qi and blood experts. I'm really still far behind. I'm still obediently and honestly working hard at home for a period of time, and then move on after the Realm Breaking Bead has completed a breakthrough. It's better.

In addition, qi and blood should also find an opportunity to show it slowly, so that the teacher has a little hope. So that his essence, qi, and soul will not become more haggard now."

And after the breakthrough Turning Mountain Fist, it also needs a transition, not overnight.

After confirming this, Wei He calmed down and began to restore his previous life every day, quietly accumulating qi and blood, cultivation, and training.

He ate a lot of Little Yang Sect jerky every day. These jerky from exotic animals greatly helped him shorten the time for qi and blood to accumulate.

Over time.

It's been more than a month in the blink of an eye.

Realm Breaking Bead progresses fast, without consuming qi and blood. It's almost the same for a few days.

Six meals a day, all of which are exotic animal meat and other vegetables and grains, which means Wei He's digestion ability can handle it at this time. Another invisible benefit that Realm Breaking Bead brings him is that everything Can eat, consumption ability is strengthened.

He still eats so much, he still hasn't developed indigestion?

On the other side, in the fist courtyard, after Xiao Ran died, more and more Disciples gradually left quietly.

The courtyard is getting more and more deserted.

"Hey, boss, the Guan Family is going to withdraw, you know?" Ouyang Zhuang suddenly touched Wei He lightly with his hand while practicing in the morning, and said in a low voice.

“Guan Family?” Wei He made a move.

He really didn't go to the Guan Family recently, and has been doing ascetic practices behind closed doors, eating wildly beast meat.

He consumed almost all the meat of the alien animals before, and there was actually a piece of wild alien meat hidden in it. And the result in exchange is gratifying.

His Realm Breaking Bead is three-fifths of the way through. very fast. It can be seen that the quality of this meat also greatly affects the accumulation speed of qi and blood.

The qi and blood that martial cultivator refers to actually includes two kinds of qi and blood. The operation of qi and blood needs to consume various trace elements and energy of cells and organs in the human body.

What the Realm Breaking Bead absorbs, or more precisely, should be this energy.

Wei He now has a more accurate sense of his own situation as he has a better grasp of himself.

"Isn't the Guan Family good? Why is it going to be withdrawn?" Wei He asked with a frown.

"I don't know, but I heard that the Guan Family wanted to leave before, but the Seven Families Union didn't let it go. They seized a large amount of medicine ingredients, so it was delayed for a while. Now it's hard to negotiate, I'm finally planning to evacuate."

Ouyang Zhuang is well-informed and has a bunch of gangs of scoundrels, and he also pays attention to these gossip news. So the information obtained is more accurate than Cheng Shaojiu before.

"Everyone leaves quietly when they evacuate. Why is this Guan Family going to leave, but it's making a lot of noise?" Ouyang Zhuang was a little puzzled.

Wei He's heart skipped a beat. Seems to have guessed something.

"Do you know what time?"

"I don't know if it's three days later. I'm not from the Guan Family, Senior Brother Wei, aren't you familiar with their Eldest Young Lady? What?" Ouyang Zhuang laughed at him with an ambiguous look on his face.


Wei He slapped him on the forehead.

"Don't talk nonsense. Go and practice!"

Ouyang Zhuang is in pain and speechless, so he can only practice honestly. There is no way, the skills are not as good as others, and they can only be oppressed.

Wei He packed his things and planned to move.

After eating the meat of the beast, Realm Breaking Bead needs more things to replenish qi and blood, enjoy the super-high speed like riding a rocket, and then return to the original snail crawling.

It really made Wei He feel uncomfortable.

It just so happened that he was going to investigate the matter of his parents and elder sister and to find trouble with Incense Seeker Cult.

Maybe there will be some autumn wind in the process.

After packing up, Wei He went home, told Wei Ying a few words, and then skillfully changed into night clothes. Then wait for the sky to darken slowly.

With all kinds of equipment and tools ready, Wei He waited quietly, waiting for the news of Incense Seeker Cult to appear.

Incense Seeker Cult organizes a parade of people every night and marches through the streets, which seems to be a ceremony, a way to show their strength.

It's getting darker.

Wei Ying started chopping wood and burning fire in the courtyard, ready to cook.

Wei He walked out of the window silently, and he could vaguely hear the rustling footsteps of Incense Seeker Cult and the low sound of chanting scriptures.

"Rebirth is blissful, and the fragrance is connected to the three souls."

"The soul has something to rely on, and the soul has something to rely on."

The sound of intensive chanting, slow Floating slowly from the far street.

Wei He leaned against the wall and dashed into the shadow of the alley.

He waited quietly, waiting for the team to slowly pass him.

A short while later, a group of people with pious and timid expressions slowly walked along the street, passing by Wei He.

Their faces were sullen, and their eyes were full of firmness and confidence. Someone was so hungry that his forehead was full of sweat, and immediately a hand handed over the multi-grain cake from the side.

Someone is too thirsty, and immediately someone shares their water bag with him.

This group of people showed mutual help during the march, which made Wei He feel a chill in his heart.

He was clinging to the wall of the alley, observing the group of Incense Seeker Cult holding torches.

There are hundreds of people in the team, and there are cultists in Incense Seeker Cult robes in the front, middle and back, who grasp the direction and lead the chanting.

Wei He didn't move, he just stared at the Incense Seeker Cult cultist in the last team.

As the team was about to pass through the entrance of the alley, he jumped up like a silent bat, flew out of the alley, and caught the last Incense Seeker Cult crowd.

As soon as the Soul Confusing Powder covered his mouth and nose, Wei He led the people and jumped into another alley on the opposite side, lurking in the shadows.

The Incense Seeker Cult cultist struggled for a while, and soon became dizzy with the Soul Confusing Powder and didn't know anything.

Soul Confusing Powder This is generally used for robbery.

It can make people confused and ask what to answer, of course, only for people who are not firm enough.

This medicine powder has a strong narcotic effect, making people drowsy and forcibly hypnotizing.

See that medicine powder works.

Wei He asked in a low voice, "Where is the branch altar in your Incense Seeker Cult's outer city?"

"In each town's Scripture Explaining Hall." , is still a young girl.

“Who are the great people in the Stone Bridge area branch altar?”

“.Incense Master Altar Master”

“How many people are the Incense Masters?”


“.Two people”

“How many people are there in a branch altar?”

“I don’t know how the Incense Master was promoted, and it has been beaten by the inner city before. Two dead."

"What is the name of the Altar Master?" Wei He was speechless.

"I don't know that the Altar Master was also promoted. The previous one was also beaten to death by the inner city"


Wei He was speechless right.

It's a shame he was always on the lookout for Incense Seeker Cult to seek revenge at his house.

It now seems that this Incense Seeker Cult lived so miserably, how could he have the skills to seek revenge from him

"Why do you walk on the street at night?" Wei He Ben I planned to say patrolling the street, but considering that the other party might not understand, I replaced it with a simpler and more straightforward sentence.

After all, many of these Incense Seeker Cults may be illiterate and have a very low cultural level.

"There are too many people. You can smash the door, pull people, grab food, and everyone will share." What the girl said made Wei He's heart go cold.

“How good are your Altar Masters? Can you beat the nearby Martial Masters?” Wei He asked again.

".I don't know. I'm from Su City, my hometown. I'm 18 years old. I like to eat pickled radishes. There are five people in my family, my father, my mother, my younger brother, my younger sister, and my elder. sister.”

Isn’t he a family of six?

"My favorite clothes are red, and there must be flowers on them. I came here two years ago, and the family can't support anyone, so I can only go out to find food by myself. I plan to work for another two years. , I will go back after saving more food.

But my fellow villager told me that my mother died of starvation last year. My younger sister was also lost. My father was sick and I didn’t know how to go with my younger brother. Where is it? The Altar Master promised me to help me find someone."

Wei He was surrounded by a lot of me and had a headache, but when he heard the back, he was silent.

The girl is still thinking here and there, constantly speaking all kinds of words, all with a thick Su City accent.

He touched the mask on his face to make sure that he didn't show his face, and while the girl was still dizzy, he turned around and rushed and disappeared into the shadows.

The Scripture Explaining Hall in the Stone Bridge area is easy to find. Just on the right side of the middle street.

The Scripture Explaining Hall was originally established as a place for school-aged children in the town to learn scriptures, literacy and reading.

equivalent to elementary school.

The entire Scripture Explaining Hall is a square and ordinary courtyard. Unlike the surrounding courtyards, the walls here are all painted in black.

The outer wall of the Stone Bridge area has a huge 'German' painted on each side.

On the wall of earth-yellow, a large black letter is extremely eye-catching, and there are many crooked children's graffiti below.

Chickens and ducks, cows, sheep, pigs and dogs, fruits and vegetables, everything, all of which are scribbles by little children.

The sky was overcast, and the moonlight was obscured by thin clouds, making it a little hazy.

Wei He came to the side door, stretched his hand to the position of the door latch, palm force spit.

ka-cha, there was an extremely subtle cracking sound from the latch.

Wei He gently pushed the door and Shi Shiran walked in.

The courtyard was empty, and it seemed that most of the people had gone out for a parade. Only two brawny men were sitting on the courtyard steps and dozing off.

Hearing the door open, the two of them just looked at them sleepily.

Remain unmoved at all.

It is estimated that the just and honourable people who came in were all their own people.

And its own branch altar, who would set traps at the gates where people often come in and out?

In the middle of the courtyard is a large incense burner, and three thick brown round incense sticks are slowly burning on it.

"Who!?" Suddenly a man walked out of the back room.

The man's face is thin, but his muscles are knotted, his upper body is naked, and there are three incense scars on his chest.

Wei He smiled slightly, silhouette like a ghost, suddenly rushed forward and slapped the person with a palm.

“courting death!” The man stepped forward instead of retreating, clenched his fists with both hands, and faced him head-on.

His fists were faintly flushed, his whole body was boiling with blood and blood vessels, and there were also tiny veins on his face.

bang! !

The palms of the two met.

Without a sound, the man's arms were broken one by one, like brittle branches. With a miserable howl, he flew out backwards, crashed into the inner room again, and smashed the door to pieces.

Wei He followed the man into the back room almost at the same time.

There was also a person sitting inside, a black-clothed youth with short hair.

Seeing this scene, the young man got up quickly, angry roar, with qi and blood surging all over his body, his face turned blue, and he hit Wei He with all his strength.


The two palms exchanged.

Wei He lightly exclaimed, took a step back and stood still.

Looking at the young man again, the man was holding his hands, his face flushed red, and the hand opposite his palm was trembling uncontrollably.

“Not weak.” Wei He indifferently said.

After the fight, he judged the level of the two, trifling two second degree qi and blood, and one of them could actually take him head-on.

It looks like some kind of genius.

"Who is Your Excellency? Why did you attack the branch altar of the Church? Aren't you afraid of being held accountable by the Head Altar?" the young man said coldly, pressing his voice.

The great expert of third degree qi and blood, each of them has records and investigations, but this strong man with his whole body covered in black, with a pair of eyes exposed, with one hand violently blasting the palm force, has clearly recorded the same as the rest. The experts are different.

"I'm just here to ask one thing." Wei He stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the two people who came together.

"Senior, please." The young man said quickly.

(end of this chapter)

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