Omnipresent God of War Chapter 181


Chapter 181 Impact on

Dark Shelter Mountain.

Inside Myriad Azure Sect.

A pot of tea slowly emits green smoke, and the charcoal fire below is slightly red, and the heat slowly spreads and radiates to the people sitting around.

Wan Ling, Xie Yan, Xiao Qingyu, Grandma Zeng and Du Han, who was a little nervous.

Scarlet Earth Courtyard Courtyard Head Du Han quietly followed Wei He and the others when they were about to leave.

When this guy came, he had already packed all kinds of things, obviously he wanted to escape quickly.

At this time, the original many Courtyard Heads of Heaven Sealing Gate, Nine Courtyards gathered three.

The Tempering Organ expert has one Xie Yan, and the Forging Bone is plus six Wan Qingqing.

This is already a very strong force, equivalent to half a Heaven Sealing Gate.

If it is a head-to-head confrontation, two Tempering Organ expert is not a match for this group of people.

"Now Wei He has inherited the position of Sect Master, what to say, you can tell him directly instead of looking for me who has retired." Wan Ling said with a slight smile .

For the first time since Heaven Sealing Gate fell apart, she was smiling so happily.

Although Du Han and the others have an average relationship with her, Xiao Qingyu is her best close friend. Now that I can see you again, I am really happy.

It's just that she has a tactful temperament, unless it's too strong, otherwise it's generally not obvious to the surface.

"Wan Ling, we also don't know what kind of temperament Sect Master Wei is. Some things are hard to ask face to face, so we can't find you an old friend." Xie Yan said seriously.

Wei He's strength is slightly stronger than that of Yan Junshan, and she considers herself not to be Yan Junshan's opponent. That is to say, Wei He's actual combat strength is actually much stronger than her.

And the temperament of this person is ruthless, and he does things by fair means or foul, which is awe-inspiring. So they have a lot of things, so they dare not ask Wei He face to face rashly. Instead, choose to turn a corner.

It was hard for her to understand, Wei He was just an ordinary Martial Master of Myriad Azure Courtyard Disciple before, how did he rush to such a high level?

If you encounter a sudden fortuitous encounter, maybe you can understand it. But if you hide your strength at first, and hide it for so many years at once

then this temperament is a bit too cruel.

You must know that in this era when strength represents status, power, wealth, and enjoyment, to suppress strength and hide oneself all the time requires great self-control and great restraint on desire.

And Wei He actually did it

Xie Yan explained what happened before, one after another.

When talking about Wei He coming out and threatening Zhou Rong with arrest, Wan Ling's smile disappeared and he opened his mouth slightly, a little unacceptable.

Hearing that Wei He was fighting against Yan Junshan head on, she was able to gain the upper hand.

In her heart, Wei He's strength is strong, even if he breaks through Forging Bone, he is even weaker than Wan Qingqing.

Even if I fought with Zhou Hangtong before, I just used the speed to pull the distance water mill.

How did Xie Yan get to the point where he could face off against Yan Junshan?

Wan Ling was a little numb when it came to Wei He killing the Water Penalty Division two Forging Bone defenders.

She began to suspect that what the other party said was not the same as the Wei He she knew.

"In the end, Wei He Sect Master Wei killed Yan Junshan, saving me is equal to danger, and he can be the leader of the Heaven Sealing Gate pulling strongly against a crazy tide. Therefore, I also hope that he can Raise the flag and reunite at Heaven Sealing Gate." Xie Yan said solemnly.

"Yes, but now, I am still a little confused, what is the matter with Sect Master Wei's martial arts?" Xiao Qingyu couldn't help but wonder.

“I could tell he was using Myriad Azure Courtyard Overflowing Rain Strength, but that Overflowing Rain Strength seemed a little too strong.” she said solemnly.

"I can see some clues." Grandma Zeng interjected abruptly.

Immediately everyone turned to look at her.

"Natural Divine Force, extremely fast, comparable to someone who has also studied leg technique, I even suspect that he is also practicing leg technique. It seems that he also used Cold Fiend Bird eyeballs as an introduction to breakthrough. , every move has the unique chill of Overflowing Rain Strength."

Grandma Zeng is indeed an old man and has seen more geniuses than Martial Masters that everyone has seen.

"Several decades ago, I saw a lucky boy who also used Cold Fiend Bird's eyeballs as an introduction to break through. After that, he was just like him, every move had a chill. Expert at the same level.

When confronted with it, after dozens of tricks, you will be at a disadvantage. Only the thermal martial arts of the same level can offset it."

"innate talent Divine Force. Forging Bone. This. This is just another Zhou Hangtong!" Du Han couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's still a poison dao expert." Xiao Qingyu added.

A group of people were suddenly speechless. I simulate in my heart, if I encounter such an opponent.

Fighting alone, he is at least two levels stronger than him. In addition, he has a very strong anti-poison thing, and the speed must be fast enough to be confident and dare to fight with him.

If it is a siege, I am worried that the poisonous method he is good at will not kill him in groups.

If it is long range, I am also worried that his speed is too fast, and it is very easy to break through.

After thinking about it for a while, everyone felt that it would be extremely difficult to be an enemy of Wei He.

"Only if you run faster than Sect Master Wei and don't fear poison can you get into trouble."

Finally, Xie Yan concluded.

The crowd immediately agreed.




A hundred miles from Dark Shelter Mountain.

A mountain gorge within the valley.

The two sides are like stone walls cut by knives, forming a huge canyon like upside-down scissors.

The canyon is called Ghost Shearing Valley, in which miasma lingers all year round and poison insects are all over it. It is a famous forbidden area in Tai Prefecture.

The periphery of this place is a favorite area for many herb collectors.

The area near the central part is the area where the martial artists of various Sect gangs gather herbs to make poison and antidote.

And deeper, there is a strange poison dao expert, entrenched here in seclusion.

At this time, in the canyon, the river was rushing, and the white mist was misty.

There are grotesquely shaped birds passing low from time to time, making strange sounds.

"Ruan Qinghong, come out and meet me!"

A white shadow swept from afar, fluttering lightly to the entrance of the canyon, looking at the scissors-like mouth of the canyon and shouting.

Bai Ying wears a veil, her long hair is tied into a high ponytail, her eyes are cold and severe, and she is the Returning Goose Pagoda Lord who played against Wei He before.

"Don't think I don't know you're back! Come out and meet me!" The Returning Goose Pagoda Lord snapped again.

The sound echoes in the canyon, the echoes repeating.

It took a while for someone to answer.

"It turned out to be Pagoda Lord Fu. Excuse me for not going out to meet you, please forgive me."

Vagueness in the voice, thin and rough, like a man Like a woman.

"Dare to ask Pagoda Lord Fu why?"

"The antidote you gave me before is completely ineffective! I'm still poisoned! Not only that, I bring All the elites of the subordinates who went there were also poisoned and died. You promised me before that as long as you bring enough that thing, you will not be afraid of ordinary poisons! Now that this has happened, you have to give me an explanation!" Returning Goose Pagoda Lord coldly said.

"Ineffective? That's a good medicine bag that can detox thirteen different commonly used poisons, you say it's ineffective!?" There was a hint of surprise in the voice.

"Everyone is dead, do you think I can't make you happy!?"

"I'll take a look!" tone barely fell.

In the canyon, a person's shadow suddenly galloped, tapped on the stone wall, and in a blink of an eye, it crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, and floated lightly in front of Returning Goose Pagoda Lord.

It was a wizened old woman with big sleeves fluttering and red-clothed. This man had blush on his cheeks, wrinkled face, and age spots on his skin. He looked just like an ordinary old man.

But her eyes are like a young woman, bright, feminine, full of curiosity and vitality.

"Let me see!" As soon as she appeared, she immediately reached out and grabbed the Returning Goose Pagoda Lord right hand.

A trace of Strength Force gushed out, swam inside the body of Returning Goose Pagoda Lord, and quickly retracted.

"Huh? This is... a bit like Jiu Ying's method, but a little different!" The old woman looked suspicious.

"What? Can you solve it!?" Returning Goose Pagoda Lord asked coldly. "I can't find someone else!"

"You Young Miss Fu, dare I say no?" The old woman said with a smile, "It can be solved, but it takes time, this poison is very interesting. "

"It's good, I want you to cooperate with me and kill someone!" Returning Goose Pagoda Lord icily said. "Your poison dao is strong enough and you major in leg technique, so you can definitely help me!"

"It's not impossible for me to do it, but it's not free." Ruan Qinghong said with a smile.

"That's natural. You, the elder in your dignified sect, want to ask you to take action. I know the rules. But I have to wait for my injury to heal. I used the Secret Skill before, but the little thief ran away! Just hateful!" Returning Goose Pagoda Lord felt extremely aggrieved at the thought of being tricked.

It was the first time she was so aggrieved.

"Alright, just let me know when you recover from your injury." Ruan Qinghong nodded.

"It will take about two months. This person is surnamed Wei. He is the new Courtyard Head of the Heaven Sealing Gate Myriad Azure Courtyard. Now he is in the Heavenly Shore Building, killing Experiencing Mountain Sect Yan Junshan, Water Penalty Division two Defender, the limelight is in full swing. Looking at the momentum, it is estimated that the Heaven Sealing Gate will be rebuilt."

"Oh? Heaven Sealing Gate is without Shangguan Ji, didn't expect such an expert to emerge? It can be killed. Yan Junshan is not weak." Ruan Qinghong was interested.

"This person is extremely fast, only slightly slower than you, but he is extremely strong and difficult to judge. Although the realm is only Forging Bone, he is born with Divine Force and is good at poison dao. Underestimated. We can directly treat it as a Tempering Organ expert who is good at poison dao."

Returning Goose Pagoda Lord recalled.

"More than that, when I played against this man, there seemed to be a hint of chill between his Strength Force, and he seemed to have used the High Level introduction breakthrough, which also needs attention."


"The problem." Ruan Qinghong said with a smile, "In fact, poison dao seems to be powerful, but in fact it must need several transmission routes. Breathing and skin are the fundamentals. Just pay attention to isolate these two places, and wrap them with Strength Force. By itself, it can isolate most of the poisons."

"In addition, there are very few poisons that can be mixed into the Strength Force cycle and poisoned.

There is only poison in this category. A dao expert can only use it, but there are also ways to prevent it. I created a new thing called White Jade Poison-Dispelling Belt, which is embedded with dozens of Poison-Dispelling Beads, which can neutralize the overwhelming majority of all kinds of poisons. Even if It can't be neutralized, and it can also delay the attack."

Returning Goose Pagoda Lord hearing this, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

(end of this chapter)

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