Omnipresent God of War Chapter 172


Chapter 172 Under the Worm (Xie Fitness Garfield Alliance Lord)

"Stop talking about this, Forging Bone, Tempering Organ, either What is the difference? You are Tempering Organ now, can you feel any changes in your body?" Wei He suddenly changed the subject.

He is quite curious about the realm of Tempering Organ. Now that friends step in, if you don't ask clearly, naturally they don't do it.

"Forging Bone is to use Strength Force to penetrate deep into the bone marrow, which is a very important penetration force.

And Tempering Organ, you can't just use high pressure, but need Practice Silk Strength in advance. The Strength Force, which is as slender as silk, slowly flows into the internal organs along the bloodline, and then the inside and outside are combined.

This level, the methods of different cultivation techniques are similar, the difference is that Strength Force The cultivation technique is different, and the details of the internal and external integration methods are also different. The requirements for controlling Strength Force and the total amount of Strength Force are very high.”

Wang Shaojun did not hide his secrets and spoke directly. out.

Wei He can understand something after listening to it.

"Is there any way to speed up the first stage of Forging Bone?"

"Yes. But it's very troublesome." Wang Shaojun said. "It is necessary to continuously exert pressure on your bodyguard Strength Force from the outside with the same expert as the attribute Strength Force.

Pressure with stable strength for a long time.

Not yet It can be applied twice a month, continuously, day and night. It can speed up the penetration of Strength Force."

He paused and continued.

"There is another way, that is, it is said that entering extremely deep water to practice exercises will have an acceleration effect."

"In this way, the stronger the Strength Force, the more it should penetrate. The speed will be faster?" Wei He understood.

"That's it."

"Understood." Wei He quickly sensed his current state of Strength Force in his body.

Sure enough, after careful perception, after his Overflowing Rain Strength was strengthened, the speed at which Strength Force penetrated into the bones was obviously much faster than before.

Obviously, the amount of Strength Force that can be accommodated by human muscle and skin is limited. After filling it up, if you continue to pack it, pressure will appear, forcing the Strength Force around and infiltrating other parts.

The skeleton is the first place to be penetrated.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go," Wang Shaojun suggested.


The two stopped talking, one after the other left the chess garden.




10 li outside Xuanjing City, Heshan County.

It was raining.

There is a white villa on the side of the county called Thousand Cranes Villa.

Manor Lord He Qianhe, a Ding Yanquan cultivation base with superb and tyrannical strength, is second to none in the entire Heshan County and is well-known.

It's just that He Qianhe was sitting upright at this time, with gray hair and ugly complexion.

He was surrounded by a bank of expert Disciple.

And all around the ground, there are the villa Disciple and the guards that were shot before.

Everyone stared at the dozen or so people on the school grounds at the gate.

The dozen or so people all wore black diamond masks.

The one headed by the mask has a silver geese mark.

The next level 1 is the bronze goose mark, and the last one is the white goose mark.

"He Qianhe, haven't you handed over your things until now?" said the man in Yinyan mask solemnly.

"Or, do you think you can keep that thing? You should know that my Returning Goose Pagoda is just the beginning. The news has been leaked, and more expert forces will come to you in the future."

"I can't believe that Flying Feather Hall Hall Lord is here. But this is Tai Prefecture, it's Xuanjing City! I don't believe you can still ignore the law and of natural morality!" He Qianhe gritted his teeth.

"Xuanjing now Heaven Sealing Gate is falling apart, how can anyone care about other skills." Yin Yan mask chuckled, "Forget it, since you persist in your own wrong doings, then I will give you a good time. "

"Do it."

He waved lightly.

Suddenly, more than a dozen black masks rushed up.


Thousand Cranes Villa Disciple also mustered up their strength and started fighting with Ding Yanquan and Black Mask.

It's just that the gap between the two sides is too big, and Mountain Villa Disciple is far from the opponent of Returning Goose Pagoda's killer in terms of strength cultivation base and actual combat experience.

A person's shadow fell to the ground in blood.

He Qianhe was powerless to take care of it, at this time he had already dealt with Yinyan Mask. The two fought hard for a while.

As one of several Forging Bone Martial Masters around Xuanjing City, He Qianhe has been famous for many years, but now that he is too old, he is unable to regain Peak's strength.

At this time, he was trying his best to hold the other party.

His three sons and two daughters also rose up to resist at this time.

He Yuxin is the youngest of his five children, but the one with the highest innate talent.

At this time, his white clothed body was already stained with blood spots. Looking at the Uncle elder sisters of their own villa, one by one, they fell in a pool of blood, unable to rest their eyes.

He Yuxin has long since lost his role as a pampered young master who is usually a slut. At this time, he went crazy, waved his fists, and gathered his Triple Blood Strength Force on his fists, frantically attacking this group of black masks.

His fourth sister, He Yiru, is desperately protecting the eldest sister and the second brother's two children at the back.

But the more and less people around, the less and less people are fighting, one by one keeps falling to the ground and dying, but there are not many black masks at all.

Thousand Cranes Villa, which was originally clean, is now gradually stained with blood.

Suddenly a shrill scream came.


The eldest sister He Wanqing was stunned, looking at her father He Qianhe being hit in the chest.

bang! !

Blood on the ground.

He Qianhe body protection Strength Force collapsed, flew backwards, and fell heavily in the middle of the school field.


The two little girls with pink and jade carvings rushed over crying, but fortunately there was no black mask to attack them in the middle.

The two little girls who were only seven or eight years old were leaning against He Qianhe on the left and right, crying with tears in their eyes and sobbing all over.

"Sad. As a warrior, it's ridiculous to think that if you wash your hands in a golden basin, you will be able to return to the countryside and take care of your life." Yin Yan mask approached step by step, with a disdainful tone.

"The grievances and grievances in the rivers and lakes, you come and go, there is no end. He Qianhe, your biggest mistake is greed."

Yin Yan mask body flashed, suddenly a Hit the forehead of He Qianhe eldest daughter on the right.

He Wanqing collapsed to the ground and died on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, he took one step at a time, and easily killed the surrounding resisters one after another.

The entire Thousand Cranes Villa finally collapsed. All the Disciples fled in all directions, running away in fear, and some people knelt down and begged for mercy, bursting into tears.

The remaining black mask ruthless, one after another knocked down all the people, and used the poisonous blade to make up the knife.

In the end, only the two members of the He Family, He Yuxin and He Yiru, and two seven- or eight-year-old girls are left.

Because of their good looks, He Yuxin and He Yuxin were tied up by a black mask and stuffed with rags, unable to move even a little bit. Ready to take back to abolish the martial arts to sell.

"There are two little girls."

Yin Yan's mask chuckled lightly, and suddenly flashed, she appeared in front of He Qianhe, looking down at the two little girls.

"I don't like the look in your eyes." He looked at the hatred pupils in the eyes of the two girls and waved his hands suddenly.

He Qianhe raised his hand frantically, trying to block it with the last bit of strength.

He Yuxin and He Yiru's eyes widened, and the ropes tightened their skin without realizing it, struggling to rush over to save people.

"Alas" a sigh floated leisurely.

Suddenly a voice came from outside the villa.

Yin Yan's mask hand hurriedly retracted, taking ten steps back in a row.

Each step There is a steel needle silently on the floor tiles under the feet.

"Who!?" He raised his head suddenly and moved towards the gate of the villa.

I saw the gate of the villa, and I don't know when it has been completely opened.

Two person's shadows are standing on the ground behind He Qianhe, one on the left and one on the right.

The person on the left is wearing a silver-mask, the slender figure is well-proportioned, and the dress is well-dressed, just like a wealthy Young Master traveling.

The person on the right is tall and burly, wearing a large black cloak, that face

"Poison Demon Wei He!?" Yin Yan mask was stunned when he saw the second person. .

"en?" Wei He was taken aback for a moment, he thought he had changed his face, no one should be able to recognize him, didn't expect.

His relaxed expression suddenly turned gloomy.

looked towards Yin Yan mask's eyes slowly becoming dangerous.

"You shouldn't call out."

"I'll just say you're useless." Wang Shaojun on the side said with a smile.

“He should have a disguise skill on him.” Wei He said.

"I guess not."

"Also, I hate that nickname." Wei He took a step. The figure suddenly flashed to the left.

Flying Dragon Art fifth layer unfolds at full speed, and cooperates with Overflowing Rain Strength rapid special effects.

More than ten meters away in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Yinyan Mask.

"Didn't you say cooperate with me!?" Wang Shaojun shouted from behind.

bang! !

With a loud bang.

Wei He tilted his head to avoid the opponent's palm, and his right palm hit Yinyan Mask's chest.

The Whale Flood Art exploded with tremendous force, comparable to Forging Bone's Strength Force to quickly cancel out the opponent's Strength Force, followed by pure power, blasting into the opponent's chest.


The chest of the mask of Yinyan was like a balloon, which exploded on the spot, and the blood, water and minced meat splashed.

He still maintained his palm-out position, but the middle part of his body was completely devoid of flesh and blood. Only one skeleton remains.

"You!!?" Yin Yan mask didn't even understand how he died. Obviously he blocked the opponent's Strength Force

The eyes under his mask were wide open, stunned, shocked, puzzled, and a trace of fear, heavy emotions, along with the rapid disappearance of vitality, dissipated at the same time.

Wei He gently retracted his hand, took off his pocket, and checked it.

“No.” He threw it to Wang Shaojun behind him.

"Okay, you won." Wang Shaojun was speechless, "Also, can you stop taking my head, and you are too bloody and insulting."

"I only care about the result." Wei He said coldly.

At this time, the surrounding black mask had seen that the situation was far from good, and quietly and quickly evacuated without saying a word.

But no one can escape this schoolyard.

Everyone just jumped to the top of the fence and fell down. The body loses breath quickly.

Wang Shaojun was secretly horrified. He didn't know why Wei He poisoned him so casually, so he wasn't afraid of accidentally poisoning himself? No matter how much antidote, eating too much will be bad for your health.

He didn't know that Wei He had also practiced a White Jade Art in order to poison him, and now he's already a Second Layer. Can develop high resistance to two types of poisons.

As long as the poison is in the direction of White Jade Art high resistance, it will not cause much damage to oneself.

Soon the black masks on the school grounds died.

At this time, He Qianhe had already breathed his last breath, leaving only He Family Little Young Master He Yuxin, four daughters He Yiru, and two little girls who were only seven or eight years old.

Wang Shaojun one after another untied the ropes of the two, and the two immediately threw themselves on He Qianhe's body and cried.

The family hugged and cried, their voices so loud.

Wei He was too lazy to deal with such scenes, and started to collect spills of war habitually one after another.

The silver goose mask just now is the Forging Bone Martial Master of Returning Goose Pagoda. Now he has also tested it, even if it is Forging Bone, if he is caught off guard, it is still a death.

He is now a Strength Force at the Forging Bone Bone Strength level, and his formidable power is extremely strong.

This is equivalent to a Forging Bone expert who is using Bone Strength anytime, anywhere.

Plus the power of his Whale Flood Art.

Wei He probably has a judgment on his level of strength.

Better than Forging Bone and never played against Tempering Organ. But you can't beat Zhou Hangtong in a head-to-head fight.

That guy's head-on fight, even Forging Bone Bone Strength can't get through its thick skin, it's just terrifying.

As long as the defense is not broken, any attack is meaningless to it.

When he finished processing the Returning Goose Pagoda killer's harvest, he came back with a big bag of clothes.

Wang Shaojun has taken care of He Family.

He Yuxin and He Yiru fell to the ground, having committed suicide. There were only two little girls left, He Wei and Xiang Ling crying.

"I have already accepted two of them as maids." Wang Shaojun sighed, "Thousand Cranes Villa was originally a famous great manor, but unfortunately .didn't expect to fall to this point."


"Let's go." Wei He didn't intend to comment on his actions.

"Wait, I promised He Family to accept them, and in return, they gave me this." Wang Shaojun spread out his hand, and in the palm of his hand was a small and exquisite black metal cage.

In the cage, lies a deep purple, translucent winged Flying Insect.

The Flying Insect looks a bit like a dragonfly, with a big belly and a huge compound eye glowing with colorful luster.

"This is, Unusual Insect!?" Wei He was taken aback.

"You really know it." Wang Shaojun sighed, "This is the Cloud Mother Insect. Its insect egg is comparable to the flesh and blood of High Level alien beasts, and it is an absolute item of great nourishment. A Cloud Mother Insect, It can continuously produce a large number of insect eggs, equivalent to a High Level meat field that can be moved at will."

"What brings disaster." Wei He shook his head.

"You take it." Wang Shaojun threw the cage over.

Wei He caught it and fell silent.

"Then I'm welcome. I need this." Although he has a lot of meat fields, but because of the Scarlet Bright Army's wanted matter, he is severely lacking in food, and meat production has plummeted.

Nowadays, such as Cloud Mother Insect, there are not many needs, but the highly effective mobile meat field is simply the most suitable thing for him.

"You're welcome." Wang Shaojun laughed, "Do I seem like someone who lacks these?"

"By the way, this Cloud Mother Insect seems to have some secrets, after you Watch carefully. A single Cloud Mother Insect won't rob the entire Thousand Cranes Villa," he reminded.

"Well, I know." Wei He nods.

This trip is completed as scheduled, and he should also concentrate on practicing martial arts in order to achieve breakthrough Overflowing Rain Strength.

Zhou Hangtong, Scarlet Bright Army, is now looking for him and Myriad Azure Sect and the others. If you want to live in the sunshine again, the best way is to make yourself strong enough.

Forcing the other party to accept oneself, or even destroying the other party.

(end of this chapter)

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