Omnipresent God of War Chapter 161


Chapter 161 See Through (Thanks to Qingningzi Monthly Red Packet)

At night.

With only eight Heavenly Seal Nine Masters left, plus Vice-Sect Master Xie Yan, the carry cavalry scattered.

Wei He followed Wan Ling Wan Qingqing on the return carriage.

In the carriage, the rattle vibrated with the wheels, sometimes strong and weak, as if reflecting the fate of Heaven Sealing Gate today.

Wei He rode his horse and led the carriage ahead, Wan Qingqing and Wan Ling in the rear carriage.

The crisp sound of horse hooves, accompanied by the rattling of the bells, is very rhythmic, like some kind of wonderful tranquility song, which gradually calms people's mood.

"Little He." After a while, Wan Qingqing lifted the curtain and came out.

"Senior Sister, how is the Master?" Wei He asked in a deep voice.

"It's not bad. Only this time, the Scarlet Bright Army may be determined to attack us." Wan Qingqing sighed.

“Why is this so?” Wei He wondered.

Since the Scarlet Bright Army can force them to hand over their land resources, there is no need to do such a means of killing households.

"If the total Sect Master could make a move, this would not be the case tonight." Wan Qingqing was a little depressed.

It does.

Wei He was also depressed in his heart. Shangguan Ji was out of anger tonight, but he was still suppressed by something and did not break out.

It stands to reason that those firearms can deal with Forging Bone, but they are unlikely to affect him. It may not even be able to wear its body protection Strength Force.

But he still endured it, just like at the beginning.

“Now in Xuanjing City, and even the whole Tai Prefecture, the gang Sect is being suppressed. The new government is implemented, and the Sect is the top priority.”

Wan Ling’s The sound came from inside the car.

"You don't need to think too much. Shangguan Ji has a martial power and dare not shoot, either because of his Shangguan lineage hundreds of clansman, or for other reasons. You can't count on him."

She slowly got out of the carriage, and with Wan Qingqing's support, she sat down in front of the carriage.

He coughed slightly.

Wan Ling was saddened as she looked at the quiet galloping road around her.

Heaven Sealing Gate from the very beginning was ruined by Shangguan Ji.

From the beginning, he has been negative, not resisting, enduring, and then he has been enduring, enduring, enduring.

Until the split, until now in such a battle, he still endures it!

Wan Ling couldn't understand how Shangguan Ji could endure to this extent.

If he made a move, even if he had only one attitude, it would be better than he has been enduring now.

Doesn't he know that forbearance alone will only make others unsatisfied?


Drive! !

In the moonlight, a team of horses is moving rapidly towards the town near Xuanjing City.

The one on the horse at the front is Daoist Jin Xu of Arc Light Courtyard.

Jin Xu ugly complexion, the wounds that were injured before have been pasted with wound medicine and bandaged.

The rest of the two Arc Light Courtyard Disciples behind him also looked bad.

Tonight, it is clear that it is Yuchi Zhong who is promoting Zhou Hangtong. That guy's strength is indeed terrifying. Forcibly with a Forging Bone realm, it is impossible to press so many experts.

The horses galloped down, and several people felt like a fire was burning in their hearts. A mass of anger that could burst out at any moment.

After tonight, perhaps Xuanjing City or even the entire Tai Prefecture, there will be rumors that Zhou Hangtong won the Heaven Sealing Gate nine sons in a row and won the record.

This is a campaign!

It is to create a Zhou Hangtong with his century-old reputation of Heaven Sealing Gate!

"Shuzi!!" Daoist Jin Xu roared violently.


In the sky, the black clouds are rolling, and there is a faint sound of thunder and lightning.

As if even God couldn't stand it, he roared.

"Master, are we just leaving?" Arc Light Courtyard Chief Xue Ji said.

"Otherwise?" Daoist Jin Xu's tone was suppressed. "You want to do it, do you dare to do it? Do you want it at home?"

Behind the Heaven Sealing Gate represents the small and medium-sized families around Xuanjing City. These Disciples are basically supported by a large industry family, otherwise there will be no money or energy to invest in the cultivation of Martial Arts.

A large industry means that behind everyone, there are many relatives involved.

Parents, wife and children, brother sisters.

Who doesn't care?


Suddenly Daoist Jin Xu slowed down and pulled the reins to stop the horse quickly.

His eyes were fixed on the dark place ahead, motionless.

"Who!? Get out!" He had a bad temper, but now that he was injured and suppressed by Zhou Hangtong, there was nowhere to vent his anger.

In the dark ahead.

A person's shadow slowly and silently emerges from the darkness.

That's pawns!

Strong pawns in black red armor, armed with swords and shields, spread out in the shape of a half-moon, blocking all the way forward for the three of Arc Light Courtyard.

"Jin Xu, long time no see." A strong general, half a head taller than the rest of the soldiers, slowly rode a black horse and stepped out of the separated soldiers.

This person carries a thick war spear more than three meters long, wears a full set of heavy black and red heavy armor, and has a mirror armor with a ferocious animal pattern on his chest.

The only exposed face is full of wrinkles, and it looks like he is at least in his early seventies.

“Zhou Wang.!” Daoist Jin Xu complexion slightly changed, Zhou Family is not only one Zhou Hangtong.

Three Great Families, You Family, Zhou Family, Wang Family, although they represent three interest groups, but the three are actually the same qi, connected branch, connected together.

Except for Zhou Hangtong, Zhou Family also has high-level powerhouses like Zhou Zhanbo and Zhou Wang.

They are both Forging Bone, although not as famous as Heaven Sealing Gate expert, but it does not mean they are not strong.

The generals in the army are not in line with the martial arts.

"Jin Xu, you and I have known each other for many years, and I don't want or want to come to this step." Zhou Wang said calmly.

In addition to the Zhou Family Family Head, he is the second echelon expert and one of the few Zhou Family members to serve in the military.

"What? You Scarlet Bright Army are blocking the way, what are you trying to do?" Jin Xu felt a little bad in his heart. Pulling on the reins in hand, it became more and more tense, pulling the horses to twist their necks.

"On the orders of Sir Commander, don't blame me." Zhou Wang sighed. Zhou Family made bets everywhere, and now it's finally time to stand in line.

From the moment of Zhou Shun's death, the position of the Zhou Family has actually been decided, and there can only be one.

He waved.

The soldier behind him was shot, and a large piece of gun barrel protruded from the shield.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ ! !

The densely packed bullets were like a torrential rain, covering all the dodging space of Jin Xu and the three in an instant.

The bullets that exceed the speed of sound are all bone needles specially aimed at the strength force of the martial artist's body protection, and they burst out like a cow's hair.

Jin Xu has a bad heart. With a stern drink, he got up from the horse and jumped to the left.

This flutter just avoided the coverage of the barrage.

But before he could catch his breath, two black choppers roared from the darkness. Surges with a strong Strength Force.

The two Martial Master realm sergeants rushed forward.

They have been waiting for a long time, waiting for Jin Xu to come this way.

Boom! !

Jin Xu Strength Force poured out, slapped the palm of his hand, and slapped the two knives.

The two Martial Masters teamed up to break out, plus the hundreds of jins of choppers slashed with all their might, huge impact and Strength Force, although they didn't hurt Jin Xu, they also forcibly blocked the momentum.

Immediately after, two slashing knives roared in the darkness, and two Martial Master sergeants silently fired their knives.

The Jin Xu Strength Force had just subsided, and immediately had to continue to resist. The two palms hit in a series, and the two Martial Masters turned pale and quickly retreated.

But before the others landed, it was followed by the third wave Martial Master chopper.

Three waves of non-commissioned officers slashed horizontally, and the tidal wave of knives did not stop, and they cooperated closely.

bang bang beng beng beng!

The continuous slashing without a trace left Jin Xu with no chance to react.

This is a dedicated strangler formation for Martial Arts experts.

Calculate the approximate reaction time, speed, and Strength Force of the Forging Bone Tempering Organ expert, and then share the confrontation with a tight army.

Under severe training, a strangling army formation is like a terrifying expert of the same level with infinite physical strength and no need to return to attack.

"Jin Xu . Don't blame me for that." Zhou Wang sighed again.

A martial arts expert, an expert in the martial arts, faced a strangulation army led by a general, a musket army, and it was actually a round of strangulation.

An expert at the level of Shangguan Ji can make the military somewhat dreaded. After all, an expert with high strength and a very fast movement method can do assassin, and anyone will care.

But it's only a matter of time before the rest, under the close coordination of the army, are wiped out.

In the dark, every time Daoist Jin Xu tried to escape, he was forcibly chopped back by a set of two choppers.

These Martial Masters are not his opponents individually, but they work together, each time they charge up, they only get one shot, and then they return.

Strength Force comes in at the same time, and it becomes a Martial Master comparable to the Forging Bone level.

And these Martial Masters don't need to beat him, just stop him and consume him.

In the dark, Daoist Jin Xu, who was already injured, failed several times in a row.

Zhou Wang, who was at the same level, simply pulled out a short spear from behind, held it in his hand, and locked his eyes on Jin Xu.

Under the heavy pressure of experts at the same level, Jin Xu must devote most of his energy to guard against Zhou Wang at any time.

He was only slightly stronger than Zhou Wang. But in this situation.

The strength of the army is perfectly reflected.

There are many people and many experts. Ordinary person The threat of cooperation is not big, but combined with military formations, firearms, and special cooperation methods.

Even the Tempering Organ can be quantified into a specific number of strangling army formations.

Not long after, Zhou Wang's eyes flashed, and the short spear roared out.


In the darkness, Jin Xu was caught off guard and was thrown into the chest by the short spear.

With a bang, he fell heavily to the ground, unable to move even a little bit.

The massive amount of blood in the mouth and nose was squeezed out by the powerful Strength Force on the short spear.

Jin Xu extend the hand, wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Not far from him, the two Disciples in the Arc Light Courtyard were already swept away by muskets, and the Martial Master army was strangled. The corpse was in sections.

"I'm not reconciled!" Jin Xu extended the hand in vain, trying to grasp something, but in the end it fell down weakly.

"Good way." Zhou Wang sighed, turned his horse's head, and left in the direction of his return.

He just has to deal with the strongest Tempering Organ in the Nine Courtyards.

The rest will be dealt with by other generals, Forging Bone.

The biggest difference between the army and the Sect is the number of experts. With a lot of resources piled up, there may be very few expert peaks in the military, but the number of middle and lower levels can never be imagined by Sect.

The strangling army formed by the middle and lower Triple Blood Martial Masters is the terrifying Killing Formation for Martial Arts experts.

(end of this chapter)

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