Omnipresent God of War Chapter 145


Chapter 145 Deterioration (Xie Qingningzi Alliance Lord)

After being pulled forcibly to marry, Wei He's life returned to peace again. Only later did he find out that Yao Hansheng's sworn brother was not just the three of them.

This guy likes to drink.

In Xuanjing City alone, there are more than a dozen of his sworn brothers and sisters, not to mention other places

In this case, Wei He did not take seriously.

On the other side, Zhen Qi would run to play with the second sister from time to time, and Wei He had nothing to worry about.

What's weird is that Zhen Qi's constant visits have made him less concerned about Wei Ying's safety.

In this way, he simply put all his thoughts into the research of poison technique and the breakthrough of cultivation base.

Five days later.

It was drizzling in the forest.

Wearing a black jacket, Wei He swims dragon-like with both palms, which can be retracted and retracted freely.

At his level, tricks become more and more important.

Strength Force is like putting thick armor on the Martial Master and wearing sharp weapons.

But if you want to hit someone, you still need to look at the tricks.

Especially at the same level, the special effects of Strength Force are not too far behind. The trick is the key to the outcome.

Your Strength Force is weak, but you can hit others five times a minute, and you can still defeat the enemy.

While the palm wind whistled, Wei He jumped back and forth, fast and slow, and a trace of white air slowly evaporated from his body.

That's when you exercise qi and blood, the Strength Force and high temperature that circulate on your body, evaporate the rainwater and shake it into gas.

Not long after, he dashed forward with a double fist, recovered, and finally closed the momentum with the Heart Breaking Seal.

Take a long breath.

The white air is like a sharp sword, piercing the rain curtain.

“Finally Perfection.” Wei He felt the overflowing Rain Strength in his body.

After breaking through Third Layer Overflowing Rain Strength, he has been in the cultivation Fourth Layer.

The difficulty of this layer is to accumulate Strength Force, but the level is less difficult. If it was normally, he might have planned to try to break through by himself, but now, there is no such time.

Since the last time he accidentally encountered other separate courtyards in Heaven Sealing Gate and teamed up with Incense Seeker Cult to sell ordnance, he had a hunch that Heaven Sealing Gate might suffer.

He didn't know what the Sect Master Vice-Sect Master decision makers thought, that they would allow such behavior to occur. Perhaps the profit was too great for them to refuse.

But such things, once exposed.

Wei He can also introduce the ending of Heaven Sealing Gate when he thinks about it a little.

Moreover, the situation inside the door seems to be getting worse recently, and there is frequent friction between the separate courtyards.

The Sect Master Shangguan and the two Vice-Sect Masters above are also ignored.

So, he now has two options.

The first is to stay, to quickly improve the cultivation base, to master the power, and to be alone.

Second, it is to take people away and avoid disaster.

Wei He intends to try the first one.

After all, Tai Prefecture is calm and tranquil, which is the most suitable place to settle down. If you leave, the Great Yuan is big now, but the wind and rain are swaying outside, and there are wars everywhere.

Where else is more stable and stable than Tai Prefecture?

pa pa pa pa

A small clapping of hands came from the door of the house not far away.

Old Man Jiu Ying smiled and looked over to Wei He. One hand clapped the door frame, and the simulation applauded.

"It's not bad. From the looks of you, it should be that Strength Force is more advanced, right?"

"It's just a little bit better." Wei He didn't want to say more.

The Overflowing Rain Strength Fourth Layer is only one Realm Breaking Bead missing now, so he plans to go back to Heaven Sealing Hall immediately and have another breakthrough.

It's a bit of a hassle, but it's safe.

"I really envy you. You are young, strong, temperament, and determined. Much stronger than the old man when I was young." Jiu Ying sighed slightly.

Before Wei He could answer, he spoke again.

"I'm short of some materials temporarily. I need to go out to buy some materials. Do you want to go?"

"No, I have enough medicine powder, no shortage." Wei He from Wang Shaojun found a stable supply channel there.

That guy is indeed a son of a big family, and he can get any kind of weird medicine.

Every time Wei He is entrusted to give him medicine, the agreed payment is one third's patent medicine, which belongs to Wei He.

"Okay, I'll be away for about half a month to January. If there's anything else, I'll talk about it when I get back." Jiu Ying stopped talking nonsense, jumped up, and disappeared into the rain in a few seconds, disappearing into the forest in the distance .

Wei He watched him go away, standing still in the rain.

For a long time, until there was no sound at all.

He thought about moving, and the Realm Breaking Bead, which had been full on his chest for a long time, suddenly exploded, turning into a scalding heat flow, flowing all over his body.

The Overflowing Rain Strength of Third Layer Perfection, driven by this last step, replaced the eyeball of the introduction Spring Reason Bird, but found it in the classics by Wei He, which is far more powerful than Spring Reason Bird Cold Fiend Bird eyeballs, as an alternative.

This is the most High Level breakthrough introduction mentioned in the Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art. It is said to make the Overflowing Rain Strength feel a little chilly. Slow down opponents to find bigger weak spots.

The hot heat flowed through the whole body, and the accumulation in the Realm Breaking Bead dissipated. Wei He faintly felt that his flesh and fascia were slowly undergoing qualitative changes under the vibration of this Strength Force.

I don't know how much time has passed.

He opened his eyes again, his right hand raised, and Strength Force converged on the palm of his hand.

The invisible and transparent airflow, driven by Strength Force, turned into a twist like a thin line, spinning in his palm.


Wei He snapped to the right.

In this shot, his palm almost brought out the afterimage, and the speed was more than twice as fast as before!

A twisted palm wind accompanies Strength Force's release, hitting the bark on the right side with a hard-wood stick-like thumping sound.

The small tree is slightly trembled, although there is no damage, it can be seen initially that the future development direction is to extend the distance and enhance the formidable power.

"Sure enough, this is the special effect of Overflowing Rain Strength, the Initial Strengthening Great Accomplishment, is when the true formidable power of Overflowing Rain Strength begins." Wei He sighed.

When Senior Sister Wan Qingqing gave him pointers before, it was because of the Great Accomplishment's Overflowing Rain Strength that suddenly exploded, and the speed suddenly increased, making him unable to dodge and being hit by several tricks.

Now, he has also entered the Fourth Layer and has such special effects.

"It seems that only Strength Force Great Accomplishment will really begin to show the special effects of their different martial arts." Wei He knew it.

He instigated Overflowing Rain Strength, which stimulated and vibrated the flesh and fascia of the whole body.

Step forward lightly.


The sound of the wind in his ears was much louder than normally running at full speed.

With just one click, he rushed out more than 20 meters and almost hit the trunk of a big tree in front of him.

Fortunately, Wei He disperses the Strength Force stimulating effects in time. Slow down.

Otherwise you'll be dizzy and eyes blurred.

"I haven't gotten used to this surge speed, so I have to practice hard." Wei He thought about when he seriously injured Yan Jiuhai, the son of Yan Junshan.

It seems that Yan Jiuhai used Strength Force at that time.

That kid's Strength Force has become much stronger in a short period of time, and if it weren't for this, he wouldn't be able to resist several blows with all his strength.

"It seems that the Strength Force Great Accomplishment Martial Master and the Martial Master below are another dividing line. The gap is a bit big."

Wei He has it in his heart determination.

From the previous release of Strength Force, it can be roughly judged that after Strength Force Great Accomplishment, the formidable power of the martial artist may begin to expand the attack range.

If there is a long weapon that can extend Strength Force, such Forging Bone martial artist, its lethality is like a humanoid tank.

Wei He couldn't figure out what other firearms could kill such experts.

At his current level, if the bullets are not shot at close range, I am afraid they will not be able to penetrate the body protection Strength Force.

Not to mention those Martial Masters who are skilled in defense, even the Forging Bone level.

He had seen videos before, ordinary firearms and bullets couldn't even penetrate tree trunks, let alone the Martial Master body protection Strength Force that broke his level.

Unless the firearms of this world are different.

However, these thoughts swirled in his mind and slowly dissipated.

The most important thing for him now is to adapt to this rapid increase as soon as possible.

After practicing in the seclusion for an afternoon, Wei He returned to Heaven Sealing Hall in the evening.

He cooked and ate one of the Spring Reason Bird eyeballs he had acquired, as a material introduction for his breakthrough.

Although it is a bit wasteful, it is also a necessary process, no one is sure whether someone is staring at him all the time.

So about the capabilities of the Realm Breaking Bead, not a weak spot can have it.




Inside Myriad Azure Courtyard.

Wan Ling and Wan Qingqing are kneeling opposite each other.

The lotus copper lamp on the side, the lamp flickered slightly, and the white smoke like filaments continued to flow into the pipe above the copper lamp and into the clear water pan below.

"When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me?" Wan Ling looked at her only daughter softly. Some distressed.

Wan Qingqing is no longer like before. Her originally fair and tender skin was also slightly rough, as if she had been exposed to a lot of wind, rain and sun.

The only constant is her clear eyes.

"Some things need to pass by Xuanjing, so come back to see mother." Wan Qingqing replied.

"You shouldn't come back." Wan Ling said after being silent. "The situation at the door is not good now."

"I know that because of the last incident, we were excluded from Myriad Azure Courtyard." Before Wan Qingqing could finish speaking, he was interrupted by mother.

“More than that.” Wan Ling raised his hand, motioning to listen to her. "There are many conflicts between the Nine Courtyards. In the past, the Shangguan Old Sect Master suppressed everything. A while ago, the Old Sect Master was even worse. Therefore, some Courtyard Heads have other ideas."

"is it possible that!?" Wan Qingqing startled.

"That's right. It's just what you think." Wan Ling nodded, "Several separate courtyards privately do some unlawful things, thinking we don't know about it?

It's not that I don't know, but Shangguan Ji doesn't care. Two Vice-Sect Masters, one is more corrupt than the other. This Heaven Sealing Gate has come to this situation, whose fault can it be?"

"All support After all these years, don't they feel sorry at all?" Wan Qingqing said a little unbearably.

"No one's fault. Only selfish ears." Wan Ling calmly said.

"Selfish." Wan Qingqing was silent for a while, she had actually heard that Nine Great Separate Courtyards and two Vice-Sect Masters did a lot of unethical things for their own interests.

But she still felt that, deep down in everyone's heart, they still belonged to Heaven Sealing Gate.

But now it seems that the separate courtyards are likely to fall apart long ago and go their separate ways.

“If Shangguan Ji Martial Arts can't break through that last step, it can't hold back the two Vice-Sect Masters.

We Heavenly Seal Nine Masters are not in harmony at all. This situation is not Our internal reasons, as well as the secret push of many external forces. Three feet of ice, does not form in a single day." Wan Ling sees it thoroughly.

But it's useful to see through it, people are selfish, and everyone is making up for themselves for their own interests and harming others.

The only thing she can do is to stick to the bottom line and mix and match.

"Then you mean, Nine Great Separate Courtyards, and two Vice-Sect Master. Will be separated again?" Wan Qingqing asked softly.

It's not unheard of, Heaven Sealing Gate's ons and offs have happened many times before.

If there is not a strong enough character, it is impossible to re-twist and separate the Heaven Sealing Gate again.

After all, Heavenly Seal Nine Masters is actually nine completely different martial sects except for the connection on the martial arts.

The two Vice-Sect Masters, also with their own unique Martial Arts inheritance, form their own lineage.

So once separated, Heaven Sealing Gate will generally be divided into twelve branches. Nine Great Separate Courtyards, two Vice-Sect Masters, and Shangguan lineage.

(end of this chapter)

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