Omnipresent God of War Chapter 133


Chapter 133 Mindfulness (Thanks to Jiang Yao's Alliance Lord for the reward)

North Yu area Heaven Sealing Hall.

As soon as it was dawn, Wei He rolled over and got up from the bed.

Walking to the wooden shelf in the bedroom, he carefully searched for some reading experiences and notes that he had memorized before, and reviewed them again.

Review the old and know the new, but also to consolidate and strengthen memory, so daily review is a must.

With the accumulation of more and more family property, the secrets on the body are getting thicker and thicker.

Wei He feels more and more that he needs a place to store his private things as a secret room for hidden use.

Like this branch, once he leaves and no one is there, if someone sneaks in and looks at his bedroom, he is likely to find that he studies poisons and drugs, and even studies lost secrets.

Even if he uses encryption and protection, there is one more problem.

That is, the place is too small, and many things require years of experimentation.

Now his pharmacology has entered a bottleneck, requiring a lot of experimentation.

Practicing the hidden Martial Arts cultivation technique also requires a more private and spacious environment. It's really dangerous to stay in the branch all the time. It is easy to be smashed into secrets.

'Perhaps, establish a hidden practice point, a test area? '

This thought popped into Wei He's mind, and he couldn't press it any longer.

After reading the meeting book, I revised the arrangement of the current Wu Dao Body department.

Then put together some of the new information that is available today, and record the useful ones.

Then, Wei He started today's fixed cultivation.

Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art, is the first.

Next is the Whale Flood Art, and then the Iron Mountain Range Robe to enhance Overflowing Rain Strength.

Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art is still the same, slow, tepid, and Seal Blood turns into Strength Force at a moderate speed.

It was only until I became the Third Layer, and there was still a long way to go before I completed the Fourth Layer. Not even half way through now.

And Whale Flood Art.

Wei He frowned.

Whale Flood Art is now starting cultivation Third Layer, but the progress is surprisingly slow, seems to be trouble with Seal Blood.

Whale Flood Art is based on the principle of weaving Seal Blood into different blood sacs, thereby accumulating more qi and blood and increasing the upper limit of the total amount of qi and blood in the human body.

But after Second Layer Whale Flood Art, you need to cultivate a Whale Breath state.

Only after entering this state, the next layer of blood sac weaving can be performed.

'Obviously, Third Layer's Whale Flood Art should be a qualitative change. It's just this Whale Breath state. I can't figure it out. The cheats are also vague. It is not part of the level and can be broken with Realm Breaking Bead. '

Wei He has a headache.

But now the power is enough. Don't be in a hurry for the time being, you can explore it slowly.

Standing up, Wei He slowly stretched out his hand and looked at his fists.

Originally, his fists were slightly black and hard, but now they were slightly bruised and swollen. This is the residual effect of killing two Martial Masters before.

'Simple force is great, but the acting force is mutual. If I don't have enough protection, when I kill others, I will also be shocked. It seems to have to wait for Overflowing Rain Strength to strengthen the protective ability before it may improve. '

Now that Wei He qi and blood has improved, there is basically no drag on the root bone.

The increase brought by Whale Flood Art has put him at the root, and it seems that he is finally tying the rest of the same sect. Not just middle and lower.

And in this actual combat, the power exploded, and even the Initial Strengthening Martial Master was a punch.

This formidable power exploded, even surpassing Overflowing Rain Strength.

But Wei He is very clear that the original intention of Whale Flood Art is not to fight, but to prolong life.

So on Whale Flood Art, there is no part about Strength Force at all, all are used to increase qi and blood.

The increase of qi and blood brings increased strength, but pure strength is not invincible.

If you can't bear such a powerful force, it is a tactic of killing one thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred, which is meaningless.

After practicing Whale Flood Art for a while, didn't touch to find out what clues.

Wei He was transferred to Iron Mountain Range Robe again.

Iron Mountain Range Robe is already full of Double Blood, just wait until the Realm Breaking Bead is full, and it will be able to pierce Triple Blood, which is going pretty smoothly.

After all, Wei He has continuously cultivated many Triple Blood martial arts. The difficulty of Triple Blood lies in the careful understanding and experience of Strength Force. This is no bottleneck to him.

Finally, after finishing the Martial Arts homework, Wei He took out the mixed poison he got from Wang Shaojun and started to continue his research.

There are three kinds of mixed poisons exchanged, all of which can be attached to Strength Force, and cover the body surface as Strength Force circulates.

The toxicity of these mixed poisons is different, and the effective time is also different. And it seems to be in order to guard against the keen Five Senses of the martial artists, most of these mixed poisons have a very low odor, colorless and clear. Very concealed.

Suddenly Wei He thought of a question.

Since Wang Shaojun can get this kind of medicine, then Wan Qingqing, that Yan Jiuhai may also be able to get this kind of high level medicine.

Since that Yan Jiuhai's reputation is not very good, if he really wants to be drugged, raw rice cooked rice, whether it is Heaven Sealing Gate or Experiencing Mountain Sect, I am afraid it will be happy to see it.

After Wei He's investigation, he has some understanding of the current situation of Wan Qingqing.

Most of the Martial Masters rarely know this kind of medicine that can be effective for Initial Strengthening martial artist. It's easy to let our guard down in this regard.

Thinking of this, Wei He picked up the pen and quickly wrote a letter to Wan Qingqing, in which he mentioned that he had newly discovered a poison that could also be effective on Martial Master, so he should be careful about possible drug use .

Wei He the past few days also inquired about Yan Jiuhai's situation, this person is indeed as Wang Shaojun said, vicious and merciless, don't care much about women's sex, it is really unlikely because of a beautiful woman, Deliberately trying to get married.

It can be seen that its purpose is not simple.

On Zhou Shun Zhou Yugui's side, they spared no effort in persecuting Wan Qingqing, asking him to marry him, so he would not be afraid that Wan Qingqing would blow the pillow wind in the future and make Yan Jiuhai not sympathetic?

Therefore, the hidden things here are probably very deep.

Wei He quickly wrote a letter, in addition to basic greetings and asking Martial Arts, he mentioned that he found a poison that is also effective for Martial Master, colorless and odorless. Let it be careful.

As long as Wan Qingqing is prepared, the chances of getting hit are much smaller.

However, Wei He thought about it, maybe he was unfounded, and Wan Qingqing might have been exposed to similar things before.

He wrote the letter, sealed it, and let Ding Yang arrange for it to be sent to Heaven Sealing Gate.

Then, just wait until October to go back to Heaven Sealing Gate and see what happens.

If he can, he will spare no effort to make a shot.

The long leisure time is coming to an end.

Wei He has some hunch that in the future, maybe the dull days like now are not long.




in a few days.

Near Xuanjing City, Inkstone Mountain.

The withered and yellow leaves were rolling in the wind.

Wan Qingqing, wearing pure white sturdy clothing, was practicing martial skills with one punch and one kick under the watchful eye of mother Wan Ling.

She doesn't issue Strength Force, but just triggers and doesn't, which is implied in the palm method.

A white shadow rolled and swirled in the woods where dead leaves were constantly falling, making a sound of one after another palm method breaking through the air from time to time.

To ordinary people, this is a set of martial arts cultivation techniques similar to dance.

But in Wan Ling's eyes at this time, he could see that every time his daughter made a palm, the range and strength of the blow would automatically emerge.

These ranges and strengths are the core of this palm method.

Wan Qingqing is like a flying butterfly, sometimes swift and sometimes slow.

A short while later, a fallen leaf happened to fall in front of her palm.

The dry yellow leaves were silent, then brushed by the palm force, smashed into countless powders, and scattered like sand.

"Okay. Qingqing." Wan Ling finally said, "You have mastered enough of this thousand-word palm method. If you use it in a competition, it will definitely make your whole body Strength Force active for a short period of time. No matter how you attack or defend, you can increase your formidable power.”

Wan Qingqing slowly closed the momentum, made a spin, and put his hands together like a ball around him.


She opened her mouth and let out a breath of hot air, which lasted for more than ten seconds.

"Mother, what is the cultivation base of Yan Jiuhai, really don't know anything?" She recovered and asked softly.

"I don't know either, but, among the younger generation, you are now the second only to the strongest, Yan Jiuhai has been hidden in the snow, never came forward, and never heard of the root bone, perception. Anyway, even if you have strength, you shouldn't be your opponent." Wan Ling shook his head.

"That's good." Wan Qingqing looked slightly relaxed.

Suddenly, a white bird in the distance swooped down, slowed down above Wan Ling, and landed on his shoulder.

Wan Ling skillfully took a helping bamboo tube from her bird's paw, opened it, and pulled out the paper roll.

Carefully unfolding the scroll, she just glanced and browsed slightly wrinkle.

"Qingqing, get ready. The appointment time is ahead of schedule. Let's go now to Spirit Concentration Villa." Wan Ling said.

"In advance." Wan Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, it's better to finish it earlier, anyway, I'm ready here. I'll tell that Yan Jiuhai to give up."

"In advance." p>

"That's good, you go back and prepare your luggage, we'll be leaving in a while." Wan Ling said.

"Okay mother." Wan Qingqing nods.




Late September.


Outside Xuanjing City, the Tai Prefecture Prefecture lies to the north, and the other three sides are surrounded by vast expanses of barren hills and woodlands.

The Jinghe River flows around it like a ribbon.

These barren hills and woodlands are divided into two parts by the people in the city, one part is called Inkstone Mountain, which is shaped like an inkstone, and the other part is called Goat Mountain, which is shaped like a goat.

It's deep in Goat Mountain.

A burly silhouette flies through the woods. Wherever they passed, there were hardly any footprints to be seen, and most of them were galloping from tree trunks and branches.

silhouette Long-haired shawl, wearing a black mask, two meters tall, even in Xuanjing City, it is rare.

A normal martial artist is generally 1.78 meters, and the taller ones are mostly cultivation special skills. You can see at a glance that their body shape is different from ordinary people.

But this silhouette, the body is well-proportioned and streamlined, and there is no difference in the whole body. But taller than normal.

Soon, the silhouette slowed down, jumped gently, and landed in front of a clearing full of fallen leaves.

In the open space, there was a stone table covered with dead leaves.

The tabletop is depicted with chessboard lines, and there is a wooden stake stool with just the right height on both sides.

On the side of the stone table, there is a thatched cottage, which seems to have been abandoned for a long time. The surrounding weeds are overgrown, and even the door is almost blocked by the tall grass.

silhouette lightly exclaimed, approaching the stone table.

The light fell from the forest above, and on his face, it was Wei He who was supposed to be in Heaven Sealing Hall.

Since his breakthrough, he has become more and more active when practicing martial arts, and he feels more and more inconvenient in Heaven Sealing Hall, so he came up with the idea of building a hidden base outside.

It happens that Tai Prefecture is relatively peaceful in the wild, and there are not many wild animals. He went out of town to look around for the location.

"didn't expect to encounter a place where someone lived. This chessboard, someone should have played chess here before."

Wei He slowly brushed away The fallen leaves on the chessboard reveal the deep carved chess lines below.

The line one after another was rough, as if drawn by fingers.

Wei He didn't take it seriously, the Triple Blood martial artist of the cultivation palm method finger method can easily write on the stone.

He looked towards the thatched cottage beside him.

It was quiet and deserted, and there wasn't even a chirping of birds around, which was a bit strange.

He approached slowly, and the Strength Force circulated on his body, cautiously paying attention to the possible situations around him.

Originally just came to find a place to be a temporary base, didn't expect to come across such a place by accident.

Dare to live alone in this barren mountain, the previous owner here does not seem to be a good person.

(end of this chapter)

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