Omnipresent God of War Chapter 131


Chapter 131 On Juli

Last quarter moon, dusk.

Between Heavenly Seal Lake and Xuanjing City, a large area of sea of trees and woodlands has been dyed with thick yellow red at this time.

A large number of fallen leaves are like blankets, which are thickly padded on the ground, and can also make a crisp ka-cha sound when walking on it.

On both sides of the gallop, the yellow-red woods are mixed with a thin dark haze, mysterious and unknown under the sunset light that is about to sink.

In the rolling yellow red mountains, at the mouth of a stone cave.

Several people were scattered around the cave, half-lying at different lurking spots, waiting for prey that might appear at any time to enter the net.

"When will this ambush end?"

In an ambush site, two healthy brawny men are holding dry food patties into their mouths, while filling them with water bags Packed wine to quench thirst.

The two men were wearing yellow red flower robes similar to the surrounding leaves, with special short blades and poison darts tied around their waists and thighs.

The most important thing is that there is a small cage on the ground beside them, which holds a yellow animal like Small Fox.

The little animal was lying quietly, as if sleeping.

"Anyway, as I said above, wait for the shift, that guy made a big deal of ours, and killed so many people, and if he didn't catch anyone, who would dare to cooperate with us in the future? This is for One of those partners will explain." The other person replied in a deep voice.

"But we've been squatting for a few months, and we haven't made a move. This is it possible that it's really going to snow?"

"Who knows. Anyway, what's the above saying , we'll do what we do."

"Do you know who is leading the team?"

"Well, it's the two newly joined experts, even they are waiting like us. , so what do you have to complain about?"

"That's right."

"Wait, someone is here!" Suddenly one person moved and glanced at the cage beside him .

The small animal in the cage suddenly bounced up, looked left and right, its little nose kept sniffing something, and seemed to find something.

"It doesn't seem to be many. Let me know later." Another person nodded and said.

The two quickly separated from one another and walked quietly towards the rear.

In the jungle, red and yellow leaves are all over the place.

Wei He wears a black mask, his body is dark, and his burly figure is not awkward at all, moving slowly and lightly in the woods.

His goal is very clear, that is where he hid things last time.

He did not approach directly, but circled around and approached the cave from another direction.

Just before he got far, he realized something was wrong.

“Come out.”

Wei He suddenly stopped and said solemnly.

The surroundings were silent, only the dead leaves were blown away by the wind and fell slowly.

Failed to defraud anyone, Wei He was relieved and moved on.

He didn't go far before he suddenly stopped again.

"I saw you."

This time, up ahead, left and right, people came out one after another.

A masked man in a camouflage suit blocked all three directions in front of Wei He.

Up ahead alone, he didn't wear a mask, only a camouflage suit. Wei He immediately recognized that this person was the Boss of Plum Blossom Manor, Song Qing, whom he had met last time.

It's not because of his super memory and observation ability, but also because this person uses some special sachets on his body, which seems to remove body odor and the like.

But the smell of the sachet mixed with the body odor, it formed a special odor instead.

Although this odor is very light, it is very special.

After all, there are too many poisons, and I have developed a good habit of being sensitive.

So he can't remember the other person's appearance, but this special smell is unforgettable at first sight.

"It's actually you?" Wei He didn't expect that not only did he recognize the other party, but Song Qing, who was on the opposite side, also recognized him wearing a mask.

"Heaven Sealing Gate's Wei He Branch Master Wei, what are you doing here? Dress up sneakily, so that people won't recognize you?" Song Qing said with a sneer.

“.” Wei He was speechless. He wondered to himself that there was nothing to reveal about himself.

But since he was discovered, he stopped hiding and ripped off the mask.

"Song Qing, I just passed by here and found you guys hiding here when I returned to Heavenly Seal Lake. Come and see."

He retorted. "Last time you hurt me, I haven't settled with you yet, you wait, I'll come to my senior and junior brothers for advice, Plum Blossom Manor, right? Wait!"

Wei He said as he slowly stepped back.

"What? You're here and want to leave?" Song Qing faintly smiled.

Although I'm not sure if it's this Wei He, but since I met one, there's no way to let it run away.

He jumped up, and the distance of more than ten meters was in the blink of an eye.

The right leg circled around, like a battle axe, fiercely moved towards Wei He's shoulder and swept away.

Strength Force of the legs intertwined, stirring up the air flow wu wu, and the dead leaves on the surrounding ground trees were driven by the air flow rolled up by this leg, rolling and scattered.

In a hurry, Wei He quickly raised his hand in front of him.


The legs and palms collided, and Wei He was shaken all over. Fiercely knocked his body down and fell out, hitting a tree trunk, causing the leaves to rain down.

He coughed twice, and waved his hands hurriedly, resisting the swiftly sweeping legs around him.

That leg shadow is like a giant axe, wide open and close, momentum is big, power is deep, and extremely fast. There is also a special rotation that penetrates Strength Force, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

A few moments later, Wei He was groaned, the corner of the mouth bleeds, and he was kicked in the left shoulder and flew out.

"unable to withstand a single blow." Song Qing retracted his legs, sneered. "The last time I let you go, I thought you would have a better memory, didn't expect and act recklessly to come over by myself."

But considering the identity of the other party's Heaven Sealing Gate Branch Master, he knew that he impossible to kill each other here again.

Otherwise, Heaven Sealing Gate, whose nerves are already somewhat sensitive now, can't deal with the backstage behind him, but to kill him Plum Blossom Manor, it is still with no difficulty.

After hesitation, he changed his mind.

"Go away!" Song Qing spit out, "Don't let me see you again, otherwise, watch and fight again!"

Wei He covered his mouth. Standing on his shoulders from the ground, fiercely glanced at him, turned and walked away without saying a word.

He had already noticed that Song Qing was not the only one around, there were several hidden people around.

So he's already resigned.

As for Song Qing, this guy is just a nobody, there will be a chance to solve this person in the future, and he will be unhurried for a while anyway.

Wei He retreated quickly and quickly disappeared into the woods.

Song Qing sneered, turned and moved towards the way back. At the same time wave the rest of the people back to the various places.

"It's alright, it's just a guy who came over by accident. No!" Suddenly his heart trembled.

Although it's not far from the road, they have been lurking, and there is no movement. How did Wei He hear the movement and find him here?

In other words, the guy moved towards this side at first, not to check the situation.

Song Qing suddenly reacted.

Although he felt that his brain was a little dull, he was not stupid, and he immediately realized that Wei He was probably related to the last robbery.

"Not good!" Suddenly he thought of another possibility.

Song Qing face changed , quickly moved towards one of the hidden spots and rushed towards it.

The dense forest parted from his eyes, and soon he was in one of the hiding spots.

It was just the sight in front of him that made him stunned.

The Plum Blossom Manor he brought, the two of them had fallen to the ground silently, and blood was slowly seeping under them.


Song Qing hurriedly moved towards another place galloping away.

The second hiding spot is not far away, about several hundred meters away.

Only when he arrived, the bushes there were also bloody.

The two corpses sent over there also fell to the ground, still twitching slightly.

Song Qing's complexion was ashen, the leg technique was running to the limit, and her figure was fast as lightning, moved towards the third and last hiding spot.

He almost used the fastest speed in his life.

oh la la.

Song Qing fiercely parted the bushes ahead.

The dead leaves of yellow and red rolled and danced in the air that he swept across the ground.

Song Qing stopped abruptly and looked at the third hiding spot.

The two people there, at this time one had fallen in a pool of blood, and his neck was crooked and broken.

The other person is being held by a tall and sturdy man, strangling his throat with one hand, and struggling with his limbs in the air, but to no avail.


There is a crisp sound.

The last person's neck was also pinched, and he gradually lost his life.

That person is one of Song Qing's most important confidants!

Song Qing's eyes were wide open, his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, and a lot of bloodshot eyes were densely packed with whites.

"You, look for, die!!!"

He roared and flew up suddenly, like a dragon, with a powerful airflow, fiercely rushed towards the burly man silhouette .

The strongest lore in the leg technique he's built, Netflix Luoyan, suddenly burst out with all his strength.

The right leg brought out a strange arc, folded several times in midair, and instantly brought out a large leg shadow, actually covering most of the space around the opponent, forming a huge net, leaving him nowhere to go escape.

"die for me!!" Song Qing's whole body Strength Force is not like money, and crazy moved towards right leg injection.

The spiral-shaped Strength Force wove a larger invisible web with the shadow of the legs, moved towards the man shrouded down.


Just in an instant, all the leg shadows stopped abruptly.

Song Qing's right leg was like a bird caught by iron clamps, and was gently pinched by a big black hand, unable to move even a little bit.

He tried frantically to break free, but to no avail, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great.

So much so that he broke out several times in a row, and he couldn't break free from the restraint except to make the flesh and blood of his legs blurred.

"We just parted. We met again."

The man turned around, revealing a familiar face Song Qing had just met.

It's Wei He!

It's just that Wei He at this time is completely different from the expression and temperament just now.

If the person from before had a weak, embarrassed, and difficult temperament.

Then the person in front of him is a dangerous giant beast who is spreading his serrated fangs.

Calm, gentle.

That same face, just looking towards Song Qing gently, made him feel like a twitch all over his body.

As if in front of him were countless sharp and cold knives.

"You you guy actually!!?" Trying to save the last bit of life for myself.

He stared at each other in disbelief, this guy who was kicked by him just now, a weak Martial Master who has been disperse cultivation, actually

He seems to think he is An idiot, his previous self-satisfaction and self-confidence shattered like a glass wall.

It was replaced by disbelief, and the shame and anger of being deceived.

(end of this chapter)

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