Omnipresent God of War Chapter 128


Chapter 128 Yuxing (Thanks to the utomarketAlliance Lord for the reward)

After a while, the three little birds fell dizzy in Wei He's hand When I got up, my whole body was hot and hot, and it became a little weird. I wanted to fly but couldn't fly. Not a sign of intoxication.

Throwing away the three little sparrows, Wei He picked up the jug, turned and was about to go back to find someone.

Suddenly he step one stopped.

In the open space outside the bamboo forest, a turquoise paper umbrella quietly stopped there.

The paper umbrella is embroidered with a landscape and a few egrets.

One person was standing under the umbrella, staring at him calmly.

"Did you see it?" The man raised the edge of the umbrella, revealing a feminine and handsome white face.

"Of course." Wei He could not have imagined that the incident of reselling weapons had only ended temporarily.

He suddenly swayed and took a step to the left. A row of silver needles suddenly appeared on the bamboo tube behind him.

"Want to silence?" Wei He was taken aback. He hadn't even started a teacher to ask for the guilt, but the other party actually dared to take action against him.

"Just try my hand." The man said with a slight smile. "This is not a good place. The bamboo forest is too small, and it used to be a street."

"And I just came in, and you came in, and many people saw it." Wei He replied.

The reality of the other party is unknown, but judging from the strength of the row of silver needles just now, if he is not very familiar with how to sneak attack others, he may not be able to escape that.

Of course, it is still unknown whether the silver needle can pass through the bodyguard Strength Force.

But it can also be seen that the strength of the other party is not weak.

The most important thing is that the other party clearly saw the Heaven Sealing Gate inner courtyard clothes he was wearing, and also saw that the rain fell on him without getting wet.

This means that the person on the other side knows his identity, and also knows that he is Martial Master, Initial Strengthening expert.

"You said, will I kill you now?" azure robed man said softly, as if talking to himself and talking to Wei He.

“Are you sure you can beat me?” Wei He asked rhetorically.

"I don't know." The man replied, "You are very strange. It should be cultivated to hide the blood qi's method. Obviously it should be just an ordinary Martial Master, but it gives me a different feeling. It seems that you have also cultivated some martial. arts. But the concurrent cultivation should not be able to reach this point.”

Wei He was more shocked the more he listened, this person could actually see so many things about him.

“You have been poisoning continuously from just now until now, four different types of poisonous water, three types of poisonous smoke, colorless and odorless, it should be mixed poison.

You know me well. It is the Initial Strengthening Martial Master, knowing that it is raining, but still dare to poison, it means that you are sure that your poison is also useful to the Martial Master. Or it can break through the body protection Strength Force, but unfortunately, your poisoning method is too rough."

He also retaliated.

The man opposite also changed his face slightly at this time, and he seemed to be shocked.

The two fell silent for a while, standing still.

No one is sure whether to do it or not.

Because they can't see through each other, they can't guarantee that they will win each other. I can't guarantee that I will win.

This is the caution of the unknown.

The rain is getting lighter. Instead, a cool breeze blew.

In the bamboo forest, the two are motionless, like sculptures.

Long time.

The man suddenly spoke.

"How about a deal?"

"Yes." Wei He replied immediately, "I want your kind of jerk that can be useful to Martial Master!" He just waited The other party said this.

"." The man's expression changed slightly, and he felt as if he had been tricked. But in this case, the other party impossible counts him step by step.

So it's just a coincidence.

"Yes." The man nodded, "I want you to keep my past secret."

"Yes." Wei He answered quickly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will look back and find a chance to kill you?"

“You are confident that you can kill me? Instead of me killing you?” Wei He asked rhetorically. "Maybe you can try it now."

"." The man was silent again.

"You're confident." He said silently.

“So do you.” Wei He indifferently said. "This is the first time I have met someone who doesn't know anything about the opponent, yet dares to threaten to kill the opponent."

"Aren't you from Heaven Sealing Gate?" the man asked back.

"." This time it was Wei He's turn to be silent. This means a little too much.

It means he can kill anyone who is in Heaven Sealing Gate?

"Can you beat Shangguan Ji?" Wei He asked rhetorically.

"." The man was silent again. "I can't beat it now. But in the future, I can."

"." Wei He is speechless, so awesome? Who wouldn't brag?

"But no matter what the future holds, right now, as long as you can't beat Shangguan Ji, you can't beat me." He was equally determined, his expression flat.

For a while, the two were speechless again and fell silent.

The cool breeze swayed the bamboo forest.

After a while, a silhouette finally staggered and moved towards this side.

It was a beautiful singer in a pink skirt and tulle.

She was so drunk that she retched a few times while holding the bamboo against the ground.

I vomited for a while, but nothing came out, but something got stuck in my throat.

The singer was really unable, squatted on the ground, covered her throat, and reached out to dig her mouth.

But after a while, she still couldn't get out. She finally turned red and cried out in sadness.

“Dad .wu wu auntie, I’m so uncomfortable”

“I want to go home. I don’t want to stay here”

After crying for a while, the song Ling swayed and wanted to get up, but after walking a few steps, her body was crooked, she couldn't hold it, and fell to the ground softly, without movement.

It's just that there is pale red overflowing under her body, dyeing the ground red.

The two people in the bamboo forest were attracted by the singer.

The azure robed man was silent for a while, then finally took a step, walked slowly to the singer, and covered him with the umbrella.

"She's dying," he whispered. "The poison I just injected is all around, it hasn't dissipated, and there is no antidote."

Wei He slowly followed. Somewhat surprised.

He didn't expect this person to care about the life and death of a trifling singer.

But the singer is also from the Abundant Desire Workshop.

So he pondered and spoke.

"She won't die, I have already solved your poison."

"." azure robed man was silent again. It feels like my self-esteem has taken a hit.

He looked up towards Wei He.

"She's bleeding."

"The okra is here." Wei He said.

"You mean Tiankui?"

"." Wei He wanted to say that he remembered it wrong, but the words were out of his mouth, and it was hard to catch water.

"In our hometown, Tiankui is also called okra." He face doesn't change.


The two were speechless.

"In your hometown, is the face skin also called pig skin?" the man said suddenly.

"Why, you don't believe it?" Wei He looked surprised.

Seeing his expression, azure robed man was a little shaken.

'is it possible that this guy's hometown really has such a name? '

"Okay." He felt that his bickering was not the opponent's opponent, so he pointed his toes and gently lifted and tossed the singer.

A soft Strength Force protects the singer and falls on the aisle of the kitchen not far away.

Soon, someone discovered the singer's situation, and several maids hurriedly lifted the singer and moved towards the clinic.

In the bamboo forest, the two of them hid in the dark, watching the person go away, and then withdrew their gaze.

"Unexpectedly, you are kind enough?" Wei He asked. "My impression of you has changed a bit."

"Actually, even if you tell me what happened just now, I don't care. I just don't want to find another time to kill people. So I poisoned." azure robed man back.

He looked at Wei He and felt very interesting.

"You are very interesting. Can you teach me how you did detoxification before?"

"It's not free." Wei He said.

"Yes." The man nodded, "It seems that there is no inevitable conflict between us."

"So what?"

"So, after that You can come to me and complete the exchange." azure robed man indifferently said.

"Are you ready to soar into the sky now, just leave, and leave a sentence with your name. Do you think it's handsome?" Wei He said suddenly.

"." The man couldn't remember how many times he was silent today. He felt a little red and a little hot on his face.

"Let's read less chivalrous novels, and people will be normal." Wei He advised.

"Then what should I do?" the man asked rhetorically.

"I don't know."

"I don't know?"

"I don't know what to do, but you can follow me." Wei He said.

"." The man was really speechless this time. He felt that he had met the most cheeky person ever.

"Forget it, the registration number. My name is Wang Shaojun, one of the Xuanjing Three Young Masters in Jianghu." The man said seriously.

"My name is Wei He. Heaven Sealing Gate branch Branch Master." Wei He answered directly without nonsense.

In fact, he does not have a registration number, and the other party can easily ask his identity. After all, he is a public figure these days. I drink and eat food in this Abundant Desire Workshop every day, and I know too many people.

Wang Shaojun?

I didn't expect to hear about this guy before, and I met him personally today.

This insidious thing is actually just the addition of one of the three Eldest Young Masters, Wei He does not believe this rumor is true.

If this rumor is true, there is only one outcome.

One, the guy on the other side is deliberately hiding.

Second, the other two were too strong to cover up Wang Shaojun.

Wei He prefers to believe first guesses.

"Remember what you said. Remember to teach me that solution." Wang Shaojun said seriously.

"You dare to use it without knowing the solution, and you are not afraid of poisoning yourself to death?" Wei He was speechless.

"I have something to ward off poison."

"." Well, another rich man.

An antidote, something Wei He has never even heard of.

"Remember to come to me, if you don't come, I will go to Heaven Sealing Gate." Wang Shaojun left such a sentence when he finally left.

Wei He naturally agreed.

Wang Shaojun's mixed poison is also a great treasure for him.

If it can be researched how the effect of this mixed poison works on the Martial Master.

Then his methods of fighting the enemy in the future will be greatly improved.

He can indeed detoxification, that's because any toxin has its source of principle.

Some general methods can be used to directly destroy the chemical and biological structure of toxins. Such as high temperature, such as strong acid and alkali environment.

He uses this method.

But being able to detoxification doesn't mean you can make poison.

In other words, he is not called complete detoxification, but only destroys the poison.

(end of this chapter)

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