Omnipresent God of War Chapter 115


Chapter 115 Dissolving on

Have a dinner and eat to the end. Everyone is satisfied and full of food and wine.

Little Fatty Zhang Husheng publicly toasted several times, thanking everyone for coming to join us, and declared the end of the party.

One by one the same sects got up and left.

Under the Dawn Moon Building, people wearing Heaven Sealing Gate inner courtyard costumes disperse one after another on the carriage, and a few people are also very fast, passing by in a flash and disappearing into the darkness.

Wei He and Chen Huan, Sun Yi, etc. had a great conversation. After leaving the group downstairs, he was alone and looked at Wan Qingqing's location from a distance.

This Eldest Senior Sister is the last to come out and is saying goodbye to the two Junior Sisters.

Wei He stood on the side of the road, waiting quietly.

Wait until Wan Qingqing finished speaking and turned around to prepare for the carriage. He just walked over.

“Senior Sister Wan, Wei He, can you say a few words?” He calmly said.

Wan Qingqing also recognized Wei He, this Junior Brother in the inner courtyard is also somewhat special.

After all, Triple Blood was cast from the Without Beginning Sect, and the light starting point surpassed most people.

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Wei, what's the matter?" Wan Qingqing said with a gentle smile.

This Junior Brother Wei, she also knew in the previous chat, the other party had rumors that it was singlehanded to kill two Initial Strengthening Martial Masters.

But that's not very believable to her.

Because of how strong the Initial Strengthening Martial Master really is, she knows. Even if two Wei He played together, they would not be the opponent of Initial Strengthening Martial Master.

After all, this one is still disperse cultivation. Even if there are some means, can they stop so many gangs from those two gangs?

As for the rumored poisoning and medicine turning over so many people, this is even more untrustworthy.

Initial Strengthening Martial Master How many doses does it take to be poisoned?

Wan Qingqing's own Initial Strengthening has reached the climax, of course he knows this best. After entering this level, you can be called Martial Master.

It means the degree to which Disciple can be taught, to teach the martial skill as a teacher.

The Martial Master at this time, with Strength Force circulating in his body, will have great resistance to toxins and poisonous powder.

She has tried it herself. With the powerful physique of Martial Master, she can at least overturn the dosage of more than ten people, or even dozens of people, before she can feel a little bit.

As for the mixed poisons, at least a dozen different poisons and drugs that promote each other need to be mixed in to be effective.

So for this kind of rumor, she just laughed it off.

But at this time, Wei He suddenly stopped her, which made her a little curious as to what was going on.

"Junior Brother Wei, please tell me, is it about the trouble of rumors?" Wan Qingqing said with a slight smile.

“No.” Wei He denied. "Actually, after the party, I also plan to go to the separate courtyard to find Senior Sister, mainly because I have finished practicing the Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art Second Layer, and I want to follow the cultivation technique."

"Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art is completed. Second Layer?" Wan Qingqing was stunned, then laughed, "Junior Brother Wei, stop joking, you only got the Second Layer secret book from me last time, and it should only be more than half a year now, right?"

In Myriad Azure Courtyard Disciple, there are indeed half-year breakthroughs on this floor, such as her, such as the inner courtyard of the third layer that has now been built.

But they are not the same, they are all recognized geniuses at first. And there is no shortage of resources, so concentrate on practicing martial arts.

While this Wei He, he had lost his work before.

"Junior Brother Wei, if I remember correctly, you should have been disperse cultivation before, right? Take you Without Beginning Sect All of the cultivation techniques are gone, right?" Wan Qingqing asked.

“Yes.” Wei He nodded.

"Then, let me ask again. Are you really finished with Second Layer?" Wan Qingqing asked seriously.

"It's not the cultivation Second Layer, but the Second Layer is completely completed!"

In the night, the cold wind blows, and the two stand by the carriage, although they are two meters apart, but The atmosphere between the two was involuntarily awe-inspiring.

"Yes, it's over." Wei He nodded. "The control part of Second Layer, although difficult, but I also studied martial arts and practiced similar parts. So I'm familiar with it."

"." The smile on Wan Qingqing's face slowly faded and disappeared. .

She stepped forward and extended the hand.

"Do you mind?"

"It's fine." Wei He also extended the hand, letting her press it on his forearm.

The cultivation technique of Heaven Sealing Gate is all in one hand, so if you want to verify which layer Wei He has reached, you only need to test it on your hands to know.

Wan Qingqing's fingers were cold and delicate, pressing on Wei He's arm, faintly sending out a needle-like thorn Strength Force.

This Strength Force quickly aroused Wei He's Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art qi and blood reaction covering the whole body, and a large amount of Seal Blood automatically gathered to the stimulated place.

After a while, Wan Qingqing retracted his fingers and looked up at Wei He, a little surprised and a little regretful.

"You have indeed reached the Second Layer. I will give you the Secret Book of the Third Layer when I go back."

She was surprised that Wei He's innate talent was higher than expected. In other words, it may be more in line with the martial arts of Heaven Sealing Gate. So the speed of progress is extremely fast, and it is no weaker than her.

From First Layer to Second Layer, many inner courtyards, after spending many years, may not be able to break through.

This Wei He has only just started, but in just two years, he has gone through a step that others have been difficult to overcome for many years.

If he entered the Heaven Sealing Gate at first, he might be a genius no less than himself by now.

But it's a pity.

Wan Qingqing regretted in his heart that Wei He disperse cultivation had passed.

Disperse cultivation will hurt the Martial Arts Foundation and the root of the body. even life expectancy. Even with breakthrough, even Initial Strengthening, the protective body Strength Force that can condense will not be strong. Maybe it can't beat a strong Triple Blood.

This is what hurts Innate fundamentally.

"Thank you Sister Senior." Wei He cup one fist in the other hand earnestly.

"I will explain this to mother. Maybe she will check for you in person after a while to see if there is any remedy." Wan Qingqing continued.

"." Wei He's heart froze, his camouflage cultivation technique, Five Spirits Spreading Breath Technique, if it's superficial, it's okay, but once it is closely inspected, it may be too exposed. .

His thoughts turned sharply, and his face showed an expression of unspeakable, gritted teeth and embarrassment.

"No need!" he said solemnly, "I'm just disperse cultivation, not disabled, no need for Master to help."

He didn't want anyone to see him Weak expression.

"But." Wan Qingqing wanted to say something else, but through the moonlight, seeing the look on Wei He's face, she seemed to understand something, and her eyes became more tender.

Initial Strengthening with insufficient Innate, even if Initial Strengthening is done, it may bring him not joy and pride, but more humiliation and depression.

"Okay, I see" she seriously nodded. "Do you need my help to keep it a secret?"

Breakthrough was so fast, but because of disperse cultivation, the foundation was damaged. That is to say, originally Wei He may be a top-notch hidden genius, but after disperse cultivation, he really no longer stands out.

"Don't hide it deliberately, it's fine. It's nothing at worst." Wei He pretended to be open-minded, said solemnly.

".Junior Brother Wei, don't worry about it, even those who have gone through disperse cultivation, there are many people in history with great perseverance who forcibly turned things around and re-entered the high-level. As long as you can step into Forging Bone, you can have it.

A chance to recreate Seal Blood once. Bone is the source of blood, so."

She comforted softly.

Wei He was speechless and could only try his best to look like I'm not sad, I'm just stiffening.

The two said a few more words and then separated. Head back towards Heaven Sealing Gate.

After all, there are differences between men and women, and the two agreed to meet again in Myriad Azure Courtyard.

Wei He watched the carriage leave, and turned to the block under the night.

All the way back, he is 1.9 meters tall, with a burly and sturdy figure, and at a glance, he can tell that he is not to be trifled with indifferent eyes.

It caused a lot of troubles and threats that ordinary people might encounter.

He also hurrying and thinking, the three martial arts on his body, Turning Mountain Fist, Five Ranges Palm, Flying Dragon Art, have gradually been unable to keep up with the pace.

We have to figure out a way to fix this.

First of all, disperse cultivation cannot damage the foundation.

Since you can't disperse cultivation, you can leave it alone. Anyway, no matter how many concurrent trainings and how much interference the breakthrough is, it will not be able to resist the Realm Breaking Bead to the end.

And stay on the body, but also enhance a layer of formidable power.

It's just that Wei He has always had an idea, an idea about the Realm Breaking Bead.

Inspiration for the Realm Breaking Bead breakthrough principle. This inspiration has to be thought about later, and the conditions are not ripe now.

He galloped all the way, very fast. But in one hour, it was in front of Heavenly Seal Lake Myriad Azure Courtyard.

Wan Qingqing arrived slowly after waiting in front of the door for a while.

She didn't say much, got out of the car, nodded at him, entered the door, quickly took out a volume of secret books, and handed it to Wei He.

"This is the Secret Book of the Third Volume. For the Third Layer, it contains the basic map, so it must not be spread. Otherwise, if you commit the taboo of Sect, there will be a big disaster."

She warned carefully .

"Yes, thank you Senior Sister!" Wei He took the secret book seriously. Unsurprisingly, this is the foundation of his Initial Strengthening.

He had traveled thousands of miles from Feiye City, Yun Prefecture, and Without Beginning Sect, wasn't it also for Initial Strengthening this step?

Return from Without Beginning Sect to Heaven Sealing Gate, also for Initial Strengthening.

Everything, everything, is stuck on this last step.

At this time, the key to this step was gently placed in his hands by Wan Qingqing.

Wei He suddenly felt inexplicably heavy.

“Junior Brother Wei.” Wan Qingqing looked at him seriously. "It took me a year and a half to build the Third Layer. This layer focuses on perception and control. It is enough to convert the Seal Blood covering the whole body into Strength Force. The main point is to follow the spirit of the basic map"

Standing under the moonlight at night, she carefully explained some of her insights and points to Wei He one by one.

Wei He listened carefully and took note.

Not long ago, more than half an hour passed in the blink of an eye. After Wan Qingqing finished speaking, he said goodbye to Wei He.

Before leaving, she comforted him not to worry about the Strength Force being too weak after the Initial Strengthening. As long as you can Forging Bone and everything is aimed at Forging Bone, there must be another chance in the future.

Wei He is naturally dull.

Back home, he immediately picked up Third Layer's Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art to watch.

The whole Third Layer is mainly doing refining.

The refining of Seal Blood is Strength Force, which is the so-called Strength Transformation.

The secret book talks about some methods and means of how to refining, and talks about various problems and troubles that may be encountered in the process of refining.

But one thing to mention is that the Overflowing Rain Strength practiced by each person is different. Some are strong, some are weak, some cover a large area, and some can only cover a little.

Some have strong penetrating power and some have weak penetrating power.

At the end is a basic picture, the picture is: heavy rain fell on the Heavenly Seal Lake in the fog.

The lake was empty and nothing.

It's just to guide the Strength Force net after refining, what it should look like as a whole.

Wei He put it away after taking a close look at it.

(end of this chapter)

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