Omnipresent God of War Chapter 112


Chapter 112 Picks up


Wen Lian made a small jump and got on the carriage.

"Go, go, go! You're going to be late!" she urged her driver.

"Eldest Young Lady, the road is blocked ahead. We have to detour for the time being." Honest and timid's female coachman replied.

"en? Blocked? Why?" Wen Lian wondered. "Isn't this Qishan road always empty?"

"It seems that a few small gangs around have killed and injured a lot of people in their fight for the position of Gang Lord. Now the governmental authority is moving bodies." A guard outside the car took pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"Fighting for Gang Lord? Their boss is dead?" Wen Lian was taken aback.

"Yes, I heard that four people died in one day yesterday, all of them were beaten to death. Some people say that the perpetrator was an expert in the inner courtyard of Heaven Sealing Gate."


After get off work, the guard likes to brag and chat with the brothers around him, and he is the most well-informed about these gossips.

"In one day?" Wen Lian dumbfounded, she suddenly remembered the scene where Wei He pointed to the map and asked yesterday.

"Is there a White Snake Gang and a Black River Gang in that dead man's gang!?" she asked hastily.

"Yes, those two Gang Lords are said to be Initial Strengthening Martial Master experts. They have been rampant in this area for more than ten years. They didn't expect to die together suddenly." The guard sighed.

"I've also heard about this. Some people say that it was done by a single person in the inner courtyard of Heaven Sealing Gate. How is that possible? There are so many people in the White Snake Gang and Black River Gang, all of whom are the top executives of Triple Blood. There are so many, even if a two can't beat it, the siege can kill you.

Some people say that they were stunned by the drug. This is even more impossible. So many people are stunned at the same time. There is no reaction at all? It's too fake.

How high is the poisoning method to achieve this?

According to my opinion, the most popular saying now, It is the people inside the two gang who plot against the two boss Gang Lord and want to usurp the throne. As for the information in the inner courtyard of the Heaven Sealing Gate, they are all fake." , Wen Lian fell into silence and suspicion.

She can still clearly recall the appearance of Wei He pointing at the map yesterday and asking for the name of the gang there.

"Is it really him? Isn't that so? He's just a Triple Blood martial artist. Those are the two Martial Masters. And there are so many gangs." Wen Lian's rich family, father even more One of the big businessmen in Xuanjing City. So it's not that I don't know anything about Martial Arts all the way.

'If it's really him.' Wen Lian suddenly felt a little shaken in his heart.

'Impossible! Absolutely impossible! He is not Divine Immortal, how could he pick so many people by himself. Must be just a coincidence. It should have happened by chance. Just luck. '

Wen Lian felt impossible no matter what.

"Lianzi!" Suddenly Lin Xiaoxiao's voice came from the carriage.

Wen Lian lost his thoughts and looked towards the door. Just happened to see Lin Xiaoxiao hand over a letter.

"Look." Lin Xiaoxiao said seriously.

Wen Lian looked at the letter and looked at the serious look of her best friend.

She extended the hand, took it, and slowly unfolded it.




oh la la.

Wei He gently turned the pages and read the book in his hand.

The window on the first floor of the Heavenly Shore Building was blown by a faint cold wind, and some finely fragmented petals of the black orchid were blown off and fell into the floor.

The thin branches outside the window swayed slowly, and the green buds above showed sharp horns.

The person in charge of cleaning quickly went up with a broom and a wooden shovel to clean up the dark red petals of Molan.

After a while, Wei He put down the book in his hand.

This is the fifth miscellaneous journal he has read, and it records the life of a martial artist's self-study.

This is a Martial Master named Initial Strengthening who has reached the peak of Perfection. He is also very strong, but because he couldn't hold back, he also practiced other cultivation techniques when he was young, resulting in his strength, but he lost his strength. Possibility to keep going.

A lot of things recorded in this person's biography are very helpful to Wei He.

Now it's up to the Like Water Workshop.

When Wei He left, he couldn't help but join the two gangs and found that they also paid for the Like Water Workshop, so he solved the leader.

Unfortunately, the harvest of the two little gangs is not great. Only two thousand gold tickets.

It all came together and earned 10,000 gold tickets.

However, this act of destroying the order and stability is also because of the Like Water Workshop, there is a reason, so it can be done once.

No more after that.

Wei He came back immediately and sent 5,000 gold tickets to Courtyard Head Wan Ling. inform this.

Because of this matter, the teacher must come forward and speak up. So reluctant to set the child is not a wolf.

In case of trouble, Wei He decisively gave half of the harvest.

However, to his surprise, the golden ticket was returned by Wan Ling, and he did not receive a single point. He also asked him to stop engaging in these crooked Evil Dao and practice with peace of mind. The rest she will watch.

Wei He still remembers Courtyard Head's words before he left.

'Don't bother me with this kind of little thing in the future, whether it's Zhou Family or my Heaven Sealing Gate, will not care. Practice seriously. '

White Snake Gang and Black River Gang, the two Initial Strengthening Martial Masters were killed, and Heaven Sealing Gate and Zhou Family are just trivial matters.

From this sentence, Wei He really felt the benefits and domineering of being the Great Influence.

"Heaven Sealing Gate is only the last of the Five Great Influences. With such domineering, it's no wonder that Without Beginning Sect had the same attitude." Wei He knew.

Of course understanding is understood, hatred is hatred, one code is one code.

Restart the booklet and put it back into place.

He came to the entrance of the stairs, looked up step by step, moved towards the stairs on the second floor.

Step by step up the wooden steps.

Wei He noticed that on the steps leading to the second floor, there were some fine words engraved on the periphery on both sides.

Such as 'fix', 'ask', 'faith', 'shou', 'an'.

He walked all the way up to the second floor, counting the Level 10 steps, but each Level 1 had a different text.

All are engraved with special flamboyant-like glyphs.

"That's the three-generation Sect Master of the sect, the warning word engraved by himself, warning all Disciples who board the second floor of the Heavenly Shore Building, facing all kinds of powerful Martial Arts, they must always be alert. Admonish yourself, don’t move your delusions, stick to your heart, and then you can go further.”

On the right side of the entrance of the second floor, there is a wooden table and a lounge chair, and there is a shriveled hair grey-white man. old man.

The old man was wearing a large black robe, holding a cigarette stick in his hand, but he didn't light a cigarette, just pretended to take a few puffs in his mouth.

"I have seen senior." Wei He cupped the fists to say.

"Well, let's go. Every person who notices the steps, I will explain to him according to his mood. You are not a genius, you have no fortuitous encounter, and I am not a peerless expert, okay, Don't read the small talk book, let's go." The old man pointed to the somewhat empty second floor.

Wei He didn't know whether to cry or laugh, then seriously nodded, restrained his mind, and strode to the lobby on the second floor.

The hall has the same structure as the first floor, with concentric bookshelves.

It's just that the bookshelves here are only five circles in total.

The bookshelves are densely packed with all kinds of pale yellow books. The side of the shelf also uses a wooden token the size of a human head to hang the corresponding type.

'attack', 'defense', 'speed', 'support', 'disabled'.

Wei He without the slightest hesitation goes straight to the guard column.

Stacking the most Strength Force first to ensure your own safety is the core.

The bookshelves are densely packed, each one is full of Martial Arts Secret Book, Wei He glanced at it.

'Dao Lotus Body','Golden Light Arm','Three Merits External Exercise','Unblemished Body','Iron Lock Art','Locking Stone Art','Copper Wall Art'.

He picked up Unblemished Body at random, and looked it over, it was all Initial Strengthening Martial Arts. But also up to Initial Strengthening.

The idea of this Martial Arts, to the concept, at most only gives the level of Initial Strengthening.

The idea is that the creator of martial arts, at first, believes that the human body can only train to this level at the highest level, so everything ends at the end point he thinks.

Simply nothing else follows.

The Strength Force trained by Unblemished Body is called Wushou Jin, which is mainly pure and pure. After Initial Strengthening, it protects the whole body, such as extremely thick cotton clothes, soft and tenacious, extremely difficult to penetrate, and defends against blunt strikes. Works wonders like Strength Force.

Wei He put down the Unblemished Body and picked up a Pure Yang Art. This is based on training a pure Yang Strength Force. After Initial Strengthening, the whole body Strength Force is extremely hard, with strong defense and anti- Shock, it is a bit difficult. It is necessary to maintain a child's body all the time, and the temperament will become irritable after training. It is necessary to cultivate the mind to stabilize the temperament.

Wei He chooses them one by one. Such as Supreme Treasure.

These martial arts are different from the few martial arts he had pieced together before.

These are all Martial Arts that can Initial Strengthening. It contains a full set of content, from the basics, to the human body diagram, the Taoist diagram, to the Initial Strengthening mind method, all of which are included.

These cheats, each of which is the crystallization of human wisdom exploration, do not know how much time the essence has gathered.

The few martial arts that Wei He has cultivated, whether it is Flying Dragon Art, Five Ranges Palm, or Turning Mountain Fist, can't be used for Initial Strengthening.

So these concurrent cultivation techniques have become his hope at this time.

'The total amount of qi and blood in the human body is limited. In theory, practicing Qigong can rapidly increase the total amount, but the time is limited, and the growth rate of qi and blood is also limited. '

Wei He's mental analysis.

'A person can only cultivate five martial arts at most, qi and blood are divided into five parts, and it will not be too little to turn into Seal Blood.

Otherwise, there will be too much cultivation and insufficient Seal Blood. Even if Initial Strengthening is performed, the formidable power will be extremely weak. '

'The core, first of all, is to increase the total amount of Essence Blood. That is, the total qi and blood of the human body. '

He chose martial arts according to this angle, and immediately noticed at a glance.

There are very few martial arts that increase total qi and blood.

Wei He searched quickly, and after a while, he pulled out a booklet.

The cover of the booklet reads: Whale Flood Art in some scrawled handwriting.

Wei He hastily rummaged through four bookshelves, of which only twelve books had increased total qi and blood.

And among the twelve, this one is the most suitable for him.

Its characteristics are: the cultivation process is simple and easy, but the level is extremely difficult to break through, extremely dangerous, and requires different special animal flesh and blood organs as an introduction.

This skill has a total of fifth layers. After completion, each layer will double the total qi and blood compared to the previous one.

At the end, after repairing to the Great Accomplishment Initial Strengthening, the qi and blood of the whole body increased to thirty-two times the initial amount.

It's just that this martial arts is strong, but no one can practice it, because the introduction of each layer breaking the switch card, that is, the flesh and blood organs of different animals, many can't be found.

Those necessary alien beasts have been extinct for many years and have disappeared without a trace, so the people in the cultivation Whale Flood Art, it is estimated that they can't even practice the First Layer, so they can only be put here to eat ashes for many years.

Recommend Bear Wolf Dog's "Old Days", I thought that the migration went to ancient times, and I was thinking of making a fortune... But I found that there was a corpse change next door, and the Taoist priest in Guanli was subdue monsters and defeat demons, and even the village The wild cats spoke up, and he unconsciously became the most terrifying Great Demon himself.

(end of this chapter)

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