Omnipresent God of War Chapter 110


Chapter 110 Investigation

Not long after, an errand carriage slowly stopped in front of the store.

The curtain was lifted on the carriage, and one person came down.

It was the same oppression that was familiar that day.

Wei He is half a head taller than the two girls. He was wrapped in a thick black cloak, his face was strong and powerful, his long black hair was casually draped over his shoulders, and his eyes were deep, with a hint of danger.

"I see the letter, pass it all to me." Wei He walked up to Lin Xiaoxiao.

"Okay." Lin Xiaoxiao had already prepared all the records, including the whole process and the clerks' confessions.

The three entered the store, sat down in the innermost corner, and pulled over a screen to block the view of the rest of the store staff.

Wei He took the yellowish transcript and read it carefully.

Time passed slowly, and after a while, twenty minutes passed.

Lin Xiaoxiao was fine, still moving, but Wen Lian couldn't sit still.

"Have you finished watching Boss Wei? Do you see something?" She asked with a sullen temper.

Wei He didn't look at her and continued to read the transcript.

In the blink of an eye, another ten minutes passed.

Wen Lian couldn't help it.

"Boss Wei, are you okay? You can't read a transcript for so long, right? No, you can just say it, we can hire another brilliant, but don't waste our time!"

After Wei He finished reading the transcript, he closed the book and closed his eyes.

Wen Lian thought he was about to act, but he closed his eyes and another ten minutes passed.

"Can you give me an accurate word on whether you can do it!?" She couldn't help it, and stood up.

Wei He opened his eyes and looked at the two with expectant eyes.


Lin Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, stood up quickly, and went out to get a roll of yellow paper.

She spread out the yellow paper and quickly drew a map of Xuanjing City, where the Like Water Workshop store is located, with a fine brush.

On the map, next to the store, trees, buildings, and various power sites are drawn roughly, but obvious at a glance.

Wei He was slightly surprised by his memory, but he lowered his head to examine it carefully.

“Which stores were attacked?” he asked.

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly marked it on the map.

"What kind of gang is there?" Wei He quickly marked the area in the middle of these shops.

Lin Xiaoxiao took a pen and wrote on the paper: White Snake Gang, Black River Gang.

"Okay." Wei He stood up.

"Do you know who the murderer is?" Wen Lian said surprisedly.

“I don’t know.” Wei He replied.

"Then what do you say?" Wen Lian got angry.

Wei He didn't bother to pay attention to her, so he nodded to Lin Xiaoxiao, turned around and walked out of the screen, and left the store.

Wen Lian's frantic screams came from behind. She clearly felt discriminated against.

This is another place.

White Snake Gang helm hall.

Gang Lord Xiao Yurong sat upright in the main seat, watching the following subordinates vying for the interests of different neighborhoods, feeling a little irritable.

Xiao Yurong is a forty-two this year. It has been many years since he stepped into Initial Strengthening. He is famous in the surrounding towns with one hand and two claws. It is a real record.

Many former famous gangsters were killed by him. But since he took over the position of Gang Lord, he thought hard and wanted to expand his power, but he still couldn't.

Because the leaders of the surrounding forces are all like him, the Initial Strengthening Martial Master with high strength.

"Lord Gang, I heard that Like Water Workshop has found Disciple in the inner courtyard of the Heaven Sealing Gate to sit in, should we continue?" Vice-Gang Lord Chen Xiong asked in a low voice.

"To take people's money and money to eliminate disasters for others, since we have received the money, things have to be done." Xiao Yurong said indifferently. "Continue to send people over, and let them act as they see fit at night."


"But Lord Gang, if the inner courtyard of the Heaven Sealing Gate comes to the door Come. What should we do?" Chen Xiong was a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? We pay Master Zhou every month. And we only use money for this matter. He alone, even if he can fight again, can beat us like this. How many?" Xiao Yurong didn't panic at all.

"As long as we don't face him, there is nothing to be afraid of." In fact, after he heard about this, he also thought about quitting, but there was no way, the other side increased the price.

He couldn't refuse that price. Then he thought that the person invited by Like Water Workshop was just a Triple Blood. He had been a Martial Master for many years, and he was still afraid of a trifling junior?

Even if Great Sect's martial arts is stronger, but the two are one level apart, he can easily crush each other.

After all, martial arts is not just about who is good at martial arts, but also about the experience of the rivers and lakes, the experience of fighting, adapting to the situation, and various means.

He Xiao Yurong has been fighting for so many years in the gang struggle, is it possible that he still can't make a junior?

"Gang Lord, a man in a cape came outside the door. He said he wanted to see Gang Lord and ask about the Like Water Workshop."

Outside the hall door, A gang member hurried in and reported loudly.

"Male?" Xiao Yurong was stunned for a moment. As soon as he heard Like Water Workshop, he knew that Heaven Sealing Gate should have come to the door.

But so what? There is no evidence to prove that he did it, and even Heaven Sealing Gate cannot touch him casually.

The Zhou Family is behind him.

As long as you don't deal with the backstage, and without Heaven Sealing Gate, the deal is just an ordinary Triple Blood, what to do with him.

The rule on this road is that the same level faces the same level, the bottom is against the bottom, the top is against the top, and the backstage is against the backstage. Everything is fine as long as Heaven Sealing Gate and Zhou Family don't get involved.

"The visitor is a guest, request people to come in." Xiao Yurong stood up and said with a slight smile.


Not long after, a burly man in a black cloak was led up by the gang.

It was Wei He who came over from Like Water Workshop.

He looked around all around. The little gangs here are much more nourishing than Feiye City. All the gang members have round waists and thick shoulders and strong muscles.

The top gang leader sitting in front was also surging with qi and blood, exuding an undisguised oppression all over his body.

Especially the one sitting upright.

Shaved head, shirtless, with metal silver claws on both hands, burly muscles and knots, even bigger than him.

At this moment, this person stood up, and he was actually two meters tall.

"Heaven Sealing Gate Inner Court, hehehe, I have been looking forward to it for a long time, and I have dealt with your inner court before, but everyone in it is a hero.

I'm under White Snake. Gang Gang Lord Xiao Yurong, dare to ask what the brother is called?"

"We're going to Wei He. Gang Lord Xiao knows that the Like Water Workshop was attacked before, and several stores suffered heavy losses. Who did it?" Wei He asked in a deep voice.

"Like Water Workshop, I really don't know about this, Brother Wei might as well go and find the Black River Gang on the other side, they like this kind of petty theft the most, maybe they did it. Yes." Xiao Yurong said with a smile.

"Black River Gang." Wei He extended the hand and moved his wrist. "I've been there before. They asked me to come to you and say you White Snake Gang are the most likely people to do this."

"Fart! Black River Gang That's a slur Xiao Yurong shouted loudly, "Brother Wei, I heard that the Like Water Workshop suffered a lot of damage, and several people died. This kind of means of taking money and killing people, who can do it except Black River Gang? !? If you don't believe me, you can ask them Gang Lord Zhao Yi to confront me!"

As long as he didn't kill him by himself, the other party would have nothing to do with him.

I couldn't beat it, the backstage couldn't move, and there was no evidence that he did it.

This will soon be the same as it used to be.

"You really didn't do it?" Wei He frowned.

"No, absolutely not!" Xiao Yurong said seriously, "Brother Wei, tell me, Like Water Workshop and I lacking hatred and enmity, why would I go to trouble it? I, Xiao Yurong, are here. On the road, no matter what, he is a well-known upright man, and I disdain for such a rude method!"

He raised his right hand and pointed to the sky.

"Brother Wei, I really didn't do this. I, Xiao Yurong, dare to put my words here. If I did it, I would be run over by a horse and killed by lightning!"

Wei He frowned, and his original judgment was suddenly shaken, mainly because this person was a bit harsh in his poisonous oath.

The tone is also firm and unequivocal, making people not suspicious at all.

"Okay, since Gang Lord Xiao even swore a poisonous oath, it looks like it's really not you, so I'll bother you this time." He hugged cup one fist in the other hand.

"You're welcome, Brother Wei is also trusted and understandable." Xiao Yurong smiled, cup one fist in the other hand in return.

"Then, I'll leave now."

"Good to go."

Wei He nodded and turned to leave.

Watching the other party disappear in front of the door, Xiao Yurong corner of the mouth involuntarily bent up, this kid is still too tender, just a few words to lie. "What are you laughing at?"

Suddenly a voice came from his right.

Xiao Yurong trembled with fright, and quickly turned his head to look. He saw Wei He's face stuck to the window in the hall on the right, looking at him suspiciously.

There was a slight cold sweat on his forehead. How did this kid appear and disappear unpredictably?

"Haha, ha, I just thought of something funny. Why hasn't Brother Wei gone yet? Why don't we come in and have a drink?"

"No, I'm leaving When I think about it, there is still one thing to say." Wei He said.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yurong was speechless.

"I just hope that Gang Lord Xiao, if you find someone messing with the Like Water Workshop, can you notify me in advance." Wei He said.

"It's easy to talk, it's a little busy, I'll help! Brother Wei, don't worry!" Xiao Yurong patted his chest loudly and said.

"Thank you, Gang Lord Xiao, then." Wei He nodded, left the window, and quickly disappeared in front of the window.

Xiao Yurong was relaxed.

"Brother Wei walks slowly."

After a while, he sat down on the tiger leather chair.

I think this kid is quite difficult to serve, but fortunately he is alert and quick to respond.

"Chen Xiong, send someone to check, what is the status and record of this Wei He, I always feel that this person may ruin us"

"Gang Lord Xiao! I I forgot to say something just now!" Wei He's voice suddenly sounded again.

Xiao Yurong was so frightened that he almost jumped out of his seat.

He looked back and saw at the window at the back of the hall, Wei He's face appeared again, sticking to the window and talking.

"What's the matter with Brother Wei, can you finish it in one breath? I have a bad heart." Xiao Yurong swallowed.

"It's just that I didn't give you an address, how did Gang Lord Xiao inform me?" Wei He said surprisedly.

"Really?" Xiao Yurong cursed in his heart. "How dare you ask Brother Wei where he lives?"

"I live in a courtyard near the lake in Heavenly Seal Town, with two osmanthus trees guarding the gate." Wei He calmly said.

"Remember, Brother Wei, what else do you want to say?" Xiao Yurong asked, for fear that the other party would engage in another sudden thrust.

"One more sentence." Wei Hepoison nodded, "Did Gang Lord Xiao take any resistance medicine?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yurong sighed and stood up . "In addition to majoring in martial arts, I also majored in White Jade Art, which is capable of poison resistance detoxification."

"No wonder I put more than 30 kinds of drugs to no avail." Wei He was stunned.


Xiao Yurong then realized that the expressions of the rest of the people in the hall gradually became a little wrong. Although they still maintained their original movements, their eyes were sluggish and confused. Seems a little lost.

He was frightened and angry again.

"Despicable!!" He angrily roared towards Wei He at the window, waving iron claws in series with both hands, with a sharp whistle, tearing to Wei He.

(end of this chapter)

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