Omnipresent God of War Chapter 108


Chapter 108 Cooperation under

Xuanjing City, Listening Bamboo Garden.

Listening Bamboo Garden, located in the south corner of the city, few people know what it is for.

This place is not open to the public, nor is it open to the public, and no outsiders are allowed to spy on it.

This small piece is located in the bamboo forest in the city, with a small and exquisite bamboo building.

The small building is green, divided into upper and lower floors, surrounded by guards.

At this time, in the second layer of the small building, emerging luxury businessmen from the city gathered together to participate in the Purple Bamboo Club organized by Heaven Sealing Gate.

Heaven Sealing Gate As the largest Sect force in the neighborhood, host this Purple Bamboo Club. The purpose is to choose a partner for the inner courtyard Disciple in the separate courtyard.

As the current host of Purple Bamboo Club, Zhao Wanzhu is not the strongest, but interpersonal communication is the most suitable one.

She was standing in the small hall on the second floor, on a slightly raised platform, smiling at the businessmen who came to the conference.

"This time the candidates for the Purple Bamboo Club have all come out, and there are eight people in the Nine Great Separate Courtyards. I have put all the wooden tokens of the eight experts in the inner court in front of you.

If you choose an expert, please hand over the corresponding wooden token to the waiter who is responsible for collection."

Not only emerging merchants, but also the newly emerging Gang Lord were present.

All of them have one thing in common, that is, the lack of a strong expert to sit in.

This kind of gathering is generally only organized by the Disciple in the inner courtyard, because the style level is not high.

A total of ten sponsors were present, three of which were the most eye-catching.

Fierce Jade Gang Lord Zhao Kun, Thousand Words Workshop Workshop Master Lou Jian, Golden Generation Pavilion Master Jin He.

Zhao Wanzhu's main focus is also on these three people.

"Nine Great Separate Courtyards, the eight newcomers in the past few months, have completed the data investigation and are sure that there is no problem. I will guarantee the separate courtyard corresponding to the Heaven Sealing Gate. You can check the data and then vote. I'm done.

After that, I will bring your information and hand it over to the corresponding same sect, and they will decide whether to cooperate with the pitcher."

"How many times have I said this? , people who come here naturally understand. Elder Sister Zhao doesn't need to say more." Someone said with a smile.

"Okay, then I won't get in the way here. Everyone please."

Zhao Wanzhu smiled slightly.

Eight Disciples, eight wooden tokens, everyone has it.

Soon, the people with the greatest potential in the separate courtyards were immediately pitched by people who had already known them.

Then there is the potential second, which is competed by the same level 1 rich merchants.

Lin Xiaoxiao stood in the corner with wooden token in hand, beautiful eyes a little blank.

She joined the Purple Bamboo Club for the first time, and the Like Water Workshop at home has been in trouble since her father passed away.

Some rival businesses that compete with malicious intent hire scumbags to interfere with their stores. This has led to successive losses in recent months.

Compelled by circumstances, she was introduced to Purple Bamboo Club by her best friend, so she came with the last hope.

Like Water Workshop is not the strongest in the entire Xuanjing City, but only moderate.

But one of its strongest points is that the fragrance powder, gouache, and clothes produced have a fixed group of buyers and are very loyal.

Lin Xiaoxiao's family has a special beast named Yixiang Lacewing, which is a special Insect beast that can produce a very special aromatic liquid.

It is with this that the Like Water Workshop opened by the Lin Family can stand still in Xuanjing City and has an excellent reputation.

It is also because of this that the financial resources of Like Water Workshop are not known to outsiders. Unremarkable. Not noticed by Zhao Wanzhu.

At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the eight wooden tokens in his hand, and then looked at the attribution count of the wooden tokens lightly drawn with charcoal on the white wooden board in front.

The most potential ones already have several competitors under their names.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't plan to compete with those with the strongest financial resources. She swept her eyes over the small print on every wooden token.

"Xiaoxiao, which one did you choose?" Wen Lian, the best friend on the side, asked softly.

"In my opinion, you can compete with the most powerful ones, Lin Zhao from the separate courtyard of Huaqi. Lin Zhao entered Triple Blood at the age of seventeen. He is full of talent and is highly valued by teachers. If you can invite him to come forward, even if the actual combat is average, the background can block a lot of trouble." Wen Lian suggested.

She knew the financial resources of her best friend, Like Water Workshop. This chain store may seem ordinary, but the family property accumulated over the years is quite strong. Although it is not as good as some of the richest people in the city, it is considered top-notch in this small field.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't like to say much, just shook his head slightly.

Lin Zhao is good, but not suitable for her current situation.

She carefully checked each brand, looking at the information, origin, family background, potential, etc. of these eight people.

Soon, most of the rest have been chosen, with eight names under different counts.

The one with the most is Lin Zhao, and there are five competitions under the name.

The least, there are three people without a brand.

These three are either bad track recorders or poor potential.

Lin Xiaoxiao carefully read the information and had a decision in her eyes. She got up, handed out a wooden token in her hand, and handed it to the maid next to her.

The wooden token is one of the three people who were not chosen in the end, which is Wei He's brand.

At this time, there are also the remaining people, and from the last three people, another person is selected to cast the cards.

The count is over.

"Xiaoxiao, are you crazy?!" Wen Lian, his best friend, said in surprise, "The person you chose doesn't have enough potential. In the future, he will be stuck in Triple Blood in the case of, but he will suffer a lot!

This is a contract presided over by Heaven Sealing Gate. Once signed, do you know how much it costs to provide a Triple Blood per month?"

"Yes." Lin Xiaoxiao Nominate.

“Then you know you’re still randomly selecting!?”

“I didn’t randomly select.” Lin Xiaoxiao answered earnestly, “Like Water Workshop needs him.”

"With your financial resources, you can compete with the best ones. Is it necessary to choose a bad bet?" Wen Lian couldn't understand.

"I know."

"You'll regret it. It's not a matter of a day or two, supplying an inner court, but a minimum three-year contract, when the How many golden tickets do I need to get out for three years when time comes?" Wen Lian was speechless.

"I understand."

Wen Lian is still chirping, but Lin Xiaoxiao remains unmoved. No one can move what she decides.

At most, she explained a little, but she was interrupted by her best friend after she said a few words.

She's not good at words, that's all she can say.

She values Wei He because she took her elder sister from Yun Prefecture to Tai Prefecture, and because she dared to take over Xuanjing City's governmental authority patrol mission alone.

Judging from these two details, it can be judged that this person's potential may not be good, but the actual combat is definitely very strong.

Others don't know, but she knows very well what the concept of the section of the road from Yun Prefecture to Tai Prefecture is.

It can be said that if another knowledgeable big businessman were present, Wei He would never be taken lightly.

Now, what Like Water Workshop needs is a martial artist who is strong enough to fight. After all, she did not offend the great character, and the business does not plan to continue to expand. Just keep it as it is.

Competing with other people, although the potential is strong, but the temperament is probably not as good as Wei He.

This person was able to take the elder sister from Yun Prefecture to Tai Prefecture, which shows his great affection.

Sometimes character is more important than potential.

Lin Xiaoxiao raised his head earnestly, looking at the counting board in front of him, under Wei He's name, a line slowly appeared.

Best friend Wen Lian was helplessly interrupted, and it was her turn to choose another inner court named Song Zheng to compete. At this point, you have already started bidding with others.

On Wei He's side, no one competed with Lin Xiaoxiao, so they passed this level directly. Just wait until Wei He agrees.




“Like Water Workshop Lin Xiaoxiao?”

Wei He looked at his hand The name and information of the sponsor that I just got.

didn't expect it was a woman who chose him.

Speaking of which, he couldn't help but recall Guan Dié, who had a bold temperament. At that time, the Guan Family gave him a lot of care, and the last jar of wild animal meat is still unforgettable to him.

That's a jar of divide medicine that can make Realm Breaking Bead naked eye visible to increase progress.

Sometimes he also thinks that if he can eat wild animal meat every day, that is the happiest life in the world.

Now that I think about it, the Guan Family is really rich. Guan Dié should be the Eldest Young Lady who ran from Fu City to Feiye City alone.

These can be seen from her research on poisons in those institutions, not everyone's background, these things do not have a lot of human and material support, and it is impossible to complete them in a short time.

came back to his senses, the sponsor's brand, which he just got in the afternoon. He has been cultivating Five Spirits Spreading Breath Technique at home these days, and now he has achieved good results.

This skill is based on one's own control and perception, and does not require much of the root bone.

Wei He's strength lies in perception, many basic knowledge from modern times, so that he has a deeper understanding after integrating the knowledge system of Martial Arts here.

At the same time, because of his modern consciousness, he understands that knowledge is power.

So he should be regarded as one of the few Disciples in the Heaven Sealing Gate who likes to read books in the Heavenly Shore Building the most.

With the wooden token, Wei He changed his clothes, greeted his second sister, and went to the agreed place in Xuanjing City.

This is the time to meet with the sponsor.

If there is no accident, the meeting is completed, and the cooperation intention can be completely determined. Start funding.

He is seriously short of money now, and I hope the sponsor can give a satisfactory answer.

Never stop from Heavenly Seal Town, Wei He arrived at Xuanjing City Bear Mountain area when it was getting dark.

The agreed place is a restaurant called Sobriety Building.

At this time, on the top floor of the Sobriety Building, a large box has been completely enclosed.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Wen Lian sat side by side, with two bodyguards standing behind them. Waiting quietly for the arrival of Wei He.

The Sobriety Building is actually the property of Wen Lian's family. That's why I chose to meet here.

"I've met Song Zheng before, and he's well-mannered, suave, and has medium potential. If I had to say, you should be like me and choose one of the middle-level people.

With your financial resources, why do you have to be a maverick? Gamble with your own money?" Wen Lian still has some grievances for his friends.

"I didn't bet." Lin Xiaoxiao shook his head.

She believed she was not mistaken. For her, among the eight people, the one with the best character from the data should be Wei He.

So she won't regret it.

A good character is the most important thing. For other things, even if she loses a little bit, she can feel at ease.

Because today's Like Water Workshop can't stand the unpredictable, Wen Lian doesn't understand the reason.

In the pale-yellow quaint box, a man in Heaven Sealing Gate sturdy clothing walked in after a short while.

The two women looked at the person at the same time.

The man, with the back of a tiger and waist of a bear, is 1.9 meters tall, has a face of Fang Zheng, his eyes are calm and powerful, and there is a faint smell of fishiness when he walks.

Compared with other Disciple in separate courtyard, the body size is bigger, which makes people look fierce and daunting.

Lin Xiaoxiao recalled that it was mentioned in the information that this person also practiced other Martial Arts, presumably this body type is the effect of the practice.

"Who is Lin Xiaoxiao?" The man entered the door, sat down unceremoniously, and stared at the two of them.

“Me.” Lin Xiaoxiao stood up. "Can I sign a contract?"

Wei He was taken aback, didn't expect the other party to be so refreshing.

"Yes." He also stood up.

“How much per month?” Lin Xiaoxiao asked.

“the more the better.” Wei He was rude.

“2,000 gold at most.”


“This is a contract. Valid for three years.”

Lin With a swish, Xiaoxiao unfolded the contract that had been prepared.

Wei He took a glance, dipped it in ink pad and pressed his fingerprints.

"I'm very short of money now." Wei He said again.

"This is all the activity funds in my hand." Lin Xiaoxiao took out a large stack of golden tickets from his arms and handed them over.

"Okay." Wei He accepted, "Notify me of something."

He didn't say more, got up and left.

Lin Xiaoxiao also sat down calmly and started packing.

When two people meet, it takes no more than 20 seconds from opening to giving money.

When Wen Lian on the side reacted, everyone had already left.

"You're crazy!!?" she exclaimed violently. "So much money, my God, do you know what you did? If Uncle survives, you will be mad at you again!"

"Lianzi." Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly looked towards her.

"What!?" Wen Lian hadn't recovered from the conversation between the two just now.

"Lend me the toll."

".You even paid for the carriage fee back?!" Wen Lian felt like he was going crazy.

"Don't borrow, don't lend! You are a lunatic, you just gave money so generously, you are not afraid of being tricked to death? Don't borrow!!"

Wen Lian felt that his lungs were full. To blow up.

It's just that my best friend keeps staring at her with serious eyes, motionless.

"You bastard!! What happened just now? What did you say you did!? Don't say a word, give money! You gave it quickly, so you're not afraid of losing your money?? Look at it, you guys are going to kill people sooner or later?"

"It's crazy! You said that once you choose a person, you will just push forward, How did I know a friend like you! It's been a lifetime of bad luck. My God!"

She took a 100 taels golden ticket from her arms, stuffed it into her best friend, and got up. Left angrily.


The box door was slammed shut.

Soon the door was reopened.

Wen Lian rushed in angrily, and gave Lin Xiaoxiao a golden ticket worth a thousand taels.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I can't stand your wastrel!! Even the event funds are given out at one go, won't you give it slowly and easily month by month??"

She dragged Lin Xiaoxiao up and pushed people out of the restaurant's side door all the way.

bang! The side door of the restaurant was fiercely closed, leaving Lin Xiaoxiao and two guards speechless in the cold wind.

"I don't want to see you anymore, get out!" Wen Lian yelled through the door.

Lin Xiaoxiao was speechless. Turn around, you are about to stop a carriage to go home.

"Wait!" The side door behind him banged open, "Do you want to freeze to death if you don't wear a coat on such a cold day??!"

Wen Lian took a A thick coat rushed out, fiercely covered Lin Xiaoxiao.

Then I shivered from the cold, hurriedly ran back, and slammed the door shut.

Lin Xiaoxiao and the two guards were speechless again.

(end of this chapter)

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