Omnipresent God of War Chapter 102


Chapter 102 Encountered (Thanks to the Alliance Lord of Milky for the reward)

Unfortunately, Xiao Heng does not know the opposite Wei He was even more shocked.

Since he used lime to use his experience, he has been vigorously studying this kind of medicine, combining some of the experience in the notes given by Guan Dié, plus a large collection of various drugs and poisons, and actual experiments.

Now he can accumulate twenty-eight kinds of drugs and fragrances with little smell, didn't expect so many drugs, the other party, Tiger in Human Skin Xiao Heng, is just swaying. In a flash, it returned to normal.

At this time, the people around the other barbecue stalls realized that there were people on the ground.

Someone wanted to get close to see what was going on, but when they saw the confrontation between Wei He and Tiger in Human Skin Xiao Heng, it felt wrong, so they got up and ran.

Some other stall owners also hurried around, looking for dark corners to hide in, so as not to be harmed by pond fish.

The barbecue area, which was quite lively just now, ran away after a few moments.

"You brat, you're a talent!" Tiger in Human Skin Xiao Heng sighed, "Would you like to come to us? Now that the Aristocratic Family is in control of the world, heroes from all over the world have their own territory, and it is the common When the major event is held."

"Sorry, senior, I have been staying at Heaven Sealing Gate very well, and I don't plan to change places." Wei He lowered his head and said.

"That's a pity." Tiger in Human Skin Xiao Heng shook his head slightly. "Then I can only kill you here today."

"senior." Wei He lifts the head, "Do you have money?"

"How much money? Qianliang, what's wrong?" Xiao Heng wondered.

"It's nothing, I'm just deciding whether to run away or fight." Wei He gently tore off his official uniform and threw away his pretentious saber.

"Hehe, it's interesting." Xiao Heng smiled. His family's Five Works, Three Wounds Art insisted that once a shot is made, the opponent can be overwhelmed and his internal organs can be injured within ten moves.

Wu Lao refers to the strain on the five internal organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.

Three wounds, refers to wounding blood, wounding qi, and wounding spirit.

Of course, the three highest realm injuries in this skill are not so mysterious, but an idealized exaggeration.

But it can be done easily.

As the Initial Strengthening Great Accomplishment, Xiao Heng's Strength Force can vibrate and damage his opponent's internal organs.

This kind of vibration is extremely hidden and permeable, and once the fight takes a little longer, it may be plotted against it.

The internal injury that Wei He said before is not wrong.

If Xiao Heng didn't pay attention to him, he didn't give his best. If it weren't for the fact that he was carrying three Triple Blood martial arts, his qi and blood would be strong and strong, and his body would be strengthened to a certain extent.

I'm afraid it wasn't simple capillary blood vessels that broke.

Three Triple Blood, when each martial arts breakthrough Triple Blood, Essence Blood will be converted into a part of Seal Blood.

And the three martial arts are all strengthening hands, which also makes Wei He's hands far more powerful than the same sect.

The reason why he was able to keep his head down when he played against Tiger in Human Skin Xiao Heng.

Whether it is the same level of Without Beginning Sect or the same level of Heaven Sealing Gate, the degree of strengthening of the hands is far inferior to him.

A cultivation technique that reinforces once. And the three are non-conflicting enhancements, fists and palms, separate areas.

This is also the reason why Wei He never has one of the disciplines of disperse cultivation.

"he he he he. Interesting, so interesting!" Xiao Heng looked at Wei He and suddenly felt that he had grown up so much, and it was the first time he had met such an interesting guy.

Triple Blood is delusional about fighting with his Martial Master who is Initial Strengthening Great Accomplishment, and thinking about winning?

"Heaven Sealing Gate, Wei He. Please enlighten me." Wei He raised hand and poses gesture style.

At this time, he really has no tricks. The medicine powder just now is all his carry-on stock, and he quietly spilled it all at once while taking advantage of the chili smell.

Exactly, he also intends to test how strong he is now with all his strength.

"Okay, let me teach you, right? I'll teach you!"

Tiger in Human Skin took a stride and patted Wei He's shoulders with both palms. It's like a gesture of picking up something.

If the ordinary person uses this trick and the central empty door opens wide, it is courting death.

But he used this trick, and there was a faint flow of Strength Force in the center, obviously not really completely exposed.

Wei He is not greedy, this time he spared no effort, Flying Dragon Art cooperated with Triple Blood to explode, increasing his speed.

Then he turned his feet into Turning Mountain Fist and Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art at the same time. Under the agitation of qi and blood, his fists turned into pitch black, and nine Nine Heavens' Clouds Flowers appeared on his arms. The arms quickly expanded and became larger, and they slammed forward.

bang! !

A circle of white ashes exploded between the two.

Not waiting for the dust to fall, the two of them fought dozens of strikes. All moves are Strength Force collisions.

Wei He's Strength Force of two Triple Blood can barely block Xiao Heng's Five Works, Three Wounds Art Strength Force.

However, the biggest advantage of Initial Strengthening Great Accomplishment Martial Master is Strength Force continuously, which is extremely strong and far more durable than Triple Blood.

And its strength force can erupt anywhere in the body, which is the core.

And Wei He can only rely on his hands to issue Strength Force.

It's like a fight between two people, one person wearing armor all over, even the head. The other man only had armor on his arms, and the rest was naked.

The two sides are not one level at all.

And the time for Triple Blood martial artist to break out Strength Force is not long, far less than Initial Strengthening Martial Master. Plus Five Works, Three Wounds Art's shock internal injury.

Soon Wei He couldn't hold on anymore. After an elbow hit, he took a few steps back, his face flushed red, and the skin on his arms was oozing blood.

This time is really hurt.

He also probably guessed his limit.

"Stop!" He immediately raised his hand and shouted when he saw Xiao Heng on the opposite side attacking again.

"I promise to join! senior!" Wei He exclaimed quickly.

Xiao Heng stopped immediately, stopped two meters away, looked at Wei He and smiled.

"You've been playing against me for so long, in Triple Blood, you're very good!"

"senior overpraised." Wei He coughed a few times, "senior, you don't Are you dizzy?"

"Dizzy?" Xiao Heng wondered, suddenly he reacted and looked down at the ground, where Wei He had just taken off his clothes and threw them on the ground. The thing was soaked, and there was a faint smell of volatilization.

He understood instantly, the complexion greatly changed.

"You!" He wanted to rush to kill Wei He on the spot.

But this time is really starting to get dizzy. He feels the world spinning, everything in his eyes is turning, and his body is gradually losing balance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei He made no sound, Flying Dragon Art moved his feet, and charged forward with a bow.

Five Ranges Palm, Turning Mountain Fist, Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art The three Strength Forces gathered in the right hand and took a shot forward.

Five Ranges Palm's silent stealth special effects make a big difference.

By the time Xiao Heng found something wrong, it was too late.

He only had time to lift Strength Force to cover his body.

puff puff puff pu pu!!

Wei He hit five palms in one breath. The palm of the hand never leaves Xiao Heng's waist.

The front three palms are like hitting on cotton, and the rebound by the unloading force is invalid.

But the last two palms finally broke through a layer of Strength Force, and fiercely hit Xiao Heng's waist.

Xiao Heng regained some balance under the severe pain at this time, moved the Strength Force with one palm, gathered the Strength Force of the whole body in his hand, and hit Wei He.

bang! !

This time is the real full-fledged fight between the two.

With one move, Wei He's three Strength Forces intertwined and merged, like three poisonous pythons whirling and biting at each other.

Xiao Heng's Strength Force is like a furious rhino, one ramming into it.

In an instant, Wei He's three Strength Forces were scattered at the same time. He flew out backwards, and fell lightly to the ground, even taking a few steps back, each step left deep footprints on the ground, stepping on the slate.

This is Flying Dragon Art unloading.

At this moment, Wei He felt his legs numb and swell for a while. In this move, his Flying Dragon Art finally consolidated Perfection, and some small bloodlines were completely unblocked.

Wei He made a decisive decision, bowed his body, concealed the change of the Realm Breaking Bead on his chest, and then thought move.

The energy inside the Realm Breaking Bead turns into a scalding heat flow that quickly infuses the legs.

Under the stimulation of this heat flow, the legs began to rapidly expand and harden, and the qi and blood increased greatly.

Two new Dragon Marks slowly emerge on the inside of Wei He's legs, which is a sign representing the breakthrough of Fourth Layer Flying Dragon Art.

Fourth Layer Flying Dragon Art is crossing.

Wei He pointed his toes a little, his body suddenly increased in speed, he swept forward a few meters to the ground, and swept past Xiao Heng.

His speed was much faster than before, and Xiao Heng was caught off guard, making Xiao Heng unable to react at all.


This time with Wei He's full slap.

Xiao Heng's waist, which was already injured, was completely smashed this time.

However, his Initial Strengthening Great Accomplishment Martial Master is not easy to mess with. In a flash, he also returned Wei He's arm with a palm.

The two touched points like lightning.

Xiao Heng ran without looking back.

Even if his waist was smashed, he actually seemed to be fine and ran away in the dark in a few strokes.

The life force of the Initial Strengthening Martial Master is truly amazing.

Wei He didn't dare to stop, and quickly started to clean up the mess.

Dispose of the traces of his drugging and poisoning, so as not to be discovered. The clothes were thrown directly into the river, and after a while, they were no more poisonous.

After doing this, he was sighed.

At this time, should he go or stay?

Wang Chong was sure there was something wrong. He was injured and brought them here for barbecue on purpose, acting a little deliberately.

And when he was in the alley before, there were already some signs.

to combine. Wei He kept an eye on it.

But the problem now is that he has no evidence that Wang Chong is a traitor, so there is no way to prove that he has a problem.

Thinking of this, Wei He looked at Wang Chong and Yang Xue on the ground.

He walked over, searched Wang Chong's belongings, and carefully examined his injuries.

This guy is not serious at all, and his injuries are only minor. It looks scary and vomits blood.

Wei He thought for a while.

Although there is no evidence to get rid of Wang Chong, it should still be charged some interest.

So he slapped Wang Chong's chest and abdomen.


A dense crack sounded.

At least five or six ribs were broken, and some internal organs were damaged.

Wei He squeezed again.

With a puff, Wang Chong's hands were broken, and both legs were comminuted at the same time. This time, the fake injury turned into a real injury.

And for a martial cultivator, such an injury, even if it is completely recovered, will be severely affected in the future, and the martial arts formidable power will be greatly reduced. It's a waste.

"Don't practice martial arts in the future, go back to farming." Wei He patted Wang Chong's head, sighed, and got up and left.

He now understands why Tiger in Human Skin Xiao Heng can hunt and kill You Family's children everywhere, and he can continue to wave, because he has an inner response.

And let a Triple Blood constable do the inner response, it is conceivable that the impossible is Tiger in Human Skin Xiao Heng's handwriting.

If he had such a skill, he would have been so miserable by You Family at first.

"That's right." He suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly went back and searched Yang Xue's body.

Since you want to fake the robbery scene, you can't be too specific, and you can't miss one.

Two people's purses add up to a lot. Especially Wang Chong, who was crying and screaming miserably before, but there was actually a gold ticket in the early 1,000 taels in his wallet.

Yang Xue is a lot worse, and it's less than 50 taels when he adds up.

Thanks to the Alliance Lord of Niiqi, and the new book of Niiqi, Myriad Realms roster It's fat enough, everyone, go and slaughter~

(end of this chapter)

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