Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 998: Borrow a knife to kill

Glancing at Meng Dameng and grinning sternly.

"Your uncle Wu said, Chiyou will beat you up. The father is in trouble to find Chiyou, with the protection of Mengkun and others, and the father can only punish Chiyou without pain.

It’s useless, but..."

Speaking of which, severely stopped. Somehow, a bad hunch was born in Meng Dameng's heart. Suddenly, a cold sweat came out of Meng Dameng's forehead, only to hear Meng Dameng raised his head, and asked cautiously

"But what?"

"If you die, your uncle's righteous son is killed. The uncle will also be able to take someone to Chiyou to pay for his life. By then Mengkun they just want to protect Chiyou.

But Chiyou killed the people of your dream surname, so Mengkun's approach is bound to make the people of dream surname cold. By then Mengkun's status in the hearts of the people of the Meng surname had plummeted. Maybe more people of the Meng surname would turn to their righteous fathers. "

Li Yanyou said, although Meng Dameng's reputation in Miluo Shanzhai is not very good. However, Meng Dameng has never done things that stolen chickens and dogs to people of Meng surname, so people of Meng surname still don't hate Meng Dameng.

Mengkun wants to keep Chiyou, and when the time comes, he will release the wind, and the people of Meng surname will be dissatisfied.


Hearing the harsh words, Meng Dameng suddenly sat on the ground with a pale face. Cold sweat Deng Dameng asked with trembling lips

"But... Chiyou didn't kill me..."

"Chiyou doesn't kill you, it's no longer important."

Yan Yan stood up and said, then Yan Yan's cold palm was attached to Meng Dameng's throat, and said coldly

"Anyway, everybody saw Chi You shot you, and you said that you would die without death. Who can know the truth?"

"Forgiveness! Righteous Father! Righteous Father..."

Meng Dameng's voice roared with trembling, but gradually, Meng Dameng's voice gradually weakened, pointing straight away.

The dream at this moment is like lying on the ground like a pool of mud, with no vitality.

"Come here!"

After killing the dream, he stood up slowly and screamed with majesty.


The two Li family members who were guarding outside immediately ran in and bowed.

"Meng Dameng was beaten to death by Chi You, and he was buried for a long time. Meng Dameng is my righteous son. When he tells the tribes, he must be fair to Meng Damen!"


The two Li family members said indignantly, and then they lifted the dream out.

Although these two men also looked down on the dream of fierce, but after all, a strict son. Killed the harsh Yanzi, isn't this the naked face of the Li family? So these two Li family members could not bear it anymore.

For a time, all high-level surnamed Li gathered together and went to Chiyou.

The Wu surnamed people saw that the Li surnamed people had moved, as if they had negotiated well, and all the senior surnamed Wu came one after another.

Even those tribes with small surnames came one after another under the mobilization of Yan Yan and Wu Yiliu.

The place where Chiyou lives now is still the house that Meng Lin gave Li Mo, but Li Mo and Fat Ball fell off the cliff, and now only Chiyou is left to live in this wooden house.

In order to protect Chiyou's safety, Mengkun also specially mobilized more than a dozen surnamed guards to protect Chiyou's safety.

But today, these ten surnamed guards seem to be a bit unsightly. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of high-level tribes.

"Killer! Come out and die!"

"Dare to attack our young son! The murderer must pay his life!"


Hundreds and thousands of Miluo Shanzhai people shouted emotionally, if there were no more than a dozen guards who were not weak in their dream surnames, they might have rushed into the house long ago.

"I didn't kill the dream!"

Chiyou walked out of the house, shouting loudly. Now Chi Chi, there is less immaturity on the face, more mature.

Since Li Mo and Fat Ball fell off the cliff, Chi You has been working hard, and her mind has matured a lot. Chi You, who possesses the body of the gods and gods, is even practicing the gods and gods.

So this year, even if there is no teacher training. Chi You still entered the mid-peak peak of Ling Ling Realm. It seems that Chi You can enter the late stage of Ling Ling Realm soon.

And the motivation that makes Chiyou so hard is revenge! Kill them harshly!

"Humph! Everyone sees you dreaming fiercely! When dreaming fiercely goes back, he will not die. Do you say it's not the dreamful fierce you killed?"

"The murderer, Hugh's strong words! Brothers! Let the murderer pay his life!"


Seeing Chi You show up, the people around here are even more excited.

Of course, it's not that they have a good relationship with Mengmeng. The dream of bullying is hard to come by without so many people.

Many of these people were arranged by Yan Yan and Wu Yiliu, so everyone's emotions were mobilized to the extreme.

"Don't kill if you don't kill! Chi Chi dare to be a dare!"

Faced with everyone's question, Chiyou said with fists clenched.

For the past year, Meng Kun has been protecting themselves. So for the dreams that are also born from the same name, Chi You didn't have a killer at all.

In fact, although Meng Dameng did not bully Chi You when he was young. But now Chiyou has no idea of ​​revenge at all. A little quenched dream in the ninth level of the realm is so fierce that Chiyou is too lazy to care about him.

If it weren't for Meng Dameng's bad words in front of Chi You, Meng Dameng wouldn't be angry and beat him.

"You said you did not do it! Did the eyes of the tribes be blind?"

At this moment, the crowd gave way. Li Yan and Wu Yiliu walked slowly in the crowd, and within a year, Li Yan and Wu Yiliu had been cured of internal injuries.

Therefore, although the two have withdrawn from Yuanying Realm, they are still the strong players of Jindan Realm. Along the way, the colossal pressure of the Great Consummation of Jindan Realm appeared, and the body shape of more than ten dream surnames continued to retreat.

Chiyou, the first to bear the blame,, was so overwhelmed by the severe pressure of Wu Yanliu and Wu Yiliu. Even this coercion seemed to be as heavy as a mountain, and Chiyou's legs were trembling, and she seemed to be kneeling down.

"The two of you!"

The murderer who killed the master and the fat ball was in front of him, Chi You gritted his teeth tightly and snarled. Those irritated eyes stared at Yan Yan and Wu Yiliu tightly.

For more than a year, Chi You, who has never forgotten the deep hatred, has grown up. So now Chi You is not the rash young boy.

Chi You has no strength right now, so Chi You is forbearing. When you have the strength to kill Li Yan and Wu Yiliu, Chi You will never be soft-hearted.

But the forbearance turned into the forbearance, and now the enemy is in sight. You can't kill yourself, but the enemy wants to use his coercion to make him kneel?

Kneeling to the man who killed the master and the fat ball? How did Chiyou agree!

(End of this chapter)

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