Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 975: Acting Patriarch

"Sure thing..."

Menglin put down the glass and said. But Meng Lin just wanted to go deeper, Wu Yiliu interrupted Meng Lin's words and said with a smile

"The patriarch, since we are going to say something about our cottage, let these two outsiders be here, not very good."

Wu Yiliu's outsiders naturally refer to Li Mo and Eggs, but when Eggs heard Wu Yiliu's words, she just swept Wu Yiliu's eyes and continued to deliver food to her mouth. It's not the egg's fearless character this day that is afraid of Wu Yiliu of Yuanying Realm this time, but Egg Egg doesn't want to waste time to scold Wu Yiliu.

At this time, it may be better to eat two more dishes. Since the egg was born until now, every day, Li Mo, who eats the meat of the spirit beast, roasts the barbecue, or the dried meat. Like these authentic dishes, they have been eaten here at Menglin, so of course you should eat more eggs.

Li Mo didn't even look at Wu Yiliu at all. It means Meng Lin to come here to eat by himself. At Meng Lin’s house, the owner didn’t speak, what are you doing?

Meng Lin frowned and said unpleasantly

"Li Mo and Dandan are not outsiders, and this matter to be said today is also related to them."

"Oh? Don't know what the patriarch wants to say?"

Mengkun put down the chopsticks and asked.

"I'm going to retreat again. As for where I retreat, you don't need to know. And these days when I'm away, Miluo Shanzhai will leave it to Li Mo to take care of it. Li Mo is the acting patriarch, if anyone disobeys Li Mo, Just disobey the old man!"


Meng Lin's voice fell, and the wine glass in his hand was crushed by Meng Lin. Great dreams are practiced, but things outside can't be felt. So Menglin can't practice here in an upright manner. After all, if Yuan Ying's harshness and Wu Yiliu want to be against him, this is not a joke.

As for Mengkun, they are trustworthy. However, before Mengkun they could not fight hard, so Menglin obviously could not hand over the tribe to Mengkun. Moreover, Menglin was afraid that he would leave, and severely embarrassed Li Mo and his wife. So now they are given such an identity as Li Mo.

Looking at Meng Lin's movements, Li Yan and Wu Yiliu's eyes tightened. Sure enough, this meal is not so delicious today. Meng Lin asked the two of them to come to dinner. The essence was to explain Li Mo's future position in the cottage. Acting patriarch, its status is one level higher than that of the severe elder.

However, the party’s Li Moke was not interested in the battle between Miluo Shanzhai and immediately said

"Senior, I..."

Just half of what Li Mo said, Mengkun and other dream elders have expressed their opinions

"Relax patriarch, I will definitely support Li Mo's little brother."

"Yeah, if anyone dares to embarrass Li Mo brother, I can't get along with him first!"


It can be seen from the fact that Menglin has been away for many years, and the people of the surname Meng can still follow the matter with utter despair. Mengkun and others are very loyal to Menglin. Therefore, Meng Kun and others did the same without saying anything.

Meng Lin also patted Li Mo's shoulder and said

"Relax, they support Mengkun, and the old man believes you can do it well."

Everyone said so, Li Mo was a little bit uncomfortable for a while and did not agree.

"Patriarch, Li Moxiu is so weak, as acting patriarch..."

Sternly said, the elders in the cottage. In addition to Li Yan and Wu Yiliu, the two strong players in Yuanying Realm, the elders in other rankings are also strong in Jindan Realm. At present, Meng Lin makes a junior who leads the spiritual realm as the acting patriarch, and Li Yan and others are certainly not convinced.

"Why? Do you disagree with my decision?"

The smile on Meng Lin's face gradually dissipated, and then Meng Lin showed a coercion of the powerhouse in the fairyland, and pressed it severely. Suddenly, Yan Yan only felt that the irresistible force of the sky was pressing on himself. Yan Yan's face changed, and he couldn't move at all.

Seeing the harsh response, Wu Yiliu hurriedly played round and said

"The patriarch, everyone is of the same clan. Doing so will not hurt the harmony? I think Brother Li Mo is acting as the patriarch, it's not bad."


Meng Lin snorted softly and dissipated his coercion. Wu Yiliu, the austerity ally, now agrees with Li Mo as acting patriarch, and there is one austerity left. How many waves can there be?

Gently gritted his teeth, then got up and said

"There is still something at home, you are eating."

Having said that, Yan Yan went out. Wu Yiliu sang against himself in this matter, and was very angry. Where else can I eat these wine dishes?

"Hey look at him."

Looking at the severe back, Wu Yiliu grinned. Then Wu Yiliu got up quickly and said

"Patriarch, I will persuade Li Yan."

"go quickly."

Meng Lin said lightly that Meng Lin did not believe that Wu Yiliu, the old fox, could be in the same camp as himself. So Menglin knew that Wu Yiliu had to discuss with Yan Yan how to deal with himself. But in the face of absolute strength, how could Menglin be afraid of Wu Yiliu, an old fox.

Wu Yiliu ran out of the house and hurried up after seeing his severe back, shouting

"Brother Stern, wait for brother."

"Brother Wu, you're not drinking from the patriarch. What are you doing here?"

Li Yan turned to look at Wu Yiliu and said with a smile.

"Why, what did Brother Li say, we are in the same camp. You are gone, and brother is still asking for something."

Wu Yiliu came and said with a smile. From the beginning to the end, no matter who he was, the smile on Wu Yiliu's face had never dispersed.

Strictly looked up and down at Wu Yiliu, mockingly said

"The two of us may have been in the same camp before, but now the old guy of Menglin has stepped into the fairyland. Can Brother Wu still stand on my side, it is not necessarily Brother Li, Is that kind of unbelievable man?"

Wu Yiliu said solemnly, but his stern eyes were still so intriguing. The eyes seem to be saying, you are not that kind of person, who is that kind of person?

Not paying attention to Yan Yan's eyes, Wu Yiliu looked around, then laughed to Li Yan

"It's inconvenient to talk here. Let's go. Brother Yan, let's go to my place and add up."

With that said, Wu Yiliu sternly walked towards his house.

Wu Yiliu is the second elder of the Miluo Shanzhai and the leader of their Wu surname. Therefore, Wu Yiliu's house is no smaller than Menglin's house. There are tens of thousands of people in the whole cottage, no more than four such houses. Two of them belong to Menglin, and the remaining two are Wu Yiliu and Yan Yan.

"Brother Wu, what do you want to say?" Li Yan said reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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