Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 959: Reincarnation

In a splendid palace, there was a cry like a baby. Kneeling outside the palace is a group of court ladies, eunuchs. The eunuchs of the court ladies lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

"Holy King! It's a prince!"

A maid hurriedly ran out of the palace and shouted.

"Great! It's a prince! I have a prince! I want to enclose my prince as a prince!"

Outside the palace, a man dressed in a dragon robe looks similar to Li Mo. But the majestic temperament can only be found in those who are in high positions all the year round. The maid and **** outside the palace were on their knees, and they dared not raise their heads to look around.

It's no wonder that the emperor was so excited to have a prince, after all, the emperor was in his forties. There are dozens of children under the knee, but all the princesses were born before. At present, there is a prince who can inherit the unification, how can the emperor be unhappy?

In the end, the emperor and the state teacher discussed and named the newly born prince Li Mo!

That's right, this newly born person is Li Mo who entered the reincarnation tree. The world created by the wild reincarnation tree for Li Mo is the world in Li Mo's memory.

No identity is better than being a prince. Isn't the ninety-five in the future better? After all, it is the practice to become a quasi-emperor, and the true fairy emperor also has to undergo bit by bit of practice. In the eyes of this secular world, there is no need to practice at all.

If you change to an ordinary person, you will have no memory. Coupled with the prosperity of this life, that person is easily lost in the samsara tree.

But this time, the reincarnation tree missed. Li Mo didn't have a real rebirth, the last time Li Mo's real rebirth still has memories. And how about the six hundred years of cultivation before the rebirth, and how strong Li Mo's mind is now?

So Li Mo did not lose his memory and lose himself like others entered into the reincarnation tree...

Gradually, Li Mo reached the age of sixteen. The old emperor died, 16-year-old Li Mo ascended the throne, and he ruled the world. Several assistant ministers chose Li Mo as the queen of the most beautiful woman in the world, but Li Mo didn't even touch others. Because Li Mo, who has memories from beginning to end, knows that all of this is false.

If you change to someone else, even if you have memories, you will sink into this reincarnation tree. Because all these things are so good. But in the past 16 years, Li Mo has been looking for the exit of the reincarnation tree, but the world seems to be true. Where is there any exit?

"Damn! How can I get out!"

In the glorious palace, Li Mo, dressed in an emperor's robe, paced back and forth, frowning. The court ladies and eunuchs outside the palace knelt on the ground, shaking.

They don't know why, the emperor's temper has grown stronger recently. Right now it is a grand event, the treasury is plentiful, and the people of Cathay Pacific will have no war. All this is so beautiful, what kind of temper does the emperor have?

"Great dream magic, a century of dreams. Come in a dream, go in a dream..."

At this moment, a voice came from Li Mo's ear. Hearing this voice, Li Mo's eyes lit up. Li Mo, who has a memory, immediately knew that this was a hint from Meng Lin!

"Come here! Grind the ink!"

Li Mo shouted, and a young **** immediately came to the palace and gently inked it.

Li Mo three times and two times, he drew the impression of the tree. While painting, Li Mo was also talking about words that Xiaotai didn't understand.

"Dreams come, dreams go. Since this reincarnation tree and the dream of big dreams are interlinked, why can't they come in the tree, go in the tree."

But Li Mo's symbol is okay, just draw... So afraid that his subordinates could not understand, Li Mo also marked the height and width of the tree. Li Mo is certain that there must be a reincarnation tree in this reincarnation world. And there must be only one such unique tree.

"Submit the order! You must find this tree! Who can find it, no matter where you are from, I make him king!"

Li Mo handed the painting to the **** and said. This little **** was brought up by Li Mo, and he was very clever.


Everyone thought that where the emperor's sudden whimsy, how could there be such a thick and tall tree in the world? But there were complaints, but they did not dare not listen to the emperor's orders.

There are even a few who want to touch the fish in muddy water, looking for a tree that has been very large for thousands of years, and want to be rewarded by Li Mo. But even though these thousand-year-old trees are very tall, they are still worse than the reincarnation tree.

For those who are indiscriminate, Li Mo is the way to the end. No matter what kind of relative you are, or a general who holds a heavy army, you are directly reduced to civilians.

In the end, it took half a year for the army to finally find the reincarnation tree.

That is a virgin forest, what is a virgin forest? That is, for these mortals, the big endless. These primitive deep forests are like a sleeping beast, with a big mouth open. People who enter the virgin forest can easily get lost in it.

And there are many poisonous beasts and beasts in the virgin forest, these are terrible existence.

This is also a marshal, leading his hundreds of thousands of subordinates. Before entering the virgin forest, he made sufficient preparations to successfully enter the virgin forest, paving the way with the lives of the soldiers, and then found the reincarnation tree.

After receiving the news, Li Mo suddenly led the bodyguard to the virgin forest without stopping, and the hundreds of thousands of troops guarding here were black and pressed to the ground.

"See the Holy Ghost! Holy Ghost Ron, the subordinate finally found the God Tree that the Holy Ghost said."

A sturdy man in armor knelt on the ground and said excitedly. Don't look at this old man as the marshal who leads the party. The real power in hand is not much different from those of the princes. But this marshal's position can't be passed to his son, so now he can win a throne for his son, why would the old marshal not do it?

"Okay, from now on you will be the King of Zhennan, hereditary will be replaced. Take me to see the tree."

Li Mo, riding a mighty and powerful black horse, can't wait to say At this time, let alone give him a throne, just give this throne, Li Mo will not hesitate.

"Thank you!"

Hearing Li Mo's words, the old marshal knelt again and excitedly to Li Mo. Then the old marshal did not dare to delay Li Mo's affairs. Under the opening of the generals, Li Mo was taken to the vast reincarnation tree.

Lifting his head and looking at the majestic reincarnation tree in front of him, Li Mo couldn't help but smile. Immediately Li Mo stepped forward, as before, he cut his fingertips and dropped a drop of blood into the reincarnation tree.

"Oh, uh..."

The reincarnation tree absorbed Li Mo's blood, shaking the branches and leaves again. Watching the movement of the reincarnation tree, Li Mo said excitedly

"It really works!"

As Li Mo's voice fell, the thick trunk of the reincarnation tree suddenly showed a green light. Li Mo raised one foot and stepped into the reincarnation tree.

(End of this chapter)

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