Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 825: Yin Feng's Revenge

The energy contained in this blood demon spider's demon pill is still relatively large. Originally, an ordinary eight-level demon pill Li Mo only needs one or two hours to be refined, but this demon pill has spent all of Li. Four hours of indifference. However, after refining, coupled with the energy accumulated in Li Mo's body, his strength also broke through to the strength of level 61 in one fell swoop.

This is quite unexpected for Li Mo, after all, he now needs huge energy for every level he rises. In the case of no adventure, God knows that he can kill the monsters that kill many kills before he can break through the next level.


Opening his eyes and spitting out the turbid gas in his body, Li Mo stood up with vigour.

"Congratulations on the master's breakthrough again, one step closer to fulfilling your wish!"

Ao Ying greeted Li Mo with a smile and said mischievously.

"It feels good to break through. Although the energy in my body has not been fully recovered, I feel that the energy in my body is more than when I was in level 60!"

"That is of course. You will feel a lot of physical energy increase every time you level up. Well, this is really not a place to speak. The smell is too bad. Let's leave quickly. What else can we say on the road? Now!"

With such a reminder from Ao Ying, Li Mo was relieved from the joy of escalation and immediately felt a bad smell.

"I was so excited just now that I didn't smell it. This smell is really not so bad. Let's go!"

"Wait! You won't just leave! The eight spider legs are as strong as the dragon scale and red sword. If you sell it, it will be expensive. You won't Just leave it behind!"

"God! I actually forgot. You see my memory, I must have been stunned by the smell in this hole. Such a good thing was almost forgotten, since its owner gave me king-level defensive equipment If it is destroyed, then I will use these eight spider legs to make a set of equipment. I believe that the rank must be above the king level!"

Li Mo scratched his head embarrassedly, put the spider legs in the storage belt, and Ao Ying quickly evacuated.


Back on the ground again, it was near noon. Li Mo was greedily breathing the fresh air in the warm sunlight, and it took him half an hour to realize that his mind was clear. After counting the time, he has been here for almost three days, but the three of you are still waiting for their news.

"Hey! Do you want that Qinger?"

While Li Mo was stunned, Ao Ying came to him and asked in a low voice.

"What? What do I want her to do, she is just a little girl. Besides, I already have Liu Yan, and there is a Zi Lingwei in the guild. How could I still have the energy to think about her!"

"Hey... Only you know what you want, let's go quickly!"

Ao Ying turned into a red golden light and returned to the red space.

Li Mo shook his head bitterly, clarified the direction and ran towards the periphery of the Plain of Death.


On this road, Li Mo also encountered two hungry sixth-level monsters, and the energy sent to the door was naturally collected by Li Mo. When it was dark, Li Mo finally rushed to the place where they were separated. But he didn't see any of them.

"Huh! What's going on? What about them? Didn't you say it's merging here? Where did it go?"

Li Mo was afraid that they might have hunted the monsters and monsters somewhere nearby, so he found another circle in a hundred miles away, but still no trace of them!

"Did they have any accidents? Impossible, but there are only some level 4 and 5 monster activities here. How can there be any accidents by traveling around their strength! Is it that someone with bad intentions has encountered? There are no signs of fighting here!"

Li Mo returned to the original place, constantly guessing all the possible things in his mind, but in the end he was directly denied one by one. No way, now the only thing he can do is wait here.

Until noon the next day, there were still no signs of the three people, and Li Mo could not sit still.

"Their mentors are extremely poisonous. They should be more anxious than I am. It's impossible to kill monsters and beasts for so long. But where can they go in this huge misty forest?"

Li Mo looked at the empty plains around him, and began to feel uneasy.

"Master, they have been hijacked!"

Ao Ying suddenly appeared and said solemnly.

"Ah! No. There is no sign of fighting here. How could they be hijacked silently with their strength?"

"If they meet people who are much stronger than them, do you think they have any strength to fight back?"

Saying that Ao Ying took Li Mo out of a distance of 100 meters, under the layer of floating soil, a waist tag with the words Xinyuecheng Guild was found, and the name on it was just Qing'er.

"She used to have contact with you, so I am familiar with her breath. But the breath on this waist card is very weak, and it is covered by sand. I just discovered it. I think this should be left by her deliberately for you. Clues, they must have been hijacked by a strong person."

Ao Ying said it was reasonable and well-founded, and also found Qinger's waist card, which forced Li Mo to accept this reality.

"Oh my god! It's really troublesome! I really shouldn't have agreed to the request of traveling around the team!"

"Huh! Master, this is not like your character! Where is your kind heart?"

Ao Ying saw Li Mo's annoyed expression and couldn't help but ask.

"Hey! It's not me that changed. Most of the things they were hijacked still have something to do with me. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be Yinfeng, only he has hatred with us. If I don't join their team, Nor can there be so much trouble!"

"Hehe...Since this matter has something to do with you, you should go and teach the kid named Yin Feng a good time. Willn't it save me from saving them back! As for complaining here?"

"I want to go too, but now the clue is only this waist card. Where do I know where they are now?"

"Hey...Master, don't you know, don't you still have me?"

"You... do you have a way? Why didn't you say it early!"

Li Mo heard the words, his depressed mood swept away. Although he and Zhou You can only be regarded as partners, and can not be regarded as true friends. But the cause of this matter is, after all, because of himself. If he can't save himself, he can't do it with Li Mo's character.

"Don't worry about you, are you afraid that Qing'er will suffer?"

Ao Ying still does not miss any chance to ridicule Li asked with a smile.

"Okay, Ao Ying, let's stop making trouble. I also have a certain responsibility for this matter. If they are in danger, my conscience can't justify it! You should take me to find them quickly!"

"Okay! Wait for me, I'll try it out with our dragon clan's secret method!"

After talking, Ao Ying ran to a high ground with her eyes closed, her body looming with a golden light.

After the time for a tea, Ao Ying opened her eyes somewhat ugly.

"Master, I breathed through this token and sensed that the girl Qinger should be moving towards the edge of the plain of death. But because of the distance, I couldn't feel the presence of anyone around her!"

Li Mo heard a trace of murderousness inexplicably.

"Ao Ying, let's go, knowing her approximate location is enough!"

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