Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 796: Teleport

Although Li Yao has been refined, Li Mo's strength has greatly increased, but he has not yet planned to leave this stone cave. Since I have found traces of people who lived here, if it is not clear how Li Mo could be willing to give up. Here is in the center of the misty forest where monsters and monsters are running. The humans who can survive here must have the ability beyond his imagination. If anything can be found, Li Mo may also bring some unexpected surprises.

But this cave is exactly what he saw when he came in between. After several hours of exploration, Li Mo did not find any other channels. Every Li Bi in Shibi here has been carefully inspected and no organs have been found. This made him unable to feel discouraged and returned to the side of the holy saint who had been lying on the stone platform watching him.

"Hey! It's a pity I don't understand what you said, otherwise you might find some clues in your mouth."

Looking at the Great Saint beside him, Li Mo said helplessly, and at the same time he began to doubt his previous conjecture.

"Did I think too much? This cave has existed for a long time, and there are still some indigenous people. After the misty forest is formed, they moved away from here? This is just a long abandoned cave? There is no self. Is it so complicated?"

A series of questions formed in Li Mo's mind, but they could not be answered. In the end, Li Mo can only choose to leave here after tonight and start his own journey!

But the Dasheng at this time was like seeing through Li Mo's thoughts, pulling Li Mo to stand up.

One foot stepped directly on an inconspicuous protrusion beside the stone platform.

Bang! Bang!

With a loud voice, a huge rock in the center of the stone platform sank to reveal a dark stone step.


Da Sheng tweeted softly and pointed his finger at Li Mo.

"I depend! Da Sheng, you are too kind. It turns out that you already knew the secret of this stone cave, and even watched me live for a long time!"

Li Mo's complaint pours out in a moment.

But Dasheng didn't pay any attention to him, just pulled him down to the dark stone steps.

The stone steps are not very long, and the time of a cup of tea has reached the bottom. A dark channel appeared in front of them again. This place is not as spacious as above, and Dasheng has to restore his original state and walk on all fours. Fortunately, Li Mo mastered the fire attribute skills such as blazing flames, and held a ball of flame in his right hand to illuminate them. But even then they still walked in this Yongdao for half an hour.

"Da Sheng, where does this lead to? How long will it take to reach the end?"

Facing such a dark and unfamiliar environment, if there was a Dasheng accompanied Li Mo, he would stay here for a minute.


Facing Li Mo's doubts, Dasheng called out softly. He also pointed his finger in front of him, indicating that Li Mo was about to arrive.

Sure enough, one person and one animal had left for about a cup of tea, and the channel began to widen gradually, and there was a faint blue light out of the front 100 meters.


Seeing the Dasheng, he rushed out with great excitement, followed by Li Mo.

After they came to the place where the blue color came out, Li Mo froze. It was a round stone platform with many strange and complicated patterns carved on it. The statues of the four holy beasts of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu are all around. The blue light is emitted from their eyes. Strangeness and mystery are revealed everywhere.

"This... what is this?"

Li Mo walked carefully around the stone platform for a few times, and looked at all the questions here.


At this time, Da Sheng began to be restless again, and took Li Mo's hand on the round stone platform. I saw that it injected a ray of energy into the stone statues of the Four Sacred Beasts respectively, and the strange and complex masses at their feet began to glow blue, and the stone statues of the Four Sacred Beasts also wanted to come alive and spread separately. The mouth and the dazzling blue light immediately surrounded Da Sheng and Li Mo.

"Ah... Great Saint! What's going on? We..."

Before Li Mo's words were finished, he felt a flower in his eyes and his body fell into the abyss, and a strong sense of weightlessness immediately poured into his brain.


When Li Mo opened his eyes again, he and Da Sheng were deep in a desolate plain. Although it is a plain here, but there is no plant, sand and gravel everywhere. Only a few roars of unknown monsters from time to time brought a little life to this place.

"This... is this the Plain of Death?"

Li Mo looked at everything in front of him unbelievably and said to himself in surprise. At this time, he stood on the same round stone platform as in the cave just now. The statues of the Four Sacred Beasts stood around, but they looked worn.


Hearing Li Mo's words, Da Sheng called out and nodded desperately.

After confirming his own conjecture, Li Mo was even more incredible.

"Then... that round stone platform, is it not a teleportation array?"

Although Li Mo has not seen the teleportation array, but they can make them instantly cross the distance of thousands of miles of magic stone platform, there can only be such an explanation.


Da Sheng continued to nod and said yes.

"Great, if we had this teleportation array. Didn't we go where we wanted to go?"

Li Mo said that Da Sheng didn't nod anymore. It may be that it only used this teleport to travel back and forth between the death plains and the misty forest, and had never been to other places at all.

"Haha...Whether it is as I said, it can be found that this teleportation array is like having wings..."


While Li Mo was still immersed in joy, a huge roar came suddenly in the distance. Immediately after that, the figure of the adult Vajra Ape appeared in Li Mo's sight.

"Ah... it turns out your Lao Tzu is here. Why didn't I see it in the misty forest?"

Li Mo said as he subconsciously hid behind Da Sheng. This adult King Kong ape has no slight affection for this human being.

In just a few breathing hours, the adult King Kong ape had arrived in front of Da Sheng and Li Mo.

It glanced at Dasheng first, and then looked at Li Mo behind it. But that look turned into a chill from the previous love.


Dasheng seemed to realize that the adult King Kong great ape was not friendly to Li Mo and hurriedly spread his arms and called a few times. As for what it means to express, Li Mo doesn't even know but Li Mo still believes that Dasheng will never harm himself.




In this way, the big and small Vajra Ape in front of Li Mo began to communicate in a language he did not understand. Listening to Li Mo couldn't help covering his ears, the voices of these two big guys were too loud. Although they have suppressed their voices to the lowest level, they are still not human tolerable.

"Humans, no matter what your purpose is to get close to my son, but I advise you to leave as soon as possible! If it hadn't been pleading for you, I would tear you apart!"

Suddenly a woman's voice sounded, leaving Li Mo surprised. After looking around for a while, Li Mo found out that the woman's voice had just been spoken in the mouth of the adult King Kong Giant Ape.

"Ah! You... do you speak human language?"

(End of this chapter)

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