Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 785: go away

"Well! Okay. You two will do this now. I will also talk to Ye Fan and others. After all, we are all a family now, and I don’t want to see the students of our guild. What contradiction appears!"

He said that Han Tianyu waved his hands to signal Yang Mu and Xi Xiangnan to leave, and then looked at several mentors such as Land Rover.

"The future development of our Association of Luoye Town will depend on everyone's efforts, and everyone will follow the instructions given by me and the vice president. You all go on!"

"Yes! Mr. President!"

Everyone left, only Li Mo was standing at the door and refused to leave!

"Huh! Xiaomo, do you have anything else?"

"Master President, Vice President Master, I... I want to leave the guild for a while!"

In the face of Han Tianyu's question, Li Mo was a little embarrassed, but hesitated or said what he thought.

"Leave for a while? Do you want to go out and practice alone?"

"Yes, President, both you and the Vice President know my life experience. I can't wait any longer, and I don't have time to wait any longer. But rest assured, I will always be our leafy town when Li Mo People in the guild, as long as our guild needs me, I will be back as soon as possible."


"Eh! Old man, what's the matter! Xiao Mo is now at level 46, and if he is more careful, there is no danger to his life. I think this is a good thing, after all, the seedlings in the greenhouse It’s impossible to grow into a towering tree, let’s just let him go out and do a good job!”

Before Han Tianyu finished speaking, Lan Jingyuan hurriedly interjected.

"What do you know? Although Xiao Mo's current strength is enough to walk in the empire, what should he do if he is eager to go to a place that should not be?"

"You can't be a small desert or a three-year-old child? I think he wouldn't be stupid to take risks for his wife and friends. You should worry less!"


Han Tianyu and Lan Jingyuan were arguing for Li Mo's face with red ears, but in the end Lan Jingyuan persuaded Han Tianyu.

"Hey! Okay. I know that you Li Mo is nothing in the pool and can't restrain your hands and feet. When are you going to leave?"

Seeing Han Tianyu's lonely look, Li Mo couldn't bear it. But for Liu Yan and Ao Ying, he had to do this, otherwise he wouldn’t know when he would be able to save them!

"Sir, I want to leave tomorrow."

"Okay! In that case, go ahead and prepare yourself!"

After finishing Han Tianyu walked out, but when passing Li Mo's side. Li Mo saw a trace of moisture in his wrinkled eyes.

"Hey! Xiao Mo, it's not that the chairman won't let you go, but he is too worried about you. Although I strongly agree that you are going out and about, but you have to make a vow in front of me, and you must not joke about your life. !"

Li Mo naturally understood what Lan Jingyuan said in his words, and immediately swear in front of him. And he gave him a very grateful look and left.


Li Mo didn't intend to tell anyone about his departure, but after a long time, he decided to go to Zi Lingwei. After all, he had once said goodbye, and Zi Lingwei was very affectionate towards him again, and he really didn't want to hurt her heart anymore.

Boom Boom...

A knock on the door sounded, and when Zi Lingwei opened the door of the room and saw Li Mo, there was a sweet smile on his face.

"Li Mo, you... what are you doing with me so late?"

"Zi Lingwei, I... I'm here to say goodbye to you!"

As soon as the words came out, Zi Lingwei's smile immediately froze. Although she knew that Li Mo had his own things to do, they would separate for a long time sooner or later. But I did not expect that it would come so soon.

"Are you going to improve your strength by going out on a calendar?"


"Then... can I go with you?"


Li Mo refused to hesitate Zi Lingwei without hesitation, eyes full of apology. This outing will be dangerous, and if there is anything wrong with Zi Lingwei, he will blame himself for a lifetime.

"Oh...Okay! But don't forget the agreement between us, I will give you time, you must come back intact. Otherwise, you know my character!"

Although Zi Lingwei was very reluctant, she still squeezed out a smile.

"Okay! I will, wait for me to come back!"

A few simple words express Li Mo's voice at this moment. For Zi Lingwei, he didn't even care about his own life.

Zi Ling micro-speaking again raised a pretty face and looked at Li Mo affectionately, as if to engrave his appearance in his heart. After a moment, a sweet smile appeared before turning around and leaving. She didn't want Li Mo to see her tears, and tried to show her the most beautiful side in front of him.

After seeing Zi Lingwei leave, Li Mo took a deep breath and was relieved. After simply packing up some necessities, he lay on the bed and closed his eyes to wait for the dawn.


The next morning Li Mo pushed open his room and saw a parcel at the door. Li Mo smiled slightly, put it in the storage belt and walked towards Han Tianyu's residence.

Needless to think, he also knew that this was prepared for him by Zi Lingwei. As for why Zi Lingwei handed it to him in this way, it is estimated that he did not want to face the scene of this division.

When Li Mo came to Han Tianyu's residence, both Han Tianyu and Lan Jingyuan were there. Looking at their haggard faces, Li Mo knew they were also sleepless all night because of their own affairs and couldn't help but blame themselves.

"Xiao Mo, pay more attention to safety this time out, you will use these things!"

Han Tianyu said that he pushed the parcel to Li Mo in front of him with a look of love and reluctance.

"Adult President, I..."

"Eh! I said that you two grandpas shouldn't be with your mother-in-law anymore. Since Xiaomo doesn't want everyone to know what he left, let's go quickly!"

Before Li Mo finished speaking, Lan Jingyuan directly interrupted him.

After Li Mo saluted the two old men, he turned and left. Although he was very reluctant in his heart, for Liu Yan and Ao Ying he had to upgrade his strength to level 80 as soon as possible, so that he could go to Xumi Cave as soon as possible to find a lot of natural materials and treasures to save them!

"Why? Can't bear to be indifferent?"

Watching Han Tianyu standing at the window looking at Li Mo's Lan Jingyuan said leisurely on the side.

"Nonsense, Xiao Mo is out and about, I don't worry about it! Hey! Although the child's strength is now greatly increased, but there are people outside the mountains and mountains, what if he encounters a powerful gangster? What if Xiaomo ventures to kill high-level monsters in order to increase his strength as soon as possible?"

"Haha... Old fellow, I know you treat Xiaomo as a grandson. But he is not a kid, and he has such a heavy burden. It is also time for him to go out and run. But rest assured. , I will send people to pay attention to his movements at any time, and if there is any accident, I will rescue him as soon as possible!"

"You're an old thing, it turns out you already have your own plans. No wonder you don't worry at all!"

Hearing Lan Jingyuan's words, Han Tianyu felt relieved. As Lan Jingyuan, as long as Li Mo can't leave the Heavenly Wind Empire, it is not difficult to know his whereabouts!

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