Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 781: Difficulties

The banquet continued until late at night, and everyone dispersed.

The biggest winner coming to participate in the contest was the Yegui Town Guild. Not only won the first place in the contest, but also annexed a big guild like Liulicheng. This night, everyone was so excited that it was difficult to fall asleep, especially Han Tianyu, who stood by the window and watched the moonlight till dawn.

Today is the time for everyone to leave the imperial capital. Early in the morning, the royal family arranged a carriage in front of the residences of the various guilds to prepare to see them off.

Packed up, the people in Yeye Town took two carriages under the leadership of Han Tianyu and Lan Jingyuan. Taking advantage of the fact that there were no pedestrians on the streets in the early morning, they drove out of the Imperial City all the way to their homes and ran towards Yezhen Guild!

At this time, Han Tianyu was already at heart, and he still had a lot of things to deal with when he returned. The first is to accept the Liulicheng Guild, and the second is to find ways to place the mentors and students of the Liulicheng Guild. Under the leadership of Gan Peng, Han Tianyu knows what the people of the Liulicheng Guild look like than anyone else. If you want them to obey yourself, you will have to work hard.

After three days and nights, the crowd finally rushed back to Luoye Town when their carriage entered the town. Was welcomed by the people, it turned out that they had long known that their guild won the championship in the competition. Some people even put their children directly in the hands of Han Tianyu, hoping to join the Luoye Town Guild!

"Old things, you see, this is the power of honor! If we did not perform well at the competition, where would there be such a scene!"

"Yes! It seems that this time our elder brothers can be busy!"

Back in front of his guild, Leng Yihan and Ling Xiyu had been waiting for a long time.

"Admiral President, congratulations! We heard yesterday that our guild achieved first place. Leng Yihan and I were so excited to sleep all night!"

Ling Xiyu said excitedly to Han Tianyu.

"Haha... This is thanks to Xiaomo! Not enough, I have good news that makes you sleepless!"

"Oh? What good news?

"Don't worry, let's go in and talk! By the way, I will introduce you to you!"

"Okay! Madam President, let's go first. Mine will see our little hero!"

Lingxi spoke towards Li Mo who was still packing up in the carriage.

"Our little hero, this contest has won a lot!"

"Ah! Lingxi language tutor, you laughed. What a hero, I'm just lucky!"

"Yoyo! The little hero is so humble, it's really promising! Haha..."

Ling Xi's ridicule made Li Mo a little embarrassed, and his handsome face instantly turned red.

Even the unspoken Leng Yihan saw such a situation and showed a rare smile.


"Come and come! This is Lan Jingyuan, my old brother, and later the vice president of our guild."

Han Tianyu took Lan Jingyuan in his room to introduce Ling Xiyu and Leng Yihan, and then told them about the annexation of the Liulicheng Guild! The duo listened on the spot, and some could not believe it.

"Okay, it's not too late! Then I will arrange our next work. Tomorrow morning I will lead Land Rover, Leng Yihan and Xiaomo to the Liulicheng Guild for handover. Others are stationed in the Guild!"

"It's grown up!"

After the explanation, Han Tianyu asked everyone to go back to rest, after all, the three days of Marlough did not have a good rest!

When Li Mo returned to his room, he lay down on a soft bed. The tense spirit was completely relaxed. Although the conditions of the imperial capital are several times better than here, this is his home after all! A moment later the snore sounded, and Li Mo had slept deeply.


When he woke up, it was already the next morning. By the time he came to Han Tianyu's residence, Han Tianyu, Land Rover and Leng Yihan were already waiting for him.

"Xiao Mo! How about taking a rest?"

"Adult President, this is the most steady sleep I have had in a month."

"Hehe... that's good, there are still many problems waiting to be solved by the Liulicheng Guild! Then we will start now. It should be possible to rush to Liulicheng at noon!"

Said to take three people to the door to the carriage already prepared!

It was another morning bump, and the four finally came to the gate of Liulicheng at noon! After presenting their tokens, the soldiers guarding the city took them to the guild gate in the center of the city.

"Sir, President, here is our Liulicheng Guild. They have been notified yesterday, they should line up to welcome you now!"

Looking at the frosty guild door, the soldier said awkwardly.

"Okay, I know, you go back and put it."

The soldiers were relieved, and after giving a gift to Han Tianyu, they trot all the way and left.

"Sir, President, it seems that these people in Liulicheng are going to give us a chance! Let's see how Land Rover can clean up these bastards!"

"No... Land Rover is not reckless, they are already hostile to us, if you do, how will our work be carried out?"

"Then... what about that?"

"Let's go in and check the situation before we say it!"

He said that Han Tianyu stepped into the door of Liulicheng Guild.

"Eh eh! Who of you, do you know what this place is? Dare to break into our guild, are you impatient to live!"

A young man dressed by a trainee blocked the path of the four, and the tone adhered to Gan Peng's consistent style and arrogance!

"I am your new president, this is my token. Let all the mentors and students of your guild come here to see me!"


The students who had never been able to live forever saw the token in Han Tianyu's hands, and they immediately turned into frosted eggplant without any trace of spirit.

After about an hour, Han Tianyu and the four heard the sparse footsteps.

"Yes... Master President, my name is Qi Delong, a 55th-level warlock, and a guild instructor!"

After Qi Delong reported to Han Tianyu, several students with irregular clothes came to Han Tianyu.

"Why? Is there only a few of you left in your guild? Where are the others?

"Hey... grown up, he... they are all sleeping!"

"Sleep? When Gan Peng was there, were you all virtuous?"

"Sir, President, I came to this Liulicheng Guild a while ago. I still don't know much about some things. I..."

"Yo! Who am I to come to our Liulicheng Guild to take over as chairman, it turned out to be the Han President of the Fall Leaf Town Guild!"

Qi Delong had finished speaking, but was interrupted by the voice from behind. A pointed-billed monkey cheek, a middle-aged man with a sad face came over. "

Seeing someone coming, Land Rover reprimanded loudly. Thinking that Hou Bo didn't rely on Gan Peng's obscenity to humiliate the Fallen Town Guild, Land Rover still remembered him.

"Oh... you are a stupid guy. I used to go around when I saw you. Who gave you the courage to talk to me today?"

"Hou Bo didn't want to care about you because our president didn't want to cause trouble. Today we came to receive your guild under His Majesty's order. If you dare to do nothing, believe me, Land Rover will teach you?"

"Haha... It's really nice to say? If our President Ganpeng was framed by you, would you dare to come here and spread the wild? Tell the truth to you, unless you kill it now, if I don't, you wouldn't want to Our guild is based!"


To deal with such a rogue, Land Rover really has no way. Can only look at Han Tianyu aside, waiting for his instructions.

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