Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 779: Generous championship rewards

Hearing the reluctant voice of Wang Zixuan, Li Mo thought that the power of thunder and lightning would sink directly into the ground.

"Hehe... Wang Zixuan promises!"

"Li Mo, don't be complacent. I will try to compare with you when I get a chance!"

Looking at Li Mo's smiling face, Wang Zixuan said angrily.


"Li Mo of the Deciduous Town Guild of the finals of this contest will win!"

With the announcement of the law enforcement referee, the contest of this competition ended with Li Mo's victory.

"Ah! Li Mo won? Just won? It was so easy?"

"Haha... Li Mo wins! Our Luoye Town Guild wins!"

"Sister Zi Lingwei, did you see it? Li Mo won, won! He is amazing!"

"Well, I saw it, we won!"


Ye Fan and others heard the referee's announcement, but they did not respond at the beginning. It wasn't until the audience stood up to congratulate Li Mo that they realized Li Mo really defeated Wang Zixuan!

"Hey! Old guy, I said that the person I love Lan Jingyuan can't be wrong!"

"Hehe...Yes, you have a good eye to know the hero's head office! But Li Mo grew up in our guild, and at best you are only his Bole."

"Eh! You are an old thing, when did you learn greed?"


"Your Majesty is here!"

I don't know who shouted so loudly, and the noisy arena quieted down immediately. Everyone's eyes all looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw the king of Tianfeng Empire, slowly walked down from a private room on the third floor, surrounded by a group of guards.

"Participate in His Majesty the King!"

Everyone stood up and shouted, kneeling down.

"Get up! I'm here to watch this game, you don't have to be so cautious."

After talking, the king looked at Li Mo.

"You really have lived up to my hopes, congratulations on winning the first place in this competition!"

"Thank you His Majesty the King for your appreciation, I am just lucky!"

"Year lover is not arrogant, not humble, modest and cautious, very good!"

As soon as the king beckoned, the guard immediately brought three trays covered with red cloth.

"This is the empire's reward for the first place in this competition, one piece of defensive equipment and one weapon each! Ten pieces of heavenly and earthly treasures! And one piece of demon pill of the tenth level monster!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the audience present boiled again. One is that they did not expect that today's king would personally award a prize to the top of the conference, and second, this award is too rich, no matter what one of them is a treasure!

"God! King-level weapons and equipment, heaven and earth treasures, and demon beasts of the tenth-level monster. Why not raise the registration age limit of the conference, Your Majesty the King!"

"With these three things, the Luoye Town Guild will rise in our empire from now on!"

"Hey! It's useless to blame the students of our guild. It's not for such a generous reward!"


Complaints, jealousies, and envious voices rose one after another in the stands. In front of such a treasure, they have completely lost their gait.

"Thank you His Majesty the King!"

Li Mo took the rewards from the guards, put them all in the storage belt, and saluted the king again.


The king nodded, and then explained something to the guard next to him. He left the arena!

"Your Majesty the King has an order. Tonight, the Royal Palace will host a banquet for all the members of the guild who participated in this conference. Next, everyone will leave and return to your residence to rest. In the evening, someone will lead you into the palace to feast!"

As the guards announced loudly, all the audience began to leave in an orderly manner. And Han Tianyu and others also left their seats, but they did not leave the arena, but all came to Li Mo in the game. The Land Rover took the lead and Ye Fan and Han Zhe abandoned Li Mo high to celebrate their victory!

"Haha...Okay, okay! You guys don't make a fuss anymore, but there are so many people in the arena here. Pay attention to the image of our guild! When I come back to my place, I will let you relax!"


The number of people watching this game was so great that it wasn't until noon that Han Tianyu and Lan Jingyuan returned to their residence with everyone!

Li Mo took out the championship rewards and put them on the lobby table!

"Mr. President, these are the awards for this championship. I will give them all to you and you will assign them!"

"Eh! Xiaomo these are the rewards given to you by the empire. You have brought a huge honor to our guild. These things should belong to you."

"No, grown up, if my companions did their best in the first game, how could I use my final championship. The credit is everyone's, and these rewards should be equally divided!"


"Yes, Li Mo is right. Since everyone has contributed, the reward should indeed be divided equally!"

Before Han Tianyu finished speaking, Lan Jingyuan directly interrupted him. And still very much agree with Li Mo's approach.

"I know the truth about the crime, if this king-level equipment is in my hands, maybe someday it will be robbed by the gangsters. This heaven and earth treasure, I don't understand the way of alchemy, so there is nothing to me Usefulness. As for the demon pill, my current level is still very fast, and it is a waste to eat. I abstained and did not accept these things!"

Zi Lingwei said softly after turning around in front of the table where the reward was placed. Then sit on the sofa and stop talking!

"Hehe...I really saw so many treasures for the first time. But like Sister Zi Lingwei, these things are not available to me. If you really want to thank me, Li Mo, then Would you like me to cook a barbecue?"

Lan Xin said and then sat beside Zi Lingwei.

"Hey! I am the one who sees everything fresh, and you know it. But this treasure is the only thing I don’t want to see, and you all know that my mouth can be said, maybe some day I said that the mouth is leaking and let some Don’t look at me with ulterior motives, and I will abstain for my life!”

"Ah! Ye Fan doesn't need anything, neither Han Zhe. Ye Fan is the most wicked. He is afraid that I won't have enough to live, and I will abstain! Whoever wants these things, I don't want them anyway!"

"Eh! You guys..."

Seeing his companions give up the treasures in front of them, Li Mo really didn't know what to say. Although their reasons are so far-fetched, Li Mo knows that they do not want to share these treasures with him.

"Look at it, one by one even thinks this treasure bites your hand. Hey! It's really impossible. Xiaomo, since your companions have given up, then these things can only be used by you."

After finishing speaking, Lan Jingyuan glanced at Han Tianyu, and Han Tianyu gave him a thumbs back.

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