Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 751: Good start

At this time, Land Rover is taking care of Ye Fan and Lan Xin who have been injured outside the game. Everything that happened on the field is vivid. But there is no other way but to hurry. All the hope can be placed on Li Mo.

In the game, Qi Tian still released his crazy skills and wanted to defeat Li Mo before he approached him. As a warlock, he knows what dangers his opponent will bring to him! But Li Mo didn't give him such an opportunity. His body flickered back and forth, and his energy was bound to be exhausted.

After a while, the time interval for the skills released by Qi Tian began to become longer, and the power was greatly reduced. Li Mo knew that the opportunity he had waited for had finally arrived, and his energy had been exhausted. Now it was just the end of the crossbow.

"Cut the moon!"

With a loud sigh, Li Mo's figure rose into the air. The dragon-scale red sword emits a red-golden half-moon-shaped light and cuts towards Qitian!


After a loud noise, there was silence in the field! A big pit was blown out by Li Mo above the playing field, and Qi Tianzheng was lying in the pit weakly. Until now, he didn't believe that he had been defeated by the garbage in his eyes.


Faced with such a result, there was an uproar in the audience!

"What is this kid's strength? He can't just be the 33rd-level strength on the surface. How did he hide his skills?"

"Luoye Town Guild even appeared such a wizard, it seems that they are about to rise!"

"This kid is good, and he will certainly be able to draw him closer to our guild."


All the guild presidents and mentors present were shocked by Li Mo's amazing performance, each with his own abacus. Only Gan Peng and Wu Lie were silent and silent. They knew that the defeat of the strongest student in their guild also heralded the end of their participation in the Imperial Contest.

It was shocked not only those presidents and mentors in the stands, but also the prime minister Qian Kun who had been watching the game in a private room on the third floor.

"Asshole! What kind of trainee did this useless thing Gan Peng train? Under such circumstances, it was even a shame to lose to the Yeye Town Guild!"


An angry Qian Kun smashed the table in front of him, and immediately left the room with his men.

At this time, Li Mo, holding a dragon scale and a red sword, looked like the **** of war and looked at the last person left in the Liulicheng Guild. Qi Hao was also shocked by Li Mo's strength.

"Qi Hao is it? Do you want me to send you down, or do you go down?"

"I...I...I admit defeat!"

Facing Li Mo's sharp eyes, Qi Hao still has a trace of fighting spirit. Qi Tian was defeated by Li Mo even higher than his level. What he insisted on was undoubtedly asking for bitter taste.

"The first game of the Deciduous Town Guild wins!"

With the loud announcement of the law enforcement referee on the field, the first game of the Empire Competition Conference ended at noon.

"Haha...we won? We actually defeated the Liulicheng Guild? Haha...we won!"

Ye Fan under the field was excited to care about his injuries and staggered back into the game to hug Han Zhe and Li Mo together.

"Han Zhe, did you hear Li Mo? We won!"

"Haha... Ye Fan, I heard that, don't be so excited, OK?"

"Ye Fan, we can win this time, but your kid is indispensable."

At this time, the eyes of the three people were slightly red, and the Liulicheng Guild, which had suppressed them for a long time, finally lost their hands under their efforts.

"Okay! Let's go back and talk about it, and see what the three of you guys hold together!"

Zi Ling slightly supported Lan Xin and came to the side of the three people. From today, the five tigers in Yeye Town will show their heads in the Tianfeng Empire.


In addition to Li Mo, the others have different injuries. Han Tianyu did not take them to continue watching the game below, but returned to their residence!

After carefully inspecting the injuries of the four, Han Tianyu couldn't help but tears.

"Yes... Master President, what's wrong with you! We won, we should be happy!"

Seeing Han Tianyu cry, Land Rover hurried forward to help.

"Hey! Although we are victorious, it is also a terrible victory! All blame me, my own selfishness hurt these children."

"Senior President, I know Ye Fan they hurt your heart. But since there is no harm in the contest, their injuries are not in vain. We defeated the scum of the Liulicheng Guild. This is also enough to prove The strength of our deciduous town guild. I believe that our guild will be annexed, but there will be better development!"

What Land Rover said was not without reason. After passing the normal game, it would be impossible for the Empire to disband the fallen leaf town guild. It should be that they have shown their strength in this game, and they have defeated the powerful Liulicheng Guild.

"That's what I said, but when I saw the children hurt, there was pain in my heart that they couldn't express. After all, they did it for me."

Han Tianyu is still trapped in deep self-blame, seeing no joy in his face at all.

"Senior President, you are wrong to think so. We are not for you, but for our entire guild. Ye Fan, they have followed you since childhood and lived in the deceased town guild, although Lan Xin and I have come Not long, but neither you nor every mentor treats us as your own children. The Luoye Town Guild is already our home, and we should deserve it if we can contribute to our own home. So you do not need Blame yourself."

"Yeah, what President Li Mo said is exactly what we think in our hearts. We don't have much trouble and we can recover in two days!"

"Yes! Don't blame yourself, President Chairman. For the sake of our family, what are we hurt by this?"


Li Mo's words just fell, and the injured four also immediately persuaded Han Tianyu to come.

"Children, thank you! Thank you for everything you have done for our Association of Deciduous Towns!"

Han Tianyu looked at each childish face with tears in her eyes, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com finally put his eyes on Li Mo's body.

"Xiao Mo, I didn't expect that Han Tianyu lived for such a big age, and my knot actually let you loose your words and words. It seems that I still underestimated your kid's ability! Everyone can contribute to this victory, but you The credit for this is obvious to everyone. Without your presence, even if they fight their lives, I am afraid they will not win."

"The chairman's credit is everyone's, and there is no difference in size. Without the four of them to help me attract opponents, I don't have a slight chance of winning."

"Okay! I'm not arrogant, I really haven't misunderstood people. I will let go of this matter first, and wait for the contest to end, we will return to the guild to discuss the merits and rewards! The medical officer sent by the empire will arrive immediately, four of you first Wait here. Although you are not injured, Xiao Mo, I can see that the energy consumption in your body is also very huge. There are some elixir to restore energy, please go back to the room and take a good rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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