Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 715: Donkey Kong great ape reproduction

? Waiting is the most difficult process! Li Mo tried to climb to the top of the big tree as much as possible, one was for his own safety, and the other was to be able to see the trace of Da Sheng and the queen behind more clearly in the distance!

But half an hour passed, and he still could not see the shadow of the Great Saint.

"Nothing will happen! Dasheng is the king of the forest, but it is still just a growing beast. If the queen is pressed, if the dog jumps the wall and Dasheng desperately, wins It's really hard to say defeat!"

Thinking of the queen's ability to fly, Li Mo's nervous heart once again mentioned in his throat. But even if he is worried, it is useless, let alone he does not know where they are, even if he knows, with his current strength, he cannot participate in the battle of two Liu-level monsters.

In another half hour, Li Mo finally used his assassin's ability to surpass ordinary people's perception. I feel that something is rushing in my own direction!

" guys are finally willing to come back!"

With a sigh, Li Mo jumped off the tree.

Dasheng had dragged the ant and came to him.


He tweeted softly, beckoning Li Mo to kill him. He threw it in front of Li Mo in the future. There have been many depressions on this guy's body, I am afraid that it should be no hardship under Da Sheng's fist!

Seeing this, Li Mo's heart was inexplicably moved.

He now finally knows why Dasheng must destroy the den of the bone-eating giant ants here, completely to allow himself to be able to kill these six monsters to enhance his strength! I still complained about it before, but now it really makes him ashamed!


Seeing Li Mozhan there, Da Sheng's urged voice sounded again.

"Da Sheng, thank you!"

After a grateful glance at the Great Saint, Li Mo raised the dragon scale and the red sword aiming at the queen to stab it.

But this was an accident, and the queen queen, who was already very weak, was suddenly in trouble. Two huge jaw pliers bit towards Li Mo!

Li Mo was too late to retreat. He could only stab the dragon scale red sword in his hand quickly, hoping to kill the queen's two huge jaw pliers before he bit him!

But how could his speed rival the queen of the sixth-level monster? Seeing that his body was about to turn into two sections under huge jaws, Li Mo had to close his eyes in despair.

After a while, he didn't feel any pain. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Dasheng who used his hands to hold the jaw clamp that was about to be closed.


The strength of Da Sheng's arms is known by Li Mo, but Li Mo feels that it is already strenuous at this moment in his somewhat strenuous cry, and then he saves himself.

Without saying a word, the dragon scale and red sword in Li Mo's hand stabbed the queen's throat.

However, this method of killing monsters, which he tried unsuccessfully, had no effect on the queen. Although he was stabbed into a serious injury, it did not die. Instead of struggling on the ground, Li Mo was thrown out with a sword.

Only Da Sheng was still holding the queen's jaws tightly, but the queen seemed to feel that her life was in danger. Struggling more and more lifelessly, the thin wings on the back unfolded and flew into the air with the Great Saint.

The tail curled up and sprayed light yellow liquid towards the Great Saint. Rao is the Great Saint as a primate monster. His unusually flexible body dodges right and left in the air and does not make any moves. But it has now been brought to the air by more than ten meters by the queen, so if you continue, it will be sprayed sooner or later!

Li Mo looked at the Great Saint in the air and knew why he was still struggling with his opponent so that he could not escape. It doesn't want to let itself lose such a good opportunity to upgrade its rank, otherwise it can completely let go, why not risk being hit by formic acid again.

"Da Sheng! You quickly let go, let it go..."

Li Mo anxiously shouted loudly on the ground, although he was eager for strength. But I also don't want to use Dasheng's safety in exchange for my chance to upgrade my level!

"Let go! You let go! You will get hurt in this way! You silly orangutan!"

But despite Li Mo's shouting, Dasheng never showed any signs of letting go.

A feeling of powerlessness immediately appeared in Li Mo's heart. Da Sheng's kindness to him was enough for him to repay his whole life. If there is any accident because of this Great Saint, he will not forgive himself in his life. But the most teasing thing is that Li Mo does not have any ability to help it at this time. He wondered if he was still Li Mo above the Xuangu Continent!

Looking at the rising queen and Dasheng, Li Mo's eyes were wet. At the height where they are now, even if Dasheng listens to Li Mo's words and let go, I'm afraid he will be seriously injured!

"Do not……"


Just when Li Mo was at a loss, a huge figure suddenly appeared above the queen, it was the Great King Kong ape. After knocking down the queen with a punch, it dragged the Great Sage onto its back.


After the queen fell heavily on the ground, it also fell lightly on the ground.


After a loud roar, he wanted to raise his fist and give a fatal blow to the queen queen who had already fallen.


However, Dasheng actually jumped over his back to the front of the queen to stop it. One large and one small King Kong apes began to communicate in their language, and finally their eyes fell on Li Mo's Body.


The Great King Kong ape roared again, but this time it was directed at Li Mo, and it seemed that he was blaming his child for his reasons.

However, it did not attack Li Mo, but pulled Da Sheng towards the depths of the jungle. During this period, Da Sheng looked back at Li Mo from time to time, and pointed at the queen queen, who was already the end of the crossbow.

It was not until their figures disappeared in Li Mo's eyes that Li Mo's tears shed.

It doesn't blame the Great King Kong ape, even if it just killed Li Mo just now, there will be no complaints! After all, it's because his sage was entangled with the queen queen to the present. If there was no timely appearance of the Great King Kong ape, what kind of consequence would Li Mo dare not imagine.

Dasheng can treat a person so small in front of him in this Compared to most humans, I am afraid that it is more than that.

"Da Sheng! Thank you for all you did for me, I'm the one who has troubled you. Rest assured, as long as I can become stronger in the future, I will repay your gratitude to me! As long as there are people or demon in this world The beast threatens you, and I will help you to eradicate them all!"

Looking at the direction of Da Sheng's departure, Li Mo swears silently.

Then came to the queen's body to release the moon-cutting skills, Li Mo exhausted all the energy of his body without reservation. The bright golden half-moon-shaped light flashed into its throat!


The huge queen's head was in a different place, and a huge energy never entered into Li Mo's body. He immediately sat cross-legged.

It is still very safe here. The appearance of the Great King Kong ape, which is an eighth-level monster, left its breath here, and the monster did not dare to approach it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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