Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 699: Set off alone

Talking about Han Tianyu wiping his waist, two thick books appeared in his hands after the golden light flashed, one of which was the book that Li Mo saw the information about monsters and beasts.

"This book is a record of the known monsters of our Heavenly Wind Empire. You have seen it. This book contains notes about the professional training of your assassins. I will give you a week to remember. Everything recorded in it. One week later is when you leave the guild and go out to practice. Of course you can not use it for class within this week."

Li Mo took over the two books in Han Tianyu's hands, and also understood his expectations for himself.

"Master, you can rest assured! I will give you a surprise after three months!"

After all, Li Mo turned and left.

"Hey! Boy, I have no choice! You are the best young man I have ever seen, so I gave you this burden. Forgive me for my selfishness, I know it may be a bit for you Cruel, but the seedlings in the greenhouse will never grow into towering trees."

Looking at Li Mo's back, Han Tianyu murmured, his eyes moistened!

Back in his room, Li Mo opened the book of the assassin's professional training and carefully studied it.

He didn't expect Han Tianyu to have such a decision. The reason why Li Mo had his own plan in mind. If you have been studying in the guild, you don’t have to worry about safety, but there are too few opportunities to go out and practice. I am afraid that it is very difficult to achieve your 30th level before the competition.

If you go out and practice on your own, you can not only gain a long-term knowledge, but also continue to grow in battle. He believes that his strength will advance rapidly after three months, and he is one step closer to the resurrection of Liu Yan and Ao Ying!


For a whole week, Li Mo did not leave his room half a step. Except for the time to sleep, he is holding two books and reading them carefully every day. Ye Fan and others haven't bothered to disturb it. When the meal time arrives, soldiers will deliver the meal to him. Presumably this is arranged by Han Tianyu.

"Huh... There are really many things recorded in these two books. It would be difficult for me to remember all these things unless I have such a strong memory."

Finally, keeping both books in mind, Li Mo exhaled heavily!


Pushing open the door of the room, Li Mo was preparing to go to Han Tianyu, and a beautiful Ying suddenly stood in front of him.

"Li Mo, can you tell me if the president has given you any task?"

The cold and enchanting voice sounded, not who Zi Lingwei could have.

"Oh my god! Zi Lingwei, can you not always appear suddenly, okay, and scared me! The president will lend me two books, and I'm going to return it to him after reading it today!"

Li Mo knows Zi Lingwei's feelings for himself. He doesn't want to tell her about going out, otherwise she knows what she will do with her personality.

"You lie, the president must have given you some tasks. Otherwise, he will not explain that everyone must not come to disturb you!"

"My grandma, there's really nothing! So, let me go and return the book to the president first. After we come back, let's talk about it!"

Li Mo is afraid of saying too much and will lose. He can only use procrastination tactics.

"Okay! I'm waiting for you here!"

Facing this stubborn Zi Lingwei, Li Mo really didn't know what to say. After nodding his head, he left, but Zi Lingwei didn't notice a trace of apology in his eyes.

When Li Mo came to Han Tianyu's room, his smile seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

"How is it? Have you remembered everything in these two books?"

"Yes, grown up! When can I start?"

Li Mo can't wait any longer.

"Oh! It seems your kid, are you still looking forward to this experience? Don't worry, you have to collect these things first, it will be of great help to you."

As Han Tianyu touched his waist, a set of blue vigorous suits and a brand-new storage belt appeared in front of Li Mo.

"This is a blue gear that can withstand the full blow of a Level 5 monster. This storage belt is more powerful than the one you bring, and it has three times the space! There are some The gold ulcer medicine for healing wounds and the medicine for restoring energy are needed in case of emergency. There are also two maps of the misty forest and the Plain of Death. But you must remember not to go to the red mark on the map, only to move on the edge!"

"Thank you, Mr. President! You can rest assured, I know."

Li Mo accepted these two pieces of equipment gratefully, although he now has a set of blue equipment. But this thing will not be too small, in case of damage, there will be no replacement. And that storage belt is exactly what he needs. With it, he can hunt more advanced monsters without worrying about no place to put their bodies. If he knew that the more advanced monsters, the more precious the fur and minions on his body, he did not want to waste.

"And this, there are a thousand gold coins here to cover your expenses for these three months!"

Han Tianyu finally put the gold coins in Li Mo's hands.

Then he explained many of Li Mo's ideas, safety issues, etc. during his experience, with particular emphasis on not allowing him to provoke other guild members.

Li Mo naturally understood that he was referring to the Liulicheng Guild, and after nodding, Han Tianyu showed a kind smile with satisfaction.

"Xiao Mo, when are you going to leave?"

"Master, if there is nothing else, I want to go now!"

"Oh! Are you in such a hurry? Don't you want to be alone with your friends?"

"Mr. President, I don't want them to worry about me, so I want to go straight away. After I leave, you say I'm going to take a leave to go out!"

Li Mo also has no way. Others say it is now afraid that Zi Lingwei doesn't know how to talk to him. Can only hand over the entire difficult problem to Han Tianyu to solve.

" kid! I'm afraid you don't think so in your mind. I know everything about your students. Okay! The man is standing upright. It's a good thing not to be entangled by the love of the children. I will do this. The chairman will be a wicked one!"

Li Mo didn't expect Han Tianyu to see through his mind long ago, so he scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled awkwardly!

After bidding farewell to Han Tianyu, Li Mo went straight out the door of the guild, and soldiers had already prepared horses for him at the door.


Turned over and walked away. Although this trip is very dangerous, Li Mo still looks forward to it!

He set his first goal in the misty forest. After all, he has been there twice, and he is still very familiar with some of the basic terrain there. He plans to go here for a month and then go to the strange plain of death!

(End of this chapter)

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