Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 683: Special practice

?"Come in!"

Still cold voice came out, Li Mo pushed the door in!

"What's the matter with me?"

When Li Mo walked in, Leng Yihan asked, his cold face couldn't see any expression at all.

"Mr. Leng, this is the case. I have rested in these two days. I want to start my cultivation now."

There was a trace of appreciation in Leng Yihan's cold eyes. Although it was very subtle, Li Mo caught it.

"Well! Well, you will call Zi Ling in a minute. We will start our class in the afternoon, go!"

"No tutor, I'm here!"

As Li Mo was about to go out, the door of the room was pushed open. The same cold Zi Ling appeared in his sight.

"It seems that Ye Fan is really right. Is it true that the two of them are not in the family! If they practice with the two ice cubes in the future, they must not be suffocated!"

Li Mo sighed and began to worry about his future life.

"Well! The two of you are still hardworking. Then we are ready now, let's go!"

No matter how Li Mo walked the room first, Zi Lingwei seemed to have gotten used to his temper and followed.

"Oh my god! These... these two... I'm convinced!"

Li Mo reluctantly trot all the way out of the room.

The venue of their classes is different from that of Land Rover, and they are not on the playground. But in the woods behind the guild, Li Mo looked at the trees one by one and couldn't help reminding him of the misty forest. Except for the area less than one ten thousandth of the foggy forest, the environment is very close. Li Mo even found several first- and second-level monsters in it.

"This is a training venue set up by our guild specifically for our assassin career. Did you find that Xiaomo here is very similar to the misty forest you have been to?"

It was so cold and cold that Li Mo said so many words in one breath, Li Mo hurriedly answered.

"Yes, tutor!"

"Well! We will be training here for about a week, and then I will take you to experience in the misty forest. Although the monsters here are only very low-level monsters, you should not be careless. Make full use of them. The natural environment here hides itself to complete the mission of killing. In a week, I want you to hunt at least 20 monsters each. If you can’t complete the mission, you will be eliminated directly, and you will not be allowed to follow me again in the future!"

"Yes! Mentor!"

Zi Lingwei's respectful salute disappeared into Li Mo's sight as soon as his body fluttered.

This is the first time Li Mo saw Zi Lingwei's skill, and he was a little surprised.

"Xiao Mo, what are you waiting for? Is it waiting for the monster to come to your door automatically?"

Leng Yihan's icy words once again passed into Li Mo's ears, directly interrupting his thoughts.

"Yes! Mentor, I will go now."

Not to mention, I also used my skills to break the void. He hurried towards the depths of the woods.

"Well! The inheritance skills of this monster are really extraordinary. I hope you can go further in the profession of assassin!"

Looking at the disappearing direction of Li Mo, Leng Yihan once again showed his admiration.


"What kind of teaching method is this? Isn't it just to let us play freely?"

While Li Mo was walking in the forest, he carefully searched the trail of the monster. But to his great surprise, those monsters that he had seen before seemed to know that he was here to hunt them, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Seven days, what can we do with the twenty-headed monsters? If this is not completed, wouldn't it be directly expelled from the guild!"

Looking at the dead and silent forest, except the footsteps on the dead leaves that make a wheezing sound, I can't hear the sound of worms singing birds,

Li Mo couldn't help but worry.

At this moment, a bulge under a big tree not far in front of him caught his attention.

"Huh, that's..."

Li Mo unfolded his body and sprang up, and at the same time took out the dragon scale red sword in the storage belt, and stabbed it!


A miserable cry suddenly sounded.

"Oh... I'm pretty disguised myself. It's really hard to find you if it's not that raised to my attention!"

Li Mo was talking, while picking the dragon scale and red sword in his hand. A half-meter long monster with sharp teeth and no hair all over his body appeared in front of his eyes.

"Ah! This thing looks really disgusting!"

Seeing the smooth body of this monster, Li Mo couldn't help but feel cold in his heart, goose bumps spread all over his body instantly.

However, although this thing looks disgusting, but it is also a monster at all, Li Mo still put it in his storage belt.

"Oh! I know. The reason why Leng Yihan wants us to hunt monsters. He is training our observation ability! He almost misunderstood him."

Li Mo suddenly flashed, and at the same time also had a very strong interest in the task that Leng Yihan had given him.

The following Li Moke is no longer so negative, but put all his attention on finding monsters. Although the monsters in this forest are very rare, he finally completed the task on the fifth day after his careful search. However, there are still two days left until the end of the mission. Li Mo did not intend to go back like this, he still has to find more monsters to exercise his observation ability.

In addition to eating some dry food and a short rest for seven days, Li Mo spent all his time looking for other monsters hidden in this forest. By the time he was ready to leave, there were already thirty-eight monsters in his storage belt.

But he did not find that whenever he found a monster, the dragon scale and red sword in his hand would emit a slight red golden light. Otherwise, he is very likely to kill more monsters.

Back at the meeting place, Leng Yihan was already waiting for them there.

Li Mo arrived slightly earlier than Zi Ling.

"Okay! Time is up, now you take out all the monsters you hunted these days!"

It was still the cold voice, but Li Mo was used to it and didn't care too much.

Zi Lingwei took the lead in taking out the harvest of these days in the storage belt, a total of 31 monsters.

"Well! Not bad. Xiao Mo also took out the monsters you hunted."

Leng Yihan looked at Zi Lingwei's harvest, and a look of satisfaction appeared on the cold face. Then he looked at Li Mo When Li Mo took out all the thirty-eight monsters he had hunted, it wasn't just Zi Lingwei's complexion. Even Leng Yihan's mouth has slightly raised, apparently did not expect Li Mo to hunt so many monsters.

"Okay! It seems that you are really suitable for the assassin profession. Let's go back and set off with me to the Misty Forest tomorrow morning!"

He turned and left, leaving only Zi Lingwei and Li Mo.

"Li Mo, I want to know how you did it?"

Zi Lingwei's rare initiative spoke to Li Mo.

"It's nothing, just look carefully! Here are some low-level monsters that won't take the initiative to attack us. I can't just sit there and wait for them to come to the door."

Li Mo didn't know why Zi Lingwei asked so and made a joke with him.

(End of this chapter)

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