Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 679: Liu Yan's whereabouts

"Ah! What a happy event to say quickly makes my old man happy!"

Han Tianyu looked at Land Rover and Li Mo wonderingly.

"Adult President, let's go in and talk!"

Li Mo calmly reminded him that he is not a person who likes to show off, especially on the street where people come and go.

"Hehe... Xiao Mo was right, and I was so happy to see that you were able to come back safely. Let's go in and take a break while telling me what you have experienced in this month!"

In Han Tianyu's huge room, only Han Tianyu, Land Rover and Li Mo were three, and the others were all taken away by Han Tianyu.

"Okay, now there are only three of us left here, and we haven't hurriedly said anything happy."

"Chairman Mr. Xiao deserts him..."

"Adult President, this is the case. In this month, my strength has been raised to fifteen. And in the last three days, I luckily killed a level four monster beast, and won Its inheritance skills!"

Before waiting for Land Rover to speak, Li Mo snatched the topic directly. I'm afraid that he has missed his mouth and said that he has acquired so many thrilling monster skills.

"What? You... did you actually acquire the inheritance skills of the monster? This... is this true?"

Han Tianyu couldn't believe his ears when he heard the words. He turned his attention to the Land Rover, and seemed to want to confirm what Li Mo said here.

"Mr. President, Xiao Mo said what he said is true. This time our deciduous town guild will surely achieve good results at today's Empire Competition Conference!"

"This...this is so good! Xiaomo, your boy is not only a good cultivator, but even this luck is so good. It's so good, it's really good..."

Looking at the excited and incoherent Han Tianyu, Li Mo was a little puzzled and didn't understand why he had such a big reaction.

"Xiao Mo, you go to rest first! This month, if you can have such an achievement, you might suffer a lot!"

"Adult President, I have nothing. The Land Rover instructor has been taking care of me. I will take me to kill the monsters during the day and watch for me at night. I have hardly rested this month. I can have this. Achievements are inseparable from Land Rover mentors."

Upon hearing Li Mo's words, Land Rover looked excited. He didn't expect Li Mo to say that, and his feelings for Li Mo increased greatly.

"He... he is your mentor and should take care of you. And he has the strength of fifty-sixth level. What's the matter with a few days of rest? You don't have to say good things to him, don't I know he is How did you take the students out for training!"

As soon as Han Tianyu said this, Li Mo looked at Land Rover and expressed his love.

"Eh eh! Master, you can't deny me this time because of my usual performance! This misty forest is now in crisis, and I haven't left Xiaomo's side for half a day these days!"

"! You don't need to justify yourself like this. I haven't gotten confused. I'll remember your credit! Go, go back and rest!"


After leaving Han Tianyu's room, Li Mo returned to his room. As soon as the door was opened, Ye Fan and others had been waiting inside for a long time.

"Haha...Welcome the return of the Four Tigers! I said that the brothers don't know what's going on this time?"

Ye Fan and Han Zhe hurried down Li Mo and sat down by the bed. Even Zi Lingwei, who had always been cold, came together and seemed to be very curious about his outing experience.

"Hey! I said why are you so gossip. Can't you let me take a break before I talk?"

"No! As your brother, we must know your situation in the first place, otherwise how can we rest assured!"

Looking at Ye Fanyi's words, Li Mo couldn't help but feel secretly secretly.

"Just be careful about what you do when I don't know? Don't you just want to hear how I came under Land Rover's training during this month? I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

Thinking of this, Li Moqing cleared his throat and talked about his life in the misty forest this month. And told them their current level, but did not mention the fact that they acquired the inheritance skills of monsters and beasts.

"Ah... no... no! Your kid is already fifteen? A month? This... this is not scientific!"

"It's Xiao Mo, aren't you blinding us. Or should we go out now and try it out?"

Hearing Li Mo's words, Ye Fan and Han Zhe did not believe what Li Mo said. Although Zi Lingwei didn't speak, Li Mo also saw doubtful eyes in her eyes.

"Eh! Believe it or not, I've finished talking about it anyway. If you still have any questions, ask the Land Rover instructor. You should always believe his words! Well, you still go out. Well, I'm really tired, you just let me sleep well, OK?"

After seeing Li Mo ordering a guest, all three looked at him with suspicion. He hurriedly left his room, presumably to go to Land Rover to verify.


Li Mo exhaled gently and fell to the bed. Although Land Rover was on vigil during that but after all, it was wild, and even sleeping it was impossible to relax completely. Now lying on the soft bed, the sleepiness immediately swept the body.


"Huh! How can the breath here be so familiar, where am I?"

In a red-golden space, Li Mo walked aimlessly. Suddenly, two red-gold dots appeared in front of him, the same color as the space. If he wasn't careful, he couldn't find it at all.

"Yan'er? Ao Ying?"

Li Mo stopped and was afraid to move on the spot. He knew he was in a dream, so he woke up if he was not careful.

"Yan'er! Ao Ying! Is it you?"

Li Mo's eyes were full of tears, and his voice choked.

The two light spots seemed to feel Li Mo's sadness at this time, flashing suddenly and suddenly as if responding to Li Mo.

"Really you, really you! Can you tell me, what can I do to resurrect you?"

Li Mo ran forward excitedly, carefully holding two red gold spots in his palms. Seeing that they were still blinking, Li Mo finally could no longer control the emotions in his heart, closing his eyes, tears slipping from the corners of his eyes to his palms.

When he opened his eyes after he calmed down, something that surprised him happened. The two light spots and their tears actually merged together, and they seemed to be more dazzling.

"the host!"

With a whisper, this is Li Mo's long-awaited voice.

"Ao... Ao Ying! You... where are you?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Li Mo began to look around for the source of the voice.

"Master, you don't need to find me to be in your hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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