Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 671: 4 tigers in deciduous town

In this practical lesson, Li Mo took off a layer of skin and went back to his room, slumping weakly on the bed.

Boom Boom...

When he was about to take a nap with his eyes closed, a knock on the door awakened him. It was Han Zhe and Ye Fan who dragged their tired bodies to open the door.

"Hello! Are you tired?"

Looking at the two who were still quite spirited, Li Mo couldn't help asking.

"Hey... Li Mo, you only took the first lesson of the Land Rover instructor. This kind of behavior is normal. Several of us in the guild have been used to it for a long time. This is not our brother who came to see you, give You have given some medicines to relieve muscles and promote blood circulation."

"Thank you, come in and sit down!"

When they gave way to the room, Li Mo slumped on the bed again. It's not that he doesn't understand the etiquette, just because he is too tired. He is only slightly better than ordinary people now. How could he stand the toss of Land Rover, a fifty-six warrior?

"Your kid really made us look at each other today! I really don't know what material your body is made of, you can resist the attack of the Land Rover mentor with a second-level strength. Is there any secret? Come up with our brothers to share a bit!"

"There is a secret to fart, the Land Rover mentor estimated that he used the strength of the second floor. Otherwise, do you think I can lie on the bed so comfortably?"

Li Mo couldn't help but glance at Ye Fan's words.

"Even if he didn't do his utmost, it would be nice to be able to catch his attack with your current strength. Don't be humble, I am the most admired Han Zhe in this life is the strong man, I am your brother, I believe. Apologize to you again for the last thing!"

Han Zhe's loud voice made Li Mo's sleeplessness suddenly.

"Hehe... the past has passed, aren't we all brothers now? Don't mention the past!"

"Haha... From today on, we will become four tigers after the three tigers in Yeye Town!"

"What? What four tigers?"

Li Mo was puzzled when he heard Ye Fan's words.

"Li Mo, you don't know, when you didn't come. The three of us took a name for ourselves called the Falling Leaves Three Tigers, arranged by rank. The highest level of Zi Lingwei is our boss, Han Zhe second. My third son, now your name to join us is going to be changed to Four Deciduous Tigers."


Ye Fan's explanation made Li Mo almost smile.

"Haha... Ye Fan, whose idea is that our man can still be called the Four Tigers. But how does it feel strange that Zi Lingwei calls her a beautiful woman again. How should we call her? Tiger girl? Tigress? "


The door of the room was suddenly kicked open, and an iron blue purple spirit came in slightly.

"Li Mo, what did you say to me just now? Do you dare to say it again!"

Li Mo jumped out of bed with a clever look and glanced at Ye Fan and Han Zhe, who were equally alarmed, and knew they were in trouble now.

"Zi Lingwei, I didn't do it on purpose. Just now...I actually wanted to say..."

For a long time, Li Mo didn't really know what to say.

"Huh! Since I don't know what to say. That's good! Now I will show you how powerful the tigress is."

After talking, Li Mo opened his mouth and rushed towards Li Mo.

Li Mo's screams echoed throughout the building, and even the guard standing guard at the gate of the guild couldn't help but look up.


"It hurts so much...I said Ye Fan, can you count it. Which of you is giving me medicine? You clearly want to murder!"

At this time, Li Mo's face and arms were all purple and purple, and he was wronged and said he was applying medication to him.

"Does it hurt? You bear with it. Who made you talk nonsense, Zi Lingwei is a 13th-level assassin. None of us dare to say bad things about her in front of her, you're better off for her There are so many nicknames, if you want me to say, you’re lucky if you didn’t hit you in bed for ten days and a half months!"

"That's right! Li Mo, you were too reckless just now. How dare you say anything?"

Han Zhe also complained that Li Mo was too careless.

"How do I know that she is outside! You didn't tell me when she came that she would come too. Oh! I know, are you two guys colluding and deliberately adjusting me right?"

"Hahaha... This is not to blame us, it is because we haven't had time to say that Zi Lingwei will come too. Where did your kid start talking nonsense, this is all you find yourself."

Ye Fan said that they hurried out of Li Mo's room.

"Oh! Careless friends!"

Li Mo endured the pain and strongly despised them both.


"Today's theory class, we are going to explain the levels and types of monsters and their attacking methods, eh! What's the matter with Xiaomo's face?"

Han Tianyu personally taught this theory lesson to him, and after just speaking a word, Li Mo's face attracted him.

"Oh! No... Nothing will grow up, and accidentally fell."

"Why are you so careless with such a big person? Pay attention next time!"

Han Tianyu glanced at the other three present, and said leisurely, apparently he did not believe Li Mo's remarks.

"Sir, President, I'm the one who hit Li Mo's injury!"

At this time, Zi Ling stood up slightly and said calmly.

"You hit it? Tell me why!"

"Because...because... he called me..."

The words Huniu and Tigress really made Zi Lingwei difficult to tell.

"Adult President, I gave her a nickname because of nonsense, so Zi Lingwei took the shot to teach me. This thing is my own don't blame her!"

Li Mo also stood up, and a girl dare to admit her mistakes. If he was still sitting there, what a man!

"Hehe... It's normal for joke between partners, but it is necessary to master a degree, especially Zi Lingwei is still a girl. So far, this matter apologizes to each other, and there will be severe punishment next time. We Continue class!"

Ye Fan and Han Zhe quietly asked Li Mo and they were relieved. They still know the chairman very well, don't look at the amiable appearance on weekdays, if any of them make mistakes, they will be severely punished.

Zi Ling glanced at Li Mo and then sat down, his expression still cold. Li Mo doesn't matter, anyway, she has become accustomed to her way of life.

"Next, we will explain the basic common sense of monsters. Common monsters are divided into ten levels. Of course, there are legends that monsters of more than ten levels have appeared in our empire, but after all, legends are not yet available. We Tianfeng The monsters in the empire are mostly distributed in the misty forest and the death plain, and these two places are also the most ideal places for us to upgrade our level and obtain those rare equipment..."

Li Mo knew that Han Tianyu spoke these basic knowledge because of him. After all, it was only him who had just joined the guild, so he listened with special care and kept every word Han Tianyu said in his heart.

"Okay, let's get here today, Xiaomo, please leave some others away!"

After two hours, Han Tianyu spoke these basic common sense and finished today's lesson.

Looking at the sympathetic eyes cast by Ye Fan and Han Zhe, Li Mo was at a loss as to why Han Tianyu left himself.


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