Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 613: Deterrence

   "Little Desert!"

   saw his opponent who was alone in the countless rounds and was defeated by the sudden Li Mo. Xuanyuan was invincible.

  Although Li Mo's sudden attack occupies the main part of the victory, the opponent is after all a senior martial emperor. This is already amazing.

   "Grandpa! Are you okay!"

  Li Mo's body fell down and came to Xuanyuan's invincible body.

   "Haha... My old bones are still very hard, what can I do!"

  Xuanyuan invincible pair of sharp eyes looked at this long-standing grandson all over his body, and he couldn't say joy in his heart!

  Under such circumstances, Li Mo had no time to say hello to others and walked directly to the senior Wudi. Gently pushed with his hand, he fell to the ground suddenly, his life and death unknown.


   This made Wu Daoling opposite sigh, a pair of eyes glared at Li Mo.

   He did not expect that Li Mo's progress would be so fast, and he could easily defeat the powerful martial arts emperor within two years of going out.

   "Wu Daoling! As a national teacher of the dynasty, you are also a strong power of Wu Zun's strength. Our Xianyang Sect and your court have always been well-fed against the river. I don't know why you came to our sect gate today?"

  Li Mo's sharp eyes made Wu Daoling feel very uncomfortable, and there was a trace of fear in Li Mo's heart.

   "Why! What's the matter, I am Wu Zunqiang, how can I be afraid of a stinky kid? Even if he is so powerful, he is just a Wu Emperor."

   comforted herself and calmed down the tense mood. Looked at Li Mo's eyes.

   "Li Mo, actually came to your Xianyang Sect today. I just wanted to bring some unskilled men to discuss with you. I didn't expect these people to have a fake list. There is no real material..."

  Wu Daoling told a lie that he was unconvinced.

   "Huh! Wu Daoling, do you think I will believe it? Is Liu Jing Taiping too much, looking for excitement?"

  After Li Mo's words came out, Xianyangzong's doormen were better. The people behind Wu Daoling had already fried the pot, and they whispered. Who is Liu Jing, but it was the emperor. Not only did Li Mo call his name directly, but there was no respect for it in his words. If this is spread, where is Diwei!

   "Bold Li Mo! Hugh is going to talk nonsense here. Dare to be extravagant and convict you of committing Longwei!"

  Wu Daoling didn't expect Li Mo to be so bold, and did not take the court in his eyes. Although there was still a trace of fear in my heart, but also braved Li Mo with courage, otherwise the majesty of the royal family!

"Wu Daoling, you are less here to give the sounding sound. What is the purpose of your coming to my Xianyangzong? You are clear. I just returned to Zongmen today and I don’t want anything unpleasant to happen. You go back and tell Liu Jing if he forgets the original As I said, I can remind him of Li Mo's arrival. If we dare to do nothing, we will not be afraid of you!"

"it is good!"

"it is good……"

   Li Mo's words immediately caused a response from the disciples of Menzong, and the applause resounded all over the world!

  Wu Daoling's face was blue, and fists were clenched in both hands. But Bai Yichen looked at himself with a smile, making him finally give up the idea of ​​wanting to shoot.

   "Okay! You Xianyangzong are kind of like. Li Mo, I will put your words on the innocent Saint! Let's go!"

   After a glance at Li Mo, he asked two men to take away the fallen senior Wudi and leave quickly.


   "Your boy, I still know to come back after two years of going out!"

   The outsiders are all sectarians, and the tension just now disappeared. Wanling came first to Li Mo and patted him on the shoulder.

   "Li Mo has seen Grandma!"

  After Li Mo saluted Wanling, he immediately came to Bai Yichen and was stopped when he was about to salute.

   "Okay, don't need to pay more, just come back!"

After saying hello to all the elders present, Li Mo walked towards several female families of Xianyang Sect. When he came to Chen Yuanyuan, Lu Xinyue and Xuan Yuanqing, he greeted them with a smile. Then Diao walked in front of Liu Yan behind them,

   This made Lu Xinyue and others feel a little lost in their hearts.

   "Eh! Don't be pestered here anymore. Go back for nothing! At night the whole sect banquet welcomes Xiao Mo Huizong!"

  After Liu Changhe said, many doormen left. Bai Yichen and other senior executives of Xianyang Zong also all dissipated with a smile. I haven't seen them in two years. I definitely want to give them a little couple time to talk about the lovesickness.

   The huge mine left only Liu Yan and Li Mo. Liu Yan looked at his sweetheart with tears in his eyes with tears in his eyes, a little bit excited and speechless!

   "Yan'er, how are you doing?"

  Li Mo had thought a lot of things to say to Liu Yan. But after seeing her, she didn't know what to say.


  Liu Yan just responded softly, then rushed into Li Mo's arms. The tears shed indescribably, weeping with joy.

   There is no sound here, no one speaks, so they just hug each other!


   approaching dusk, Xianyangzong began to live up! Hundred tables of banquets were held on the large square, and all the people of Xianyangzong were present. All the high-level ancestors in the Chamber in the square were seated, and all eyes were on Li Mo.

   "Today is a day of great joy. Xiaomo, the stinky boy, has returned home safely. It's gratifying and congratulatory. Xiaomo doesn't tell me about the adventures that happened on your way!"

   Bai Yichen looked at Li Mo with interest. He was very curious about what Li Mo encountered in the end, and his strength reached such a point in two years.

   Other people are also looking forward to it.

   "This one! Actually it's nothing, I am just..."

   Now Li Mo tells everyone what happened in the past two course Li Mo just picked out some unimportant things. As for his multiple injuries, the fact of escaping from the dead is not mentioned at all, and it is also afraid that everyone will worry about him.

  Even if it were like this, the audience was exclaimed, watching Li Mo one by one as if he were a little monster.

   "Wow! There is even a unicorn in this world. It seems that I will have to go out and walk in the future to meet the world!"

  The youngest Xuanyuanqing, blinking his big bright eyes, said to himself with a longing look.

   "You stinky girl, when will your cultivation ability have half of Xiaomo's strength, think about these things again!"

  Xuanyuan invincible gently patted Xuanyuanqing's head and pulled her back to reality.


  Xuan Yuanqing's mouth filled with dissatisfaction and made everyone laugh.

   "Xiao Mo, you have so many adventures, and the spiritual power in your body is full now. Is there no sign of breakthrough?"

  Bai Yichen continued to ask.

"Zu Zong, I still want to ask you about this matter! I have also reached the level of senior martial emperor for a long time, and I have gathered all the martial skills of Xianyangzi's predecessors. The spiritual power in my body has reached the threshold. Points can no longer be increased by half a point. But it is impossible to cross the last threshold!"


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