Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 610: Find trail

"The people in front let go!"

A leading officer looks like a man, throwing a horsewhip in his hand and shouting at Li Mo!


The tall and heavy city gate was also slowly opened at this time, and the brigade of soldiers swarmed in.

When the city gate was closed again, the soldiers sent out on the city wall would see where Li Mo was still under the city.


Compared with the strong security outside the city, the city is much better. The shops on both sides of the street are brightly lit and a lively scene. Li Mo went directly to an inn, found an empty table, ordered drinks, and drank leisurely.

"Brother Zhang, do you really want to attack us in Wuling Prefecture this time?"

"Oh hello! Brother, can you please give me a little voice! Are you tired and crooked, the above three orders and five applications tell us not to discuss this matter outside, have you forgotten?"

"Hey! Am I not worried? In case the man in black really wants to attack our Wuling Prefecture, then our Qingshui City will be the first to suffer."

As the two of them stopped discussing this issue, they bowed their heads and drank to drink and started talking about irrelevant things.


The speaker was unintentional and the listener was interested, and Li Mo was surprised in his heart. Unexpectedly, the long-lost man in black appeared in the mainland again, and listening to their meaning, this city has become their first target of attack!

"It seems that I will stay here for a while!"

He whispered softly, and lifted his head to drink the wine in the glass. Li Mo got up and left, and returned to the room that was opened first!

Bai Mang flashed, and Mo Yun in the trapped Xuanyuan mirror appeared in front of Li Mo's eyes.

"Mo Yun! How is it? My taste of this magic weapon is not bad!"

Looking at Mo Yun spreading on the ground, Li Mo smiled slightly.

Under the powerful restraint ability of Xuanyuan Mirror, she has not tortured into a minor form. Where was the **** enchantment, which made countless men want to fall into Mofei. Even the strength of the Emperor Wu, who had just been promoted, has now regressed to the state of advanced Wuhun.

"Li...Li Mo, you have the just killed me!"

Mo Yun squeezed out a few words from his teeth, and a pair of scarlet eyes fixed on Li Mo. If his eyes can kill people, Li Mo doesn't know how many times he died.

"Kill you? Isn't that too cheap for you. Rest assured, I won't kill you. I want you to watch your companions come here to accompany you one by one!"


Hearing Li Mo's words, Mo Yun closed her eyes in despair and stopped talking.

At this moment, there was a panic of footsteps on the street. Many soldiers ran towards the city gate!

A moment later, another sound of fighting and explosion came from the direction of the city gate.

"Oops, the men in black started to attack!"

Li Mo secretly said that it was bad, so he was ready to go and see what happened. He had wanted to inquire about some people in black in the air of Mo Yun. It seems that he can only talk about it later. Out of the inn.

In order to cause unnecessary trouble, Li Mo directly disappeared into the air above the city wall. At this time, there were already a mess in front of the city gate. Nearly a hundred people in black were holding the iconic black sword to fight with the soldiers. Due to the difference in strength, those soldiers have suffered a lot of casualties.

Above the city walls, several monks of outstanding strength are watching the battle. This made Li Mo so angry that the soldiers were just the strength of some warriors and warriors, and they were simply unbearable compared to those blacks. But the monks looked at nothing and did not mean to do anything.

"Yes, this group of bastards! Since you like to watch so much, then get closer so you can see clearly!"

Li Mo couldn't stand it anymore, and he swept them under the city gate with a wave of strong wind and joined the circle.

"What's going on, what's going on with the wind just now? did I get here."

Those monks did not know what happened just now. But seeing the fierce men in black in front of them, they hurriedly sacrificed their magic weapon and beat them together.

Suddenly the city gate was illuminated by the light of these monks' magic weapons.

However, although the strength of these monks is not bad, but after a few rounds with a large number of opponents, there was a defeat.

"Open the city gate quickly and let us go in!"

"Open the city gate soon, we can't stand it!"


"A bunch of waste!"

After Li Mo scolded in the air, Longscale Chijian appeared in his hand.

"go with!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, the dragon-scale red sword came out. A red golden light was drawn in the air. After a few moments, tens of thousands of sword image raindrops generally began to fall on the men in black.

The entire attack process was completed in an instant, so that the man in black who was still chasing after the victory did not have any time to respond.


With a painful scream, a man in black was the first to be hit by Jian Yu and began to be burned a little bit.


Immediately after the screams, one hundred people in black except for two at the end of the team. All the others were stabbed by the sword rain and fell to the ground, clutching their wounds in pain and rolling all over the floor. But the more they did this, the faster they were burned, and after a while they turned into dust and disappeared into the world.

"Haha...We are saved in Qingshui City! It must be the reinforcements sent by the court!"

The Qingshui City monks who were just like the dogs of the family saw the war situation was They came back with weapons. Waving all kinds of magic weapons in one hand, it was not majestic.

The only two men in black were in a bad situation, and they disappeared without any delay through the night. But how could they escape Li Mo's palm. The reason why Li Mo didn’t kill them was deliberately. He wanted to follow these two men in black to find their base camp, and then wipe them out in one fell swoop!

The two men in black are still very cautious, and every time they escape a distance, they will stop and observe before continuing. It wasn't until they came to a tall mountain that their figure disappeared and there was no breath. It doesn't seem to have appeared at all.

"Huh! There are actually such exquisite prohibitions here. No wonder no one can find their tracks!"

Li Mo's figure fell. The high mountain in front of me couldn't see any clues in ordinary people's eyes, but Li Mo had been to so many ruins of the fairy site, and it was already commonplace for this kind of prohibition. But if you want to forcibly break it, it will inevitably shock the people inside, which is not what Li Mo wants to see.

There is no other good way, he can only find a hidden place nearby to lurk.


"Xiao Mo, this group of people really can stand loneliness. So many companions have died, so forgiving. How many days has it been, how little has there been any movement, you will not be wrong!"

Ao Ying looked at Li Mo with her eyes closed.

"They are not fools, if they are not so cautious in their actions. I am afraid they will have been wiped out by the monks above our mainland!"

Li Mo said indifferently that the long wait did not bring him any irritability at all, but instead felt that the leaders of this group of people in black were intelligent.

(End of this chapter)

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