Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 596: Take advantage of the fisherman


A senior Wudi flew directly a few feet away and fell to the ground!

Because of the speed, even a strong man like Nangong Yun didn't see exactly what attacked them just now.

"Sir, we still want to quit! There is something weird here."

The remaining Emperor Wu looked scared and looked at the companion who fell to the ground and said to Nangong Yun.

"No! It's already here. If you don't get the contents, no one wants to go out today. Go and see how he is!"

Nangong Yun released his powerful consciousness and wanted to find what they just attacked, but to his disappointment, there is simply no way to use the consciousness here.

"Old man! He... he passed out!"

Looking at his companion, the Emperor Wu exclaimed. The fear in my heart has increased by another point. Although they have consumed a lot of spiritual power before, they are still the strength of senior Wudi strongmen. Actually, he passed out directly under one blow, enough to show that the things that just attacked them were overbearing.


While the Emperor Wu was still looking at his companion's injuries, the dark shadows in the air fell on them again!

This time they finally saw what attacked them. It was the Dapeng bird Li Mo saw.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

The Dapeng bird spread his wings that were several feet long, and several wind blades shot out.


Rao is the strong Emperor of Wu Emperor who responded fast enough before he will escape. But his comatose companion did not make her so lucky.

The body was cut into several sections by the wind blade, and then the Dapeng bird that was washed down was swallowed into its belly! Only blood on the floor is left.

"Old... Old man! Help!"

The rest of the Emperor Wu went back to Nangongyun with a roll, grabbed his clothes and refused to let go. Where is the majesty of senior Wudi!


I have to say that Nangong Yun is worthy of Wu Zun's strength. He is well-informed and recognizes the identity of the beast before him.


Nangong Yun didn't talk about the rich spiritual power of his body, and he directly slammed into the Dapeng bird!


A sharp cry came out of the mouth of the Dapeng bird, flapping two huge wings and flying into the sky, and disappeared into the darkness again!

Once shot down, Nangong Yun was a little angry. The existence of this thing really threatens them. In this emperor's mausoleum, he could not use his consciousness and could not capture its traces. And this Dapeng bird can easily attack them, leaving Nangong Yun with a headache.

"You give it to me!"

Angrily, Nangong Yun grabbed the man next to him and threw it out!

"Master, you can't do this! You..."

Just before the words of this powerful Emperor Wudi, the huge shadow in the air once again enveloped his head!


The Dapeng bird was like an offline arrow, and stretched out two huge claws and grabbed it!

"Yes! Lao Tzu fights with you today!"

Seeing that there was no retreat, this Wudi strongman immediately gathered all the remaining spiritual power in his own fists.

Boom! Directly jumped up and greeted the Dapeng bird.


With a huge noise, the cave was shaken!

The Emperor Wu fell directly to the ground, his life and death unknown. But the strength of the high-level martial arts masters can be imagined. The Dapeng bird did not take advantage of this time. The scales on the huge claws also fell off, revealing bright red flesh!


There was another sharp cry, and the huge and sharp beak of Dapeng Bird directly picked up the Emperor Wu who fell to the ground and swallowed it!


Nangong Yun was waiting for this opportunity, and with all his might, he punched out directly, directly on the body of Dapeng Bird!


The Dapeng Bird wailed with a cry, and a bowl-sized blood hole appeared on its body. Realizing his opponent's arrogance, his wings flew and flew towards the dark.

While you are sick, Nangong Yun dare to give it a chance to breathe again, catching up and jumping directly. One person and one bird started a chase in the air!

"Hey! You two fight slowly."

Li Mo in the dark was very pleased to see such a situation, which was better than he expected.

A shinren had already got into the palace entrance and got in.

And all the attention of Nangong Yun in the air is all on the Dapeng bird, where is the idea of ​​the following movement. I never thought that someone had entered the emperor's tomb!



Li Mo walked into this long-awaited emperor's mausoleum and was immediately speechless in shock!

Inside the tall and spacious hall, four thick dragon pillars stood on both sides. The dragon column is surrounded by a variety of magic weapons, and there are even some jade bottles used to contain immortality. The totems of dragons are all carved on the walls around the hall, as if they were alive! Gives a very strong sense of oppression,

On the raised platform right in the center of the hall is a huge coffin made of white jade. There are four human figurines standing on either side of the coffin, glaring forward with weapons. Guarding the coffin in the middle like a guard!

"It's true, this emperor's mausoleum is really buried and really buried an emperor's failure!"

While Li Mo was surprised, he was not idle. All the treasures he saw were received in Xuanyuan Mirror. But to his disappointment, among these treasures, there is nothing particularly outstanding. Although these magic weapons have already been regarded as top grade, it is still difficult to get into his magic eyes. These things are not what he is looking for!

"Could the fifth martial art of Senior Xianyangzi be in this coffin?"

Finally Li Mo came to the coffin and placed all his last hope on him. But what surprised him was that the white jade coffin was tightly closed and natural, and there was nowhere to start to open it!

"This... am I guessing wrong, this is not a coffin?"

Li Mo began to doubt his judgment and touched it unconsciously.

When Li Mo's hand touched the white Suddenly something unexpected happened to him. A powerful irresistible suction force directly inhaled Li Mo into the white jade.

"I... where am I? Is it that the piece of jade failed!"

Li Mo looked at the white world around him, his eyes full of confusion.

But a moment later he was relieved, and his face gradually appeared joyous. The excitement in my heart is difficult to suppress. Because I feel a very familiar and friendly atmosphere, which is the unique atmosphere of Xianyangzi's practice.

"Senior Son Xian! Senior Xian Yangzi..."

Li Mo shouted loudly, and began to look around.

Before he entered this illusion, Xianyangzi's avatar would appear. However, no matter how he shouted this time, there was no response, but the familiar breath became stronger and stronger!

The entire space is foggy and the sight range is extremely limited. Divine consciousness plays no role here. Li Mo can only move forward a little bit by virtue of the sense of that breath!

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