Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 593: Narrow road

Jiang Peng's words gave Li Mo a new hope, and after standing up and saluting him with a bowl of wine. I specifically asked when and where the mysterious island appeared twice.

"Oh! Actually, I just listened to what other people said. I don't know if the island actually exists! You should listen to this story as a story. You can't take it seriously!"

Jiang Peng did not expect Li Mo to be so serious about what he said, scratching his head with some embarrassment.

"Eh! Brother Jiang has no wind or waves, if no one has seen it, there can be no such legend."

Li Mo is now eager to find the Emperor's Tomb sooner, so he doesn't want to let go of any clues.

"Yes! Jiang Peng, tell me your kid, don't appease our appetite! Are you afraid that we can't find treasure on the island?"

Wang Lei also urged aside.

"Okay! Since you are so interested in this matter, I'm outspoken. But don't you think about finding that mysterious island. If something goes wrong, then I'm guilty!"

Jiang Peng finally expressed his worries. It turned out that he was not afraid of Li Mo and others seeking treasure on the island. Instead, they are afraid of danger. Warm the hearts of the three.

"It is said that the island first appeared ten years ago, the second time five years ago, and now it is almost five years away. If nothing happens, the island is afraid It's time to reappear recently! The location is at the center of this vast Xinghai, dangerous and abnormal!"

Jiang Peng said that the color of fear was actually in his eyes, and drunk the wine in his hand!

Li Mowen also had his own plans in mind, so he deliberately diverted the topic. The three started chatting again, saying nothing about the mysterious island.

The four did not disperse until the middle of the night, the hut was not big, only two rooms. After Li Mo took Liu Xiong and Jiang Peng who had been drunk to bed and rested, he and Wang Lei came to another room.

"Brother Wang, I want to find this mysterious island first."

Li Mo naturally has no reservations about Wang Lei, and expresses his own ideas.

"Well! I have seen this for a long time. If the island really exists, the ruins you said are likely to be there. Since you have decided, then we will start tomorrow."

Wang Lei very much agrees with Li Mo's idea. After all, the relics left by the ancestors will definitely be hidden in a very secret place. And this mysterious island is the most suitable for him.

"Brother Wang, you also heard what Brother Jiang said just now. I am afraid that this trip is extremely dangerous. In my opinion, you still stay here with Brother Liu and wait for me."

"How do you do? You are my Wang Lei's brother. How could I watch you go on an adventure alone! This is a big deal, and I will be a good guy twenty years later! Unless you think we are weak, afraid I trust your hind legs!"

When Wang Lei heard Li Mo's words, he suddenly couldn't control his emotions! This is the first time Li Mo has seen such a big fire in Wang Leifa.

Li Mo could not help but feel a little embarrassed. The dangerous anomaly on the island, even if Wang Lei said no matter how he could no longer drag them and himself to take risks, there was no way to do it.

"Okay! Then we will start tomorrow morning!"

Hearing Li Mo say this, Wang Lei slept peacefully with Jiu Jin.

And Li Mo kept his eyes closed until he suddenly opened his eyes after the two hours passed. Looking at the sleeping Wang Lei, Li Mo smiled slightly.

"Brother Wang, I'm sorry!"

After all, Li Mo got up and left the room. Sacrifice his own shuttle boat soaring into the sky, hurried towards the deepest part of the vast Xinghai!

Today's sea is much calmer than yesterday. By starry night Li Mo in the night sky, he stood leisurely and stood on the shuttle boat. Let go of your powerful consciousness and carefully explore every movement in the sea.


"Hey! This wine is really big, don't make a mistake!"

It was just dawning, and Wang Lei sat up confused. Take a picture of a heavy head!

But when he opened his eyes, he didn't see Li Mo's figure, and immediately ran into the courtyard.

Liu Xiong and Jiang Peng were also awakened by the sound he made, thinking that something was in a hurry and ran into the yard.

"I said Pharaoh, what are you doing in shock?"

Liu Xiong stretched his back and complained as if he didn't wake up.

"Hey! It seems that Brother Li Mo went by himself."

Wang Lei sighed lonely.

"Wh... what? You said Li Mo ran to find the unknown island?"

After listening to Wang Lei's words, Liu Xiong was completely distressed. Looking around in surprise, Li Mo did not find him.

"Ah! Brother Li Mo really went to that island? Oh my god, didn't he hear what I said yesterday? Where can't go!"

Jiang Peng looked at Wang Lei in disbelief and exclaimed.

"Hey! Don't say that these are unnecessary! Liu Xiong, you prepare, we go to sea!"


At this time, Li Mo had reached the most central position in the vast Xinghai after a full-speed hurry. The shuttle boat under control is suspended above 10,000 meters, releasing its powerful consciousness to see the movement around.

Compared with the shallow sea, this sea area is particularly quiet, without any waves! Even the monsters are hard to see. If a small island suddenly appears, Li Mo will find out the first time. But Li Mo's wait is just one day, and there is no movement at all!

"Did I come late?"

Although Li Mo basically learned from Jiang Peng that the mysterious island appeared in the last few days, the exact time is unknown. There is no way but to wait like this, I hope that the Emperor will live up to the intentions!


For the monks, three days is just a blink of an eye. In the past few days, Li Mo has been sitting cross-legged, recovering his mental strength, and has not forgotten to study the "Undead Golden Body" On the 5th, Li Mo, who was still meditating cross-legged, discovered a strong and familiar atmosphere, and was approaching himself quickly.

Li Mo opened his eyes suddenly, and he immediately hid in the Xuanyuan mirror with a flash of his figure!

The person who came was not someone else, it was Nangong Yun who had never given up on him since Li Mo left Xianyangzong. Fortunately, he did not expect that there is any other knowledge in this place, so he did not release his consciousness. Otherwise, Li Mo has long been discovered by Nangong Yun!

A moment later, Nangong Yun's figure had appeared where Li Mo had just stayed. He followed him with two old men, about the same age as him, and their strengths were all at the level of senior Wudi.

"It seems that this is indeed the place where the Emperor's Mausoleum appeared! Otherwise, how could this old thing come to this place where the bird does not shit. But this Nangong Yun really has a **** capital, and I found it unexpectedly. Two high-ranking martial arts emperors serve as helpers!"

Li Mo carefully observed the movement outside in the Xuanyuan mirror, but in his heart he didn't have much confidence in this treasure hunt.

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