Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 576: Meet the Chou again

   Li Mo did not rush to find the next goal, but kept practicing in the red space. I just recovered from my serious injury, I still need time to recover, so I can familiarize myself with this new body as soon as possible.

  Li Mo not only found that the intensity of his own body has reached a new height. And after a few days, he was fully able to control the thunder and lightning power in his body, which has made great progress compared to his previous strength.

   "It seems to be a blessing this time!"

  Li Mo opened his eyes and said a bit self-deprecatingly. After thinking about Hu Tianpeng who had died under his own jade, now I felt a little grateful to him. If it weren't for him, he would have a chance to be reborn.

   "Master, are you awake? Have you figured out where we will go next?"

  Xiaohong saw Li Mo stopped practicing and leaned beside him to ask.

   "Here! This is our next goal!"

   Li Mo opened the unnamed ancient book and pointed directly to a place name called Can Huadao.

   "Why does this residual Hua Dao sound weird? Who would take such a weird name?"

  Xiaohong looked at Li Mo's finger with doubt.

   "Oh, nothing strange! Everything I experienced this time has completely subverted my cognition. It is because I also think this place name is strange, so I want to find out!"

   said Li Mo calmly.

   "Okay! Then listen to the master. Wherever the master goes, wherever Xiaohong will follow!"


   After determining the next goal, Li Mo took the shuttle boat out of the red space, but Xiaohong stopped it.

"Master, now I am not the same as before! I already have a flesh and can live in the outside world just like you. The speed of this thing is simply not comparable to mine, come! I let you Feel what real speed is."

   Let Xiaohong shake his body and change into a real dragon body.

  Li Mo smiled slightly, not wanting to live up to Xiaohong's kindness. Jump directly on the huge dragon head, soaring into the sky!

   If it is seen by other people, it is definitely an explosive news. After all, no one has seen a real dragon in this ancient ancient continent for thousands of years.

   Xiaohong's speed is undoubtedly much stronger than that of the shuttle boat. The journey of Wanli Xiaohong took only four or five hours to reach the sky above the Canal Road.

   "Xiaohong, wait! Let's not go down first."

   Above the residual flower road at a height of 10,000 meters, Li Mo felt with his powerful consciousness that at this time there were two gangs fighting! But the strength is not very strong, the strongest is just a junior martial emperor.

   In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Li Mo still used ‘Employment’ to repair his strength to the strength of the general, and found a place where no people were populated. This and Xiaohong fell on the ground.

  After harvesting Xiaohong's dragon scale and red sword, Li Mo thought about the position of the fighting sides and sneaked past!


"Asshole! The hands of your Nangong family are also long enough, and they actually went to the territory of our Wuling Prefecture! Are you really bullying me that there is no one in the Wu family? Today, this residual flower path was first discovered by our Wu family, your Nangong The family would like to take a half step!"

   A young man with a bright face dressed in a pale yellow gown was scolding several strong men across from him. Behind him, there are several blood-stained disciples of the same race wearing yellow gowns. Obviously they did not take advantage of the battle just now.

   "Huh! Martial arts? What is your martial arts! I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame our Nangong family!"

   A strong junior emperor from the Nangong family shouted loudly. Even Li Mo, who was hiding in the distance, heard it clearly.

   "Nangong Family? Really narrow road!"

  Li Mowen said that the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he did not want to participate in this dispute. But there are different people with the Nangong family. That Nangong Yun never gave up on the pursuit of Li Mo. If Li Mo didn't give them a lesson, then he would not be Li Mo.

  Li Mo gently touched his face with his hand, and immediately changed his appearance. Walked towards the people who were still deadlocked!

   "Everyone is in the same path, why kill each other."

   Li Mo pretended to be a good old man and came between the two groups.

   "What kind of thing are you? Dare to take care of Lao Tzu's business, don't hurry and leave me!"

  Nangong family's junior Emperor saw Li Mo, but he was so angry.

   "This Daoist, in Wuyang, Wu Family, Xia Xuancheng, did not know the name of You Gao!"

  This young man from the Wu family has a completely different attitude. A very polite gift to Li Mo.

   Li Mo secretly said that this kid is clever.

   "Under the nameless pawn, passing by here happened to see you both fighting, so come and see."

   "Since Taoists do not want to reveal their names, they are not reluctant to go down. Please ask Taoists to leave here quickly, this Nangong family is very domineering!"

   "Haha, I have heard of the Nangong family's overbearing domineering in the next time. It was really well-known at first sight!"

  Li Mo ignored Wu Yang's persuasion and looked at the junior Emperor Wu of the Nangong family.

   "Hum! You boy is looking for death. Our Nangong family inspires you to wait for the rat generation to be conspicuous?"

  Junior Wudi saw Li Mo's provocative words, and wanted to go up to tear him up now. But after seeing that Li Mo only had the strength of a general, he immediately suppressed his urge. Dare to be so weak in front of him, he could hide his cultivation behavior, or there must be a master nearby to protect him.

   "Oh, it seems that your grandfather, Nangong Yun, who is the master of your Nangong House, really teaches you. You have cultivated a group of scum, and today I will teach you how to be a man!"


   Thoughts moved, Dragonscale Chijian immediately appeared above Li Mo's head!

"go with!"

   With a soft drink, the dragon-scale red sword turned into thousands of sword shadows. And there was a continuum of blue lightning, which fell towards the crowd of the Nangong family.

   Swoosh! Whoo! Swish...

The Nangong family, except for the powerful martial arts class, the others are only the strength of generals and martial there is no resistance at all, even if they have sacrificed themselves The magic weapon to prepare for defense. But in the face of Li Mo's attack, it still seemed insignificant.


After a moment, the screaming sounded.

  Looking at the group of Nangong family, they have all fallen to the ground. A raging flame and blue thunder began to appear on his body, slowly turning into ashes.

   "You... who are you? What kind of hatred do I have with my Nangong family?"

   The junior Emperor Wu was okay, and was not injured by Jian Yu. Instead, he was struck by several lightning bolts, and his life was not yet in danger. This is what Li Mo did on purpose, otherwise his strength would have been as dead as anyone else.

   "Humph! Who am I? Did your Nangong family forget me so soon?"

   talked about Li Mo's restoration of his original face.

   "Ah! You... you are Li Mo!"

   Junior Emperor Wu was shocked. The portrait of Li Mo had long been seen by their Nangong family, and he had firmly remembered it in his mind. The old man Nangong Yun is still looking for his whereabouts.

   "Yes, it's Li Mo at the bottom!"

  After Li Mo’s right fist was clenched, the ‘burning fist’ mixed with a trace of thunder and lightning directly hit the head of Junior Wudi!


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