Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 540: 3 women 1 drama

"Teacher, why are you so afraid of Bai Yichen? Is he Wu Zun, aren't you Wu Zun? If this matter is passed out today, how can you keep my face and my royal family's face!" "

Liu Jingxian suffocated the fire in his stomach, and thought that Wu Daoling could finally no longer stand after becoming Wu Zun. But I didn't expect it to be such a result. Not only did I compromise with Xianyangzong, but also a large number of precious elixir was blackmailed by Li Mo.

"Your Majesty, that Bai Yichen has already become a Wu Zun strongman ten years ago. The old man is by no means his opponent at this time! I did not expect this person to be hooked up with Li Mo. But you can rest assured that it will not take long. I will definitely return what we lost today, even the profitable ones!"

After listening to Wu Daoling's words, Liu Jingqiang pressed his heart out of anger and walked out of the Yu Study.

This Wu Daoling was not only a prince, but also a master of Liu Jing. Liu Jing still valued their mentorship, so he didn't blame him too much.

In contrast to the silent atmosphere in the palace, it is the three people Bai Yichen on the shuttle boat. Li Mo took out the two large boxes that Liu Jing gave him, and looked at the precious elixir one by one.

"God, I didn't expect Liu Jing to have so many babies in his hands. I already knew how much he would blackmail him!"

"You stupid boy, get a bargain and sell well! This time, if it wasn't for Master's magical skills to follow us all the way, our grandfather might have already become a prisoner of Liu Jing's order! How is your injury?"

Xuanyuan invincible looked at Li Mo with his eyes shining and scolded.

"Hey, what little grandpa's minor injury compares with so many elixirs? This time, the royal palace and his ancestors' blessings, we have really made a fortune! If all these elixirs were made by Lu Fang into a panacea , Our Xianyang Sect is a thorough local tyrant!"

"Xiao Mo, although the imperial court will not trouble us anymore. But I think that Wu Daoling is not a good man. I still have to be more careful in the future!"

Bai Yichen is not interested in these elixir, after all, he has reached such a state. If you want to make a breakthrough, Bhutan medicine can help. What he is most concerned about now is the future development of Xianyangzong!

"The ancestors can rest assured that I will!"

Regarding Bai Yichen's words, Li Mo has no rebuttal. Many things have proved that Bai Yichen's prediction is quite accurate.


It took only one day for the shuttle boat controlled by Bai Yichen to return to the Xianyang Sect.

When the shuttle boat landed in Zongmen Square, the high-rises of Xianyangzong had already greeted them below!

Chen Tao is naturally among them. After he came to Xianyangzong, he directly explained his intention. After listening to them, Liu Changhe and Liu Shizhong were overjoyed, but they did not expect that Xuanyuan Invincible and Li Mo could actually bring a refining master for Xianyang Zongla, and they would settle down like a treasure.

"Congratulations to the elder Taizong Huizong!"

Everyone saw Bai Yichen's respectful salute.

"Everyone don't have to be more polite! This time the Imperial City and his party, we can be quite fruitful! Invincible not only met the old man halfway through, but also He Xiaomo also completed the mission of this trip. In the future, my Xianyangzong can stand upright On the Xuan Ancient Continent!"

When this statement came out, everyone was full of joy!

Xuangu Continent has not existed for a long time, and now Xianyangzong can be recognized by the court, enough to see the horror of its strength!

After a few days, Li Mo missed Liu Yan very much. After asking all the elders about it, he ran towards the place where Liu Yan lived.

But when he came outside Liu Yan's small courtyard, he was completely shocked by the sight in front of him.

The gate of the courtyard is not closed, you can clearly see Liu Yan, Lu Xinyue, and Chen Yuanyuan who has just arrived in Xianyangzong to enjoy the flowers in the garden!

It is not strange that Liu Yan and Chen Yuanyuan were together, but he did not expect that Lu Xinyue was here. Has Liu Yan forgiven her?

"What happened, how did the three of them get together!"

While Li Mo was still thinking about this matter. Suddenly someone patted his shoulder.

"Brother Li Mo, when did you come back? Why is it sneaky outside the yard!"

The sudden appearance of Xuan Yuanqing scared Li Mo.

The three Liu Yan in the garden heard the voices outside and looked at them.

They were all very surprised when they saw Li Mo.

"Li Mo, you are back! Why don't you come in and be outside the yard!"

"I... this one just came back. When I saw you talking together, I didn't mean to bother you."

In the face of Liu Yan's inquiry, Li Mo bluntly told a lie.

"Sister Liu Yan, since Li Mo is back, then we will go back first!"

After speaking, Lu Xinyue took Chen Yuanyuan's hand and walked towards the door. Passing beside Li Mo, Lu Xinyue paused for a moment and seemed to want to say something to Li Mo. But in the end he didn't say anything and took Chen Yuanyuan away.

"Hey, brother Li Mo, then I won't bother you two!"

Xuan Yuanqing smirked and ran away!

Li Mo and Liu Yan are now left in the lively small courtyard.

"Yan'er, I'm back!"

No one else in Li Mo also let go a lot and stepped forward to take Liu Yan into his arms.

"Just come back, I won't go out again this time!"

Liu Yanqiao blushed and looked up at Li Mo.

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere, and now everything that should be solved is solved!"

"Well! Did you know that I am worried about you every day when you are not within Zong. If the new moon sister came to accompany me, I don’t know how to get through these days!"

Li Mowen was very moved, but was also very curious!

"Don't you blame Crescent Girl, Yaner?"

"I blame her? What do I blame her? Only excellent men will have many excellent women. The new moon can see you, proving that my Liu Yan's man is the best. If you don't mind, I totally agree You marry the new moon girl! Oh, it seems to me that Chen Yuanyuan seems to be very interested in you too. When we arrived at Xianyangzong, we kept asking you!"

When Li Mo heard Liu Yan's words, his eyes almost fell out.

"Yan'er, are you okay? What are you doing? If you do something wrong, you can explain to me, don't use this method to torture me, okay!"


Seeing Li Mo panic, Liu Yan covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Okay, look at your anxiety. In fact, what I said is really in my heart. Sister Crescent really loves you! It's just that you can't feel this wooden pimple!"

After that, he tapped Li Mo's head with his finger.

After listening to it, Li Mo got a headache. He really didn't know how to deal with this messy relationship in the future.


Li Mo now dare not go to Liu Yan, because every time he goes, Lu Xinyue and Chen Yuanyuan are in her yard. Li Mo was embarrassed. I can only put all my energy into cultivation and the management of the sect. Although Li Mo does not have any position in Zongmen, people with clear eyes know that Li Mo is one of Xianyangzong's last words. Liu Changhe and others just managed Li Mo for the time being.

"Are you uncle Lu?"

Li Mo came to nothing outside of Lu Fang's alchemy room.


The door of the Dan Room Lu Fang with a depressed face came out.

"Li Mo, when does your boy come badly? I have to come when my alchemy is the most important thing. The white potion is ruining a panacea!"

"Uncle Lu, you look so embarrassed, I don't know you are practicing alchemy!"

Li Mo didn't mean to scratch his head. He also knew that alchemy was most disturbed by being disturbed. Especially at the moment when Dan Cheng becomes distracted, everything before will be destroyed.

"Huh! Forget it, anyway, it's all some common panacea. Is there anything you guys want from me?"

"Uncle Lu, look what these are!"

After talking, Li Mo took out all the two large boxes of potions that Liu Jing had obtained.

"This... where did this come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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