Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 528: Qin Lie

Li Mo finally looked at Qi Huan, who was already shaking.

"Do you have any different opinions about the Qi family in Boulder City?"

"No... no, Xiaoyou Xiu is a heaven and earth, and I would like to follow Xianyangzong! Please also let your friends show mercy!"

"Huh! Our Xianyang Ancestral Temple is small enough to raise you, a great god. Today is the day when my ancestors are overjoyed. I shouldn't have killed the ring. But this equation is too deceiving, and you can give me a word for Fang's home after you go back. . I said that the equation was killed by me. If you don’t accept it, come to Xianyangzong to find me!"

Qi Huanwen's words were like an amnesty, and the heart that had been hanging was finally released. It's not too late to come back and revenge as long as you can live alive.

"Xiaoyou laughed, the old man didn't dare!"

Will Li Mo not see his thoughts. Withdrawing, the Emperor Wudi’s arrogant coercion was immediately released to directly cover Qi Huan!


Qi Huan didn't have any resistance at all, and fell to his knees directly. Support the ground with both hands, and sweat will immediately wet the clothes on your body!

"Emperor Wu? Oh my god, it was Emperor Wu!"

An old man with the strength of a senior martial arts strongman released his coercion through Li Mo, and at a glance he saw his true strength!

"Isn't this person Li Mo? He actually...has already become Emperor Wu!"

"No, brother, don't you read it wrong? Is he Li Mo? How old is Li Mo, how could he become a powerful Emperor Wu Emperor!"

"I'm absolutely right, I saw him at the Budo Assembly that year!"


"Little... little friend, you... didn't you mean to... let me go? Why is that?"

Qi Huan was crying without tears at this time. He had already secretly rejoiced, and his heart fell to the bottom of the valley again!

"Huh, do you think I will not know your mind? Just to teach you a lesson, if he lets me know that you have an idea that is not good for my sect, I will never be merciless! Go!"

After talking about Li Mo's dissipation of pressure, Qi Huan ran to the bottom of the mountain and ran to death, fearing that Li Mo would regret it.

"Okay, all these scums have been dismissed by me. I hope that they will not destroy everyone's Yaxing, and please follow me into the total rest!"

Li Mo and polite sideways made a please action.

Everyone uttered a tongue, and just turned a devil into a polite young man. Such a change made everyone really unacceptable.

However, Li Mo's strength still allowed some people who had the same thoughts as the equation and Qi Huan to completely give up the ideas in their hearts.

"Haha... Fortunately, I didn't come late! Where is the invincible old friend?"

Just as everyone entered Lizong with Li Mo, a loud voice resounded through the whole Xianyangzong! A figure moves from far to near, the movements seem to be slow, but in fact they are extremely fast. All of a sudden came to the sect gate of Xianyangzong.

Tightening this tightly, it immediately surprised everyone present. Li Mo knew Qin Lie when he arrived at the meeting!

"God, this is another Emperor Wu Emperor! It seems to be familiar with Xianyangzong!"

"It seems that the foundation of Xianyang Sect is really powerful. We still have a lot of friendship with them in the future!"


"In Xialiu Changhe, welcome seniors!"

Liu Changhe and others all bowed to Shili and said.

"Haha... You don't have to be polite! Can my invincible old friend be in the total?"

"Qin Lie is an old thing. I haven't seen your character in more than ten years!

Without Liu Changhe answering, Xuanyuan Invincible has come out of the Sect. Looking at the old friend who hasn't seen for many years, his face is full of joy.

"Old guy, you haven't changed at all for ten years!"

Qin Lie and Xuanyuan are invincible. Because they are straightforward and jealous, they became friends very long ago. However, due to a change in the invincible Xuanyuan family, the two have not seen each other for more than a decade. Qin Lie also learned about the invincible whereabouts of Xuanyuan in the mouth of Wanling in the party of Xumidong. A few days ago, I received an invitation from Wan Ling, how could he not visit his old friend.

"Walk around, follow me in quickly, today we two are not drunk!"

Xuanyuan invincible grabbed Qin Lie's arm, and he didn't care about everyone's surprised eyes and entered directly into Zongmen.

"Dude, do you see that, the old man just now is probably a strong player at the level of Emperor Wu?"

"I think it's almost the same. Is it possible for you and my monk of the same level to be the brothers and brothers of the Emperor Wu Emperor?"

", two, three! In this short period of time, three powerful martial arts level powers appeared in front of us. Who built this Xianyangzong! There are so many martial arts level! Strong."

"This kind of sect is not what we can provoke!"


In three days, Xianyangzong has gathered a lot of martial arts strongmen. What Li Mo and others did not expect, Xianzi actually came, and also brought a strong Wudi. Now there are as many as six powerful emperors from the Emperor Wu class who came to congratulate in Xianyangzong. Let the powerful people of other martial arts families come to really open their eyes. If you have any unfavorable thoughts on Xianyangzong in the future, you really have to weigh it!

"The elder is too old, and the people are almost there. Do you think the Lizong Assembly will be held tomorrow?"

Liu Changhe respectfully said to Bai Yichen.

"Um! Everything that should come is here, just do what you want!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bell in Xianyangzong sounded the next morning.

All the guests who came to congratulate came to the square under the leadership of the disciples of the president. There are four or five hundred people in the dark.

Liu Changhe, as the head of the Xianyang Sect, came to the crowd in the company of Liu Shizhong and Liu Shixiao.

Although he has only the strength of a junior general, yesterday everyone saw the emergence of many powerful players such as Li Mo. No one dared to despise him anymore.

"Dao friends, on behalf of Xianyangzong, I thank you all for coming to our Lizong Conference. We have only one purpose for holding this conference! That is to bring all the martial monks from the mainland together. One year ago, we Xuangu Many people in black appeared on the mainland, and they were powerful and arrogant. They killed the innocent! The continent was full of panic. Today, our Xianyang Sect is to officially declare war on them!"

"Wow! Xianyangzong's tone is really not that small! That is the legendary messenger sent by the God of Are they not hitting stones with eggs!"

"What happened to Wushen? Can Wushen ruin the monks on our continent for no reason? Xianyangzong did my first support!"

"I also support that the monks on our continent have been scattered in the past and have been bullied by other monks in the mainland. Now only the Xianyang Zong dare to stand up and lead us to resist the strong enemy. In this way, I will follow the dead and follow me. Ready to join Xianyangzong!"

"Don't forget, Zongmen is not recognized by the court in our Xuangu Continent, maybe one day it will be destroyed by the court. I think we should wait and see before we talk!"


Many monks heard Liu Changhe's remarks.

"Master Qin Lie's suggestion from Qin Lie agrees with both hands! From today onwards, our Qin family and Xianyang Zong will form an alliance to resist foreign enemies! Whoever dares to be detrimental to Xianyang Zong is my Qin family enemy!"

Qin Lie's loud voice exploded among the crowd!

(End of this chapter)

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