Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 507: Recognized an ancestor

Li Mo saw his strength at the first glance and couldn't help but be overwhelmed!

"Oh my god! The hidden effect of'Employed by the Sky', but even the Wudi-level superpowers cannot know my details, but this person can break my strength in one word, then he..."

Li Mo dare not think about it.

The appearance of Bai Yichen has completely subverted Li Mo's worldview. He could not have imagined that the middle-aged man standing in front of him was actually the legendary Wu Zun strong.

"Okay, go back, Xiaomo, you stay!"

Xuanyuan invincible sent everyone away. In the large courtyard, there are only three master and apprentices and Li Mo.

"Master, please rest inside!"

Putting Bai Yichen into his room, Xuanyuan invincible kneeled down in front of him again!

"Master is supreme, please pay homage to unfilial disciples!"

He kept kowtowing!

Li Mo was stunned aside, watching Xuanyuan Invincible had already passed the flower armor, and actually looked like a middle-aged man bowing his head to salute, it looked very funny!

"Invincible, it's not your fault that the teacher has said this thing, but also because the teacher was negligent for a while! Your family was destroyed and the sect was destroyed, I think it was a long conspiracy by the court!"

"But Master, if invincible can be treated calmly, not so many siblings will die!"

"I know it's just your heart, but it's impossible for the court to fear that our strength threatens their rule. So many things can happen. They are the culprit of the whole incident!"


Li Mo listened to the cloud cover of Yunshan, but he probably knew what was going on!

"Xiao Mo, come here!"

Xuanyuan invincible called Li Mo beside him, turned and looked at Bai Yichen again!

"Master, you should also be able to see the strength of this son! Such a young man has such achievements can be described as quaint talents, and this son is kind-hearted, open-minded and eager to learn is not comparable to ordinary people. He also does not see the ugly face of the court , Is currently preparing for the establishment of the Kaishan School. I don’t know if Master can help him one or two?"

Li Mo heard this, but his heart blossomed. If Bai Yichen can help himself, then he has nothing to fear anymore! This is Wu Zun's strong man. Is there anyone more arrogant than him on the mainland? The small heart thumped, waiting for Bai Yichen's response!

"Oh! It seems that this child has a lot of weight in your heart! How do you want to help him as a teacher?"

Bai Yichen looked at Xuanyuan invincible with a smile.

"Master, it is better for you to sit in the sect!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wanling smiled.

"Senior brother, you are trying to get Master to join me!"

"Invincible! Now a strong enemy from another world is about to commit an offense. It is still necessary to unite and fight against foreign enemies on our continent. At this time, it is not easy to confront the court to avoid being attacked by the enemy. But your proposal, I still Consider it!"

"Thank you Master!"

Xuanyuan's invincible mood is very good. The guilt he has accumulated in his heart for many years has not only been forgiven by his master, but also may find a strong backing for Li Mo.

"Thank you senior!"

Li Mo was even more excited when he heard the words. In the future, he thought that Wu Zun was covered by a strong man, who would be his opponent!

"The two of you thanked me for what I did so early. I meant to think about it, but did not agree!"

"Ah! Senior..."

Li Mogang wanted to say something more and was interrupted by Bai Yichen!

"Don't your kid always call me seniors, I don't get used to it. What do you call him?"

Bai Yichen glanced at Xuanyuan invincible.

"Senior Xuanyuan's love for me, let me call his grandpa!"

"Oh? Since you all call him grandpa, it shouldn't be too much to call the ancestor!"


Li Mo looked at Bai Yichen, who was only in his thirties, and could not open his mouth anyway.

"Xiao Mo, what are you still doing? How many people have no chance to call it this way?"

Xuanyuan invincible urged aside.

"Grandpa, I also know that the strength of the predecessors must be that many people want to be close, but if you look at the face of the predecessors in their thirties, I... I can't speak!"


Li Mo's words caused a burst of laughter from the three people present!

"Silly boy, my master is just using the facial rejuvenation technique. Master is already 120 years old!"

Wanling reminded that she was also very interested in Li Mo. Even if you know what your master's identity is, there is still nothing to say, based on this point, this will not be a mediocre in the future!

"Ah! One hundred and twenty years old? That's what the ancestor said!"

Li Mo whispered in a whisper, and he was about to visit the ancestor.

"Okay, just have me in my heart, let's forget about the form!"

Bai Yichen waved a big hand, an invisible force prevented Li Mo from kneeling! Li Mo looked at the ancestor gratefully and then left the room. Leave space for them to appraise the old.

"Xiao Mo, is it true that the man is the master of Senior Xuanyuan?"

Li Mo returned to his own destiny. Liu Yan and Lu Fang had been waiting for a long time. They all want to know what kind of strength a master like Xuanyuan Invincible will be!

"It's true, and I recognized him as an ancestor!"

Li Mo's words surprised everyone.

"Xiao Mo, look at that man's age is only over thirty, how are you..."

"Don't mention this matter again, remember not to spread it. When my sect is established, it will definitely surprise the world!"

Li Mo can now be said to be extremely disgusted with the present court! He already has a mental goal in his mind, that is to overthrow the rule of the imperial court!


With so many super masters sitting in Yunxi City, Li Mo does not have to worry about safety anymore!

All the time is spent on cultivation. Occasionally, Bai Yichen will get one or two instructions, and Xiu Wei has made great progress. It won't take long to reach the level of Intermediate Martial Soul.

"Report! Lord Junshou, Yang Shuo is back!"

Li Mo heard the soldier's report and greeted him outward.

Yang Shuo has been busy with Zongmen's preparations, and there must be something important about coming back today!

"Brother Yang, hard work!"

Li Mo looked at Yang Shuo gratefully. If the friends around him were doing their best to help themselves, where would he be so leisurely!

"Let me be polite! Go ahead and prepare some wine for me, but these days it hurts my stomach!"

Yang Shuo did not take Li Mo as a county guard. In his eyes, Li Mo was always his own brother!

After the wine was over thirty, Yang Shuo felt a hiccup.

"Xiao Mo, Zongmen's preparations are progressing very fast! You can rest assured that the people you used are those I found in Zhanglong and Zhanghu brothers in Taiping Town. It will not take long for our Zongmen It’s done! But recently I heard that something happened to Master Liu Changhe Liu, it seems that it has something to do with King Gongxian!"

Li Mo heard that there is no joy just now! After hearing the three words of King Gongxian, his face suddenly chilled. Even Yang Shuo couldn't help but shivered!

"Brother Yang, what happened to Uncle Liu?"

"I don't know the specifics. According to my inquiries, a large number of Wangfu soldiers have appeared in Yiyang County these days!"

"Oh? Did King Gongxian learn that we were going to establish a sect Do you want to threaten me with the Liu family? But they can't know this, except for a few of his cronies, and Did not tell others?"

Li Mo was very puzzled. If it were not for himself, he would never be able to figure out why King Gongxian would do harm to the Liu family. After all, Liu Changhe is a conscientious and good official, and he has also contributed to the court!

"Xiao Mo, can you see if there is a spy in our house?"

Yang Shuo's words undoubtedly reminded Li Mo!

Originally, the relationship between King Gongxian and him was to use each other. It is also normal to place several spies around him, but it is difficult to find out these spies. Now is not the time to turn his face with him, after all, his handle is still in his hands. Once both sides tore their faces, he said that he and Xuanyuan were invincible in Yuqingzhou, Li Moda didn't care, but those close to him might be implicated!

"It seems that for whatever reason I have to go back!"


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