Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 502: Lu Fang came out of the mountain

  Lu Fang calmed down a little after Li Mo left, and began to wonder whether he would accept Li Mo's request.

   "Father, I heard what you said just now, in fact, you should promise Li Mo."

  Lu Xinyue came to his side and said.

   "Oh! What do you think about the new moon!"

  Lu Fang did not blame his daughter for eavesdropping on their conversation, but wanted to hear his opinion. After all, he is now in a dilemma.

"Father, Li Mo rescued his daughter twice. I sincerely invite you out of the mountain today. I don’t think you’re willing to be so mediocre for a lifetime. Li Mo is a man who does great things and has unprecedented strength and character. Extremely decent. Can you help such a person, what else can you consider?"

   "Haha... Hey! It's really a big girl to stay in. Now I know that the elbow is turned out to speak for the kid?"

   "Father, what do you say, he already has a sweetheart, and he is already married. In the future, you are not allowed to say this again!"

  When Lu Xinyue thought of Li Mo's lover, he couldn't tell the uncomfortable feeling in his heart!

   "Ah! Crescent moon, why do you still speak for him?"

   "Father, actually like a person, I don't have to own it. I will be content as long as I can see him!"

  Lu Fangwen said his daughter was in his arms.

"Stupid boy, I admit that he is very good, but you can't treat yourself like this. I'll go find the kid. If he fails you, I won't help him even if the knife rests on my neck. !"

   "Father, don't! If you do this, the daughter will ignore you again."

  Lu Xinyue knows his father's character, and once he is correct, no one can change it. Not only did he not help Li Mo, but also let his father have such a big opinion on him. What other faces will you see Li Mo in the future!

   "Hey! I really don't know what to say about you. My silly daughter!"


   Early the next morning, Li Mobian came to the Lu family.

   "Uncle Lu, how did you agree with my request?"

   "Hum! Li Mo, I promise you. But your kid shouldn't be complacent, I will leave at any time!"

  Lu Fang waited for Li Mo to glance and said angrily.

   These can make Li Mozhang's second monk confused, and I don't know why Lu Fang's attitude towards himself has changed so much in one night!

   "Uncle Lu, I have no intention to force you! If you are really unwilling, then I will leave now!"

   "It's too late to say these things now. I decided that no one can change things. I have finished packing up, and I will go with you! But we all have to go."

  Li Mo was surprised for a while, this was the first time he saw such a spleen person. Ask him not to come, now he doesn't want to go to chase him!

  Where does he know that Lu Fang can help him? Although his own elixir occupies some reasons, it is mostly because of Lu Xinyue. He couldn't bear to see his daughter suffering from acacia again.

   "Where is Uncle Lu, it is natural for Mrs. and Crescent to go there together. Otherwise, you will be taken away alone, and I am not worried about them!"

   "Hmm, I would say something nice!"

   turned around and walked towards the room.

"what's the situation!"

  Li Mo scratched his head and didn't understand where he offended him. But as long as he promised to help him, he didn't count this time!

   Li Mo prepared a carriage yesterday, and after he settled the Lu Fang family, he played the role of driver. Lu Fang looked at the old house where he lived for decades through the car window.

   "I really don't know, can I come back again in the future!"


   "Driving!" Li Mo drove the carriage fast on the official road, and his heart was like an arrow! In addition to resting at night, the carriage ran all the way, almost non-stop, and finally came to the gate of Yunxi City three days later!

   "Eh! Eh! Look, who is such a big shelf, let Lord Junshou catch the car for him!"

   "Speak quietly, now the master of the county guard is no longer than before, there is not such a big shelf. Everything is done by hand, it will not trouble us servants!"

   "Hey! Or your kid can talk."

"I am telling the truth!"


  Several soldiers who watched the city watched Li Mo drove the carriage into the city, talking quietly.

   "Uncle Lu, Madam, Crescent Girl, we are here!"

  Li Mo parked the carriage in front of the gate of the prefectural government and lifted the curtain of the carriage respectfully.


  The joining of Lu Fang has really enhanced Li Mo's existing strength by a large amount. Li Mo naturally rejoiced in his heart, and set up a family banquet for the family of Lu Fang that night.

   "Uncle Lu, this is Xuanyuan invincible grandfather!"

   Li Mo is still very polite and now introduces Xuanyuan Invincible with the highest identity and strength to Lu Fang!

   "Senior Xuanyuan, younger Lu Fang is courteous!"

   "Well! Who is Lu Jingchen?"

   Hearing Xuanyu invincible, Lu Fang was stunned.

   "Back to senior, Lu Jingchen is the father. Can senior recognize his father?"

   "Haha... When Xiaomo said your name at first, I felt familiar. I didn't expect to be a descendant of an old friend! Your father gave Xuanyuan invincible face in front of you?"

   "Ah! Isn't the predecessor Xuanyuan invincible! My father always chanted you!"

   Lu Fang was very excited. I didn't expect to meet the famous Xuanyuan invincible at that time!

   "Haha... It seems that Lu Jingchen succeeds someone!"

   "Predecessors are ridiculous!"

   Li Mo did not expect that Xuanyuan invincible actually knew Lu Fang.

   "Uncle Lu, surrounded by my master Liu Shizhong and the elder of the Liu family in Yiyang County!"

   "Oh! I didn't expect to see Elder Liu here. Lu Fang was really lucky for three lifetimes!"

  Lu Fang is not polite, but sincerely admires. Liu Shizhong is one of the few senior generals in Yiyang County. It has spread among Yiyang County long ago.

   "Eh! Lu Fang has won the prize, and the old man is ashamed!"

   "This is Liu Yan, the daughter of the contemporary head of the Liu family, and my fiancee!"

  Li Mo continued to introduce.

   "Uncle Lu, good Crescent Moon!"

  Liu Yan stood up and greeted him very politely.

   "Okay! Sure enough, it's Lang Cai's appearance!"

   Hearing Lu Fang’s words, Liu Yanqiao blushed and sat down, not speaking.

   But Lu Xinyue's eyes kept staring at Liu Yan, she kept looking at the woman who could become Li Mo's wife. Seeing Liu Yan's beautiful face and decent manner, he felt a little ashamed.

  Especially saw Liu Yan wearing the'Colorful Xia Yi' that he photographed for Li Mo, which was even more indescribable.

   And Lu Fang was more and more surprised by Li Mo. Not only the disciples of Liu Shizhong, a senior military commander in the famous Yiyang County, but also the invincible Xuanyuan who had been in the hidden world for many years. Look at their relationship is not ordinary!

   "Brother Li Mo, why don't you introduce me?"

   Xuan Yuanqing looked at Li Mo with an angry look.

   "Oh! Look at my memory. Uncle Lu, this little girl is the little princess in my prefecture, the granddaughter of Xuanyuan's predecessor, Xuanyuanqing!"

   "Uncle Lu, Mrs. Lu, Sister Crescent!"

  Xuanyuanqing stood up to say hello to the Lu Fang family, but when he sat down, he still gave Li Mo a fierce glance. Make everyone laugh.



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