Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 498: King Gongxian visited

   "Still comfortable in your own home!"

  Just finished training, Li Mo opened his eyes and said with emotion. It has been two days since I came back, and my injury has improved significantly with the help of Xuanyuan Invincible. It only needs a few days to recover.

  Li Mo has already given the soul of Liu Ze and Tian Yiren to Xuanyuan Invincible. As for what means he used to inquire about the whereabouts of other enemies, it was not Li Mo's concern.

   When it came to Yuqingzhou, there was no news about Liu Ze’s disappearance. Probably because of fear of causing panic, the news was deliberately blocked.

  Li Mo left the room and was going to find Liu Yan.

  The two met when he entered the city. Li Mo had been recovering from his injuries when he returned to Fuzhong. Liu Yan did not bother him either.

   "Admiral Qijun County, someone outside the government begged to see. You must be greeted by the door!"

  Just when Li Mo reserved his yard, a soldier stopped him.

   "Oh? Who needs me to meet?"

  Li Mo was puzzled and had to give up the idea of ​​looking for Liu Yan and follow the soldiers to the gate.

   "Li Mo, your soldiers in the prefecture are really doing their due diligence! What this king said is that he would not let me in, and I will show my identity!"

   When Li Mo came to the door, a middle-aged man in white was looking at himself angrily under the guard of several big men. It is King Gongxian who is not coming from anyone else.

   "The prince forgive sins! The subordinates don't know that prince you can come to Yunxi City. If there is any offense, please ask the prince Haihan!"

  Li Mo also made an official accusation, but he was full of praise for the soldiers who blocked them from entering the house.

   "Huh! Li Mo, you don't give Ben Wang this set, I don't know if it's a dim sum. Forget it, today I was a stranger who didn't know what to do."

   After glaring at Li Mo, he walked towards Fuzhong.


   "Li Mo, your kid and your friend are really amazing! Can you call your friend to let Ben Wang know and know!"

   King Gongxian sat at the head of the parlor while drinking tea while watching Li Mo.

   "Your lord, it seems that you have heard the news of Yuqingzhou too. The lord's want to see my friend is probably not so easy to handle. He had already left two days ago!"

  Li Mo did not intend to let him meet Xuanyuan invincible. He knew that Xuanyuan invincible's favorite thing in his life was unrestrained. Most of the time when King Gongxian came to him personally, he came here for the invincible Xuanyuan!

   "Leave? Oops, it's really a coincidence, then I can only wait until I have a chance to see you later."

   King Gongxian was originally in a good mood, and was a little uncomfortable. As far as he knows, there are many hidden masters around Liu Ze, and Li Mo can capture Liu Ze so easily, showing the strength of his friend. And there is a lack of such peerless masters next to him.

   "When the prince has the opportunity to meet him again in the future, I will definitely recommend it!"

   "Well, it can only be like this."

   King Gongxian looked at Li Mo from time to time, apparently half doubting Li Mo's words. But because his friend was an expert, he could only bear with him. Otherwise, it's absolutely impossible to believe Li Mo with his temper without checking the county guard house.

   "Your things are beautiful this time, but the trouble is not too small!"

  Gongxian Wang Huafeng mentioned Yuqingzhou in turn.

   "My elder brother is very angry about this matter. Now that he has ordered a strict investigation of this matter, be sure to find out the murderer. I don't know what your plan is for Li Mo?"

   Li Mo's smile on Wenxinxin's face disappeared immediately.

"Huh! At the beginning, you acquiesced in our actions, and now you told me these things. If it were not because of the Liu family, you really thought that I would be afraid that your prince would fail, even the emperor and the old man. "

   Thinking of this, Li Mo regained his mood.

   "Sir, please tell me anything!"

"Oh... Li Mo, you are a wise man, and you helped me remove Liu Ze. I am still very grateful to you. At first, I thought that the elder brother was also hateful to the ambitious person like Liu Ze, but I did not expect that the elder brother knew this. It would be such a big temper. If you really find out about you, I am afraid that my prince really can't save you!"

  Looking at the embarrassing appearance of King Gongxian, Li Mo really wants to give him two slaps! If it were not to avenge Xuanyuan's invincibility, Li Mo would not let him take his nose.

   "My lord, what should I do?"

"This? I still have to think about it. After all, if you lose a talented person like you, it is not what I want to see. You can rest assured that I will try my best to find a way, but if I encounter something that I am not good to come forward to solve. , I am afraid you still have to let you and your friend help!"

   "Then Lord Lau is bothered!"

"Well! By the way, I forgot to ask you one more thing. I heard that Liu Yan, the girl of the Liu family, got a'Colorful Xia Yi' I know!"

  After speaking, he showed an intriguing smile to Li Mo and left the meeting room!

  Li Mo kept sending him out of Yunxi City before returning to Fuzhong.

   "Xiao Mo, I heard the words of King Gongxian just now. It seems that there will be more troubles in the future!"

  Liu Shizhong shook his head and sighed.

"Master, you can rest assured that King Gongxian will not do anything to us for the time being. He knows that I snatched the'Colorful Xiayi' without being angry, which shows that I still have some use value for him~www. Xiaomo, why don't you listen to the teacher and take the smoke away!"

  Liu Shizhong didn’t have the same officialdom as Liu Changhe, but he was also very angry. I don’t know much about the thoughts of these superiors. Today, King Gongxian obviously wants to threaten Yuqingzhou and ask Li Mo to help him to complete more difficult tasks.

"Master, that's not okay. If I leave, what should the Liu family do? You don't have to worry about me anymore. I know what King Gongxian thinks. But Li Mo is not annoying. He wants If you threaten me, you have to see if I agree!"

   Li Mo's eyes flashed coldly, and he himself had no good impression of the King Gongxian. If he really confuses himself, then his prince should do the same.

"A child is absolutely impossible. You still don't understand the person of the King Gong. This person has a narrow mind and insidious cunning. If he knows who is not good for him, he will try his best to remove it. And I dare to say The forces he secretly cultivated are not under Liu Ze."

  Li Mo couldn't help but feel surprised, he didn't care about anything else, all the conspiracies and tricks in the face of the powerful strength were only clouds. It's just that Liu Shizhong mentioned that his secret forces made Li Mo have to guard against it.

   "It seems that I really look down on this King Gongxian!"



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