Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 466: Encounter Illusion

"What's going on?"

Li Mo was sitting on the stone steps in front of Hou Ye Mansion, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar environment in front of him, suddenly feeling sad in his heart.

I don't know why I felt this way. Li Mo's eyes stared at the ground in a daze. Finally, the red sword was sacrificed, aiming at his throat and ready to pierce!

"Master! Master, wake up, don't do anything stupid! Me, this is the enemy's illusion!"

Xiao Hong's anxious voice sounded in Li Mo's mind. Li Mo, who had already lost his eyes, was suddenly clever and awake!

"It's! Who is it, get out of me! What's the matter of hiding your head and showing your tail? Come out with me to decide the height!"

At this time, Li Mo has been completely irritated. If there is a little red, Li Mo may be dead in his own hands now.

"Huh! I wasn't confused by my illusion, it seems that your kid really has two children!"

A man's voice appeared suddenly, but the voice was too slick, and Li Mo couldn't judge the other party's specific position at all.

Li Mo watched the surroundings cautiously, Chi Jian was also clenched tightly in his hands, afraid of being suddenly attacked by his opponent.

"Hey! I haven't played anymore. I wanted to see a good show. It seems I have to do it myself!"

As soon as the words fell, a white figure appeared in front of Li Mo.

Li Mo was shocked when he saw his opponent appearing.

"How is it possible that you..."

Looking at the opponent and his own looks exactly the same, even the clothes on his body were the same, and suddenly saw another Li Mo himself was speechless.

"Hey! Boy, although I didn't see the kind of desperate expression when you committed suicide, I was very upset! But if I kill you by changing to your appearance, it will be considered as letting you die in your own hands!"

"Asshole, have the ability to show your true face!"

"Haha... In my illusion space, I can do whatever I want. Today I just like to be what you look like? Have a temper?"


Li Mohen's teeth are almost crumbling. What kind of hobby is this guy? He actually likes to watch others commit suicide.

"It's not an overstatement for you to say that, I just like to watch my opponent die in his own hands in pain!"

The fake Li Mo smiled and said that he was not angry because of Li Mo's insults. Instead, he seemed to like the term metamorphosis.

Looking at the other party didn't care, and looked like he didn't put himself in his eyes. Li Mo didn't want to make a call.

If it weren't for his own carelessness, how could he become so passive, the main thing at the moment is to think about how to leave here!

"Hey, kid, don’t think about leaving here unless you can kill me. But it’s impossible to kill me here, don’t say you are a general, don’t even think about the existence of Wuhun and Wudi. Hurt me a little bit! I am the master here, I am the god! As long as I want anyone to stop living here! Hahaha..."

The other party's emotions have become very excited, and the voice of the speech is getting louder and louder, which is not like a strong man's deed.

"Boy, if I were you, I would choose to commit suicide, maybe it would be a bit happier, or if I waited for my shot, I would let you try torture!"

Seeing Li Mo stand still in place, not knowing what to think there, the other party was a little sighed.

"Humph! I'm afraid it's not that simple to kill me."

White light flashed Li Mo disappeared in place!

"There is such a way of doing things, but your memory is really bad. I have told you that I am the master in this space, I see where you can hide..."

This fake Li Mo immediately spread the consciousness into the entire illusion space, but what surprised him was that Li Mo's figure was not found, and even Li Mo's breath disappeared.

"Impossible! How could it disappear?"

This situation has never occurred in his own illusion space. No one can escape if all the entrants die in his hands.

At this time, Li Mo had already hid in the Xuanyuan Mirror, using the "empty void" just learned to hide his breath. At this time, he was like a mortal, with no internal force fluctuations.

Li Mo is also a helpless move. The opponent’s illusion space is too weird. He clearly feels that his opponent’s strength is not stronger than himself, but he just can’t see his opponent’s behavior. In this case, it is better to avoid the edge. select.

This illusion space must also be maintained by internal force. After the opponent's consumption is almost the same, it can naturally return to reality.

In fact, Li Mo's idea is correct.

Fake Li Mo, who lost his goal in an instant, has already started to worry. Your own internal force can only support about half an hour of this fantasy space. If the opponent cannot be killed within this time, the space will no longer exist.

"Boy, I know you are still inside, come out! Don't you hate me and almost let you commit suicide! I'm here now, you come out to avenge!"

This fake Li Mo was quite depressed at the moment, and he was actually looking for his opponent in his illusion space, which was like hitting his face.

Regardless of how the other party yelled outside, Li Mo ignored it all the time, just waiting silently for the disappearance of the illusion space.

After a moment, Li Mo finally waited for the desired result.

The surrounding illusions began to fall apart, and the houses and the Hou Ye Mansion collapsed into a plume of white mist. After the mist had dispersed, it was still the grove that appeared in Li Mo's eyes. And a short figure was hurried towards the distance!

"I depend! It turns out that I have always been in this forest."

Bai Mang flashed Li Mo's figure in front of the dwarf figure who fled in a hurry!

"Teasing me for so long, do you still want to run?"

Li Mo glared at each other, the person in front of him was actually a dwarf less than one meter tall. The appearance is even more miserable, and it is not an exaggeration to describe his nostrils with pig teeth and fangs! Xiuwei is nothing but the strength of a junior general.

"It turned out to be such a thing, no wonder it has to be transformed into me. You are rejected in reality, find a sense of presence in the illusion!"

Li Mo's words were ridiculous. But he still didn't dare to carelessly, he didn't want to be trapped in that illusion again.

"Humph! Good dogs don't stand in the way. I'm the emissary of Lord Wushen, so let me go quickly."

The dwarf's voice was like a child's, milky and milky.

Li Mo heard that his self-reported house was even more violent.

"I killed the God of War! You can die."

As soon as the words fell, Chi Jian appeared on Li Mo's head, and the dwarf pricked at an unimaginable speed.

The gap in strength is always an insurmountable gap, and the gnome simply does not have any resistance. Not to mention being able to evade the red sword to attack at full speed.

puff! A blood hole appeared in his heart, and then his body turned into dust under the hot heat.

This time Li Mo has grown his mind and did not rush back to Hou Ye Mansion. Instead, he covered the entire wood with the consciousness, and finally confirmed that there were no more enemies.


The ignorant people still shouted the slogan "Li Mo rolled out of Taiping Town" in front of the door, and Yang Shuo and others were driving the leading troublemakers with the soldiers.

Seeing such a scene, Li Mo had another feeling of being alienated. Everything in that illusion was just too realistic just now. If it were not Xiao Hong's reminder, he really believed it.

"Xiao Mo, did you catch that man?"

Seeing Li Mo coming back, Yang Shuo hurried forward to ask.

"Catch it, it has been killed by me, and the order will arrest me for all the troublemakers."

"Good! Xiaomo, your decision is so If they were all mortals, I would have cleaned them up."

Yang Shuo couldn't help himself anymore, and he couldn't use it when he was empty, making him really depressed for a while. This time Li Mo ordered him to finally not have to succumb.

After Li Mo's explanation, he didn't care about the people and went directly into the door of Hou Ye Mansion. Anyway, the hidden culprit has been killed by him. There will be no more trouble for the rest of the crowd. Now he is most concerned about Liu Yan.

The pain in Liu Yan's heart that he lost in the illusion has not yet completely dissipated. Only when she saw her immediately could Li Mo rest assured.

"Li Mo, what's wrong with you? Has everything been handled outside?"

Liu Yan blinked those big eyes and looked at Li Mo who was hurrying towards him.

Li Mo didn't answer Liu Yan's words. He placed her in his arms and felt the other person's body temperature, so Li Mo released his suspended heart!

(End of this chapter)

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