Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 455: Triumph

Xiaobai's affairs had just passed in two days, and Li Mo, who had a rare life of a few days of peaceful life, was in trouble again.

According to reports sent by soldiers, black traces have appeared outside Taiping town, but the other party did not seem to be eager to start.

It seems that Taiping Town has become the target of their next attack. Li Mo immediately summoned all the people in the government to discuss the countermeasures. And the first time reported to Liu Changhe the enemy.

"I still say that, the soldiers came to cover the water and the earth to kill us directly, and gave them a pot. Fortunately, I will avenge the people who died in the mysterious ancient continent!"

Yang Shuo is still so happy, the people in black are angry with each other, and Yang Shuo, who is envious of hatred, has long been unable to hold his temper.

"Yang Shuo is right. Instead of passively defending here, we might as well take the initiative to attack. While they are now unsettled, they are caught off guard!"

The two brothers of the same personality, Zhang Long and Zhang Hu, also strongly supported Yang Shuo's decision.

Li Mo shook his head and smiled bitterly. After several battles with this group of people in black, they can see that they are not only powerful but also very tightly organized. Li Mo didn't think that these mortal soldiers in his house could find their whereabouts so easily, for fear of being the enemy's temptation.

"Three brothers, please calm down. This matter is not as simple as you think."

Li Mo directly rejected the three people's proposal, but looked at Xuanyuan Invincible who sat beside him.

"Senior, I don't know if you have any good solutions for this matter?"

Xuanyuan Invincible opened his eyes slightly and looked at Li Mo with a smile.

He was originally unwilling to participate in this matter, but he did not know what method Li Mo actually used to make Xuan Yuanqing a lobbyist. He loved his granddaughter very much. No matter what he can do, he will satisfy her.

"Your boy! It actually counted on me, the old man. Well, I will accompany you for a while!"

Xuanyuan is invincible, but the spirit who has lived for most of his life, how could not understand Li Mo's mind.

"Senior, it's great to have your help! I thank you on behalf of the people in Taiping Town! You are really our savior for the whole town!"

Hearing that Xuanyuan invincible promised to help him, Li Mo hurriedly stood up to salute him.

"Your boy, don't bring me a hat. The reason why my old man shot is entirely for my granddaughter."

Li Mo doesn't care what he is for, as long as he can help him fight the enemy. After all, Yang Shuo's strength is limited, and the strength and number of the other party are far above their own. If only relying on Li Mo alone, it is difficult to repel the strong enemy.

But now with the help of Xuanyuan Invincible, things have become much simpler. Li Mo can also explore the strength of this old man.

"Where the predecessors said, I believe that even if there is no Xuanyuanqing, you will never let this group of scum burn on our Xuangu Continent, domineering!"

"Your boy will be able to open his mouth, and my old man can't tell you, but I'll go back if there is nothing else. When will you call me when you act?"

After speaking, Xuanyuan Invincible stood up, stretched lazily, and walked out of the hall! Looking at him in a relaxed manner, he didn't seem to take these things into his heart at all.

"Xiao Mo, can this old man do it?"

Yang Shuo asked quietly.

"Brother Yang, if the former Xuanyuan seniors are not good, then we should not do unnecessary resistance and just give up Taiping Town!"

They didn't know that Xuanyuan was invincible and terrible. Li Mo had learned it. The horror beyond Liu Shizhong still makes him terrified.


"Report! Grand Master Qi, a large number of people in black have been found in hundreds of miles outside the town!"

"It's coming quickly!"

Li Mo heard the soldier's report and walked directly to the invincible residence of Xuanyuan without delay.

An old man and a young man came out of the town and hurried in the direction reported by the soldiers. Sure enough, they saw nearly thirty people in black rushing towards Taiping Town! Moreover, Li Mo observes that the weakest person in the other party also has the strength of an intermediate warrior. The highest level of cultivation is the strength of a general like yourself.

When the narrow road meets the brave, Li Mo sacrifices the red sword without any nonsense, and kills the man in black. Despite the large number of opponents, Li Mo has a bottom in heart when Xuanyuan is invincible.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Three red awns shot directly at the man in black.

With three screams, the black man found himself under attack. He stopped walking and immediately changed his formation to surround Li Mo in the middle.

"Asshole! Who are you?"

Seeing the tragic death of his three men, one of the leaders in black angered Li Mo.

"The one who killed you!"

Li Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, Chi Jian was in his hand, and immediately turned into a ghost image.

"'Blue Dragon Sword Skill'!"

With anger, thousands of sword shadows fell like raindrops to the people in black around.

Black men with higher strength will escape this attack, but many black men with lower strength are immediately hit by sword rain, turning into nothingness under the hot heat!

"Asshole! Formation!"

The leader in black was also deterred by Li Mo's thunder blow. Unexpectedly, the person is so young but his strength is so terrifying.

The remaining ten or so men in black heard the leader's call and immediately gathered together. They offered their magic weapons one after another, and Li Mo was also familiar with their magic weapons, all black swords. He has learned the corrosion ability of this magic weapon, and he dare not care any more.

call! call……

More than a dozen black long knives were immediately thrown into the air by the men in black and merged into a giant black big knife in the air. A stream of black gas formed a vortex and flew towards Li Mo. Although the speed was not very fast, its attack range was extremely wide.

An unpleasant stench smell instantly filled the entire battlefield.

cough! cough! Li Mo coughed twice and immediately covered his nose with his hand. But the feeling of retching is still used.

"Huh! Boy, I see how long you can hold on! Dare to attack us will cost our lives!"

call! call! The man in black is holding a black long knife towards the sky, injecting more internal force. The black vortex has become more substantive, and there is actually liquid dripping in the vortex, and all the things in the place are dead and emit a burst of pungent black smoke!

Li Mo didn't dare to neglect his right hand, and a crimson border appeared to cover it.

Zi Zi! Zila's voice was endless.

Li Mo seemed a bit struggling. If he was fighting alone, Li Mo wouldn't be afraid of the group of people in black, but now his opponent has dozens of people attacking himself with the middle method, he has nothing to do. And reluctant to use Fan Tianyin, in case the black gas corrodes in the magic weapon, it will be difficult if you want to repair it.

At present, he can only use his strong internal force to support this enchantment and avoid touching the black gas outside!

"Haha... kid, I advise you not to be in vain, just die!"

When the man in black saw Li Mo trapped, he was still scared of him and disappeared.

Wow! A dark cloud appeared above Li Mo, and heavy rain poured. Instantly dilute the black gas.

The dark clouds dispersed and a conch-shaped object appeared in the air. And flew directly towards the black giant sword.

Boom! A violent collision sounded, and the giant long knife immediately turned into dozens of long knives and fell to the ground, no matter how the group of people in black manipulated and there was no movement.

The conch-shaped magic weapon turned into a blue light and flew back to the place where Li Mo and Xuanyuan were invincible.

Needless to say, Li Mo also knew that Xuanyuan was invincible.

The man in black saw his magic weapon lost contact with himself and became a pile of scrap iron. That still has the courage to fight again. Starting to flee in all directions.

Li Mo will not waste such an opportunity, put away the enchantment, and once again, the red sword will turn into a ghost again! And Li Mo also used the light beams of the "spiritual rhinoceros" to strike the fleeing black man with the red sword phantom!

The screams kept ringing. People in black without magic weapon protection, such as a group of lambs to be slaughtered, but all the blinking kung fu died under the attack of Chijian and Lingxi fingers.

Li Mo was ashamed, still thinking about the situation just trapped.

If Xuanyuan was invincible to help, I am afraid he is still struggling to support the enchantment and fight against the opponent's attack, how could he win so easily!

(End of this chapter)

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