Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 453: Xuanyuan invincible

When Li Mo came to the door, the old man and the little girl were looking towards Fuzhong.

"Haha...boy, we meet again!"

The old man smiled at Li Mo with an angry look.

"Old man, can I offend you? Why do you bother me?"

First of all, after the soldiers, this old man's strength is above himself.

"I didn't say that you offended me, it's just that our grandson and grandson were wandering around. Today, wandering to your door, would you like to settle here?"

What logic is this, the old man almost didn't make Li Mo stunned! But still suppressed his anger.

"Old people, we never knew each other. If you really want to settle in this town of Taiping, I can find a place for you in this town."

"Eh! Don't have to be so troublesome. I think you have a huge courtyard in Hou Ye Mansion. Presumably, there are many rooms inside. The two of us will live here at once."

When she was pulling the little girl, she would go inside the door.

"Where is this crazy old man who really doesn't consider himself an outsider."

When Li Mo wanted to stop the old man, the grandfather and grandson had already entered!

In the face of the unreasonable strange old man, Li Mo also has no way, after all, where is the strength of others. But so far he hasn't shown any hostility towards himself. After Li Mo explained Wang Qiang and others were optimistic about the door, he caught up!

"Wow! Grandpa is so beautiful here!"

The little girl is naive, and I don't know how she has such a grandpa.

"Old man, you can stay, but you have to tell me your identity!"

To accept a stranger whose identity is unknown and whose strength is higher than himself, Li Mo will not do such a silly thing.

"My identity! Oops, no one has asked me for a long time, even I can't remember, so you can find us two rooms first, and then prepare a table of wine, maybe after I've eaten enough, maybe I can remember who I am!"

"I depend!"

Li Mo scolded, almost spitting out old blood. But still meet the requirements of the elderly.

"You can tell me now, old man!"

Asked the old man who was looking at the delicious wine.

"Look, your kid is a good part of me as an old man, I will tell you! Xuanyuan mirror is on you?"

"Yes, the Xuanyuan mirror is on me!"

The old man's question pointed to the Xuanyuan mirror on his body again, and Li Mo had to admit it. But for how the old man knew, he was confused.

And the old man smiled like he had seen through Li Mo's mind.

"Is your kid strange, how can I know that Xuanyuan mirror is on you?"

"Please ask the elderly to express!"


The old man's face was flushed under the influence of alcohol, but he picked up the glass in his hand and drank it, then stood up. The expression is not as cynical as before, but a serious expression.

"My name is Xuanyuan Invincible, she is my granddaughter Xuanyuanqing."

Hearing the name of the old man, Li Mo was shocked. Compound surname Xuanyuan? Is there anything to do with this Xuanyuan mirror.

And it seems that the story of the old man has just begun, Li Mo also sinks his heart and listens quietly to the old man's narration.

"Our Xuanyuan family lived in seclusion in the mountains for generations, and lived an indisputable life. The purpose was to protect this Xuanyuan mirror. Fifteen years ago, our Xuanyuan family encountered a great disaster, and all the people were overwhelmed by a group of mysterious people overnight. I was killed because I was not in the clan because I was traveling. Fortunately, I escaped the disaster. When I got the news back, only the Xuan Yuanqing was left shortly after birth. And the whereabouts of the Xuanyuan mirror, which we have guarded for generations, have not been known since!"

Speaking of Xuanyuan's invincible eyes here have begun to wet. Xuan Yuanqing beside him was sobbing!

"Senior Xuanyuan, do you mean you want to return to this mirror?"

Li Mo wouldn't return this rare Lingbao to him because of Xuanyuan's invincible one-sided words. He asked tentatively.

"Hehe... kid, don't worry, my old man hasn't been so embarrassed. I have traveled almost all over the continent in recent years. I came to this town of Taiping by virtue of a touch of the Xuanyuan mirror. I won't ask you to return to Baojing. Yes, Xuanyuan Mirror is also in your hands. But..."

Since Xuanyuan Invincible doesn't mean to win the treasure, Li Mo can't even guess his mind!

"But what?"

"Who did you get this Xuanyuan mirror from? You'd better tell the truth to my old man, otherwise don't say that my old man is bullying!"

Xuanyuan's invincible face became gritty, and an unprecedented pressure immediately enveloped the entire room. Li Mo had never seen such a terrifying momentum. Even Li Mo from his master and King Gongxian has never seen it!

Under this powerful pressure, Li Mo didn't even have the strength to fight back, and secretly cursed himself!

"Doesn't this invite the wolf into the room, this Xuanyuan invincible must have misunderstood that he was the descendant of the murderer who killed their clan."

"Senior Xuanyuan, this Xuanyuan mirror was accidentally obtained by me in this town of Taiping, not what you think!"

This sentence was said by Li Mo's teeth. At this time, he was unable to move, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Just when Li Mo couldn't hold on and was about to suffocate and syncope, this powerful coercion disappeared instantly.

cough! cough! Li Mo coughed a few times, breathing greedily into the air.

With Xuanyuan's invincible strength, whether Li Mo is telling the truth can be seen at a glance.

"Hey! I'm sorry."

Xuanyuan walked toward his yard invincibly and lonely.

"Brother, don't you get hurt! Don't blame grandpa? Actually, he is a very good person."

Xuan Yuanqing was no longer crying, but ran to Li Mo's side to support him.

Li Mo didn't blame Xuanyuan invincible, he sympathized with the grandson and grandson. If you change to yourself, it may be more cruel than Xuanyuan's invincible approach. He will eliminate all the people who are infected with the mirror of Xuanyuan, rather than killing them wrong.

"I'm fine, Qing'er, go back and rest, this will be your home from now on!"

"Thank you big brother!"

Looking at Li Mo's sincere eyes, Xuan Yuanqing showed a rare smile.


Early the next morning, Li Mo called the two brothers Liu Yan, Bai Xiao, Yang Shuo, and Zhang Long and Zhang Hu together to visit Xuanyuan Invincible. After all, the elders are respected.

To Li Mo's surprise, Xuanyuan Qing and Liu Yan became good sisters at first sight.

Originally Xuanyuan Invincible was about to leave, but after Li Mo and everyone's pleading, he finally decided to temporarily stay in Li Mo's Hou Ye Mansion for a while.

One is because of It seems that this girl likes to stay in this place. She is everything about Xuanyuan Invincible. As long as she likes it, Xuanyuan Invincible will satisfy her. Another thing is that Li Mo told him how to get Xuanyuan Mirror. He also wanted to try his luck here to see if he could find someone who sold Xuanyuan Mirror to Li Mo.

Li Mo was ecstatic about this. He had learned the invincible strength of Xuanyuan. Although he didn't shoot, Li Mo felt that his master was not his opponent. And the situation outside is very confusing now, if Xuanyuan is invincible if he can help Li Mo, it will be even more powerful.

"Li Mo, what do you think this is?"

Li Mo was resting in his yard, and Liu Yan walked in with a book in his hand.

"what is that?"

"This was given to me by Senior Xuanyuan, you see!"

Liu Yan called Li Mo's hands close to Li Mo's eyes, only then did he see that it was the martial art he wanted to choose for Liu Yan that day!

(End of this chapter)

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