Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 432: The first victory

   Li Mo watched a few games on the ground. They were all samurai-level games. Li Mo was not interested in these. After all, his strength was far above them!

   It didn't stop until Li Mo's gaze looked towards the center of the venue. A young man in a white gown caught his eye.

The strength of this young man is the same as Li Mo's strength. He is an intermediate warrior. Unfortunately, his opponent is a strong warrior. There is basically no suspense. Then the white shirt youth used only one trick to blast his opponent out of the field. The youth did not show their strength, which made Li Mo somewhat disappointed and silently noted down his opponent. Continue to watch games in other venues.

   The duel between masters is sometimes just a win-win situation in the blink of an eye, but there are some who are closer in strength and still fighting.

  It wasn't until the last two points were won that the law enforcement elders on the field announced the start of the third game.

   Li Mo walked silently to his playing field. A dark-skinned and muscular young man was waiting for him in the field, his eyes staring at Li Mo like a bell.

   This person is Li Shuo's opponent Yang Shuo.

  Li Mo looked at the opponent's strength as a senior samurai, but his body should be good at speed attacks.

  Yang Shuo saw that he couldn't see Li Mo's strength, he couldn't help crying, but he didn't give up, but his expression was more solemn.

   "You are Li Mo?"

   "Yes, Li Mo is below."

   "My name is Yang Shuo, from Yiyang County. Even if your strength is higher than me, I will not give up, I will go all out! You are careful."

  Li Mo heard the words, and immediately felt that this person was very interesting and very real. Nodded and smiled slightly as a response.

   "The game begins!" With the order of the law enforcement elders on the field, everyone on the scene sacrificed magic weapons to attack their opponents.

   Yang Shuo is no exception, offering a magic weapon in the shape of a steel fork.

  Li Mo actually has a winning ticket in his heart, but in order to respect his opponent, he still takes out a long sword.

   This was prepared before the game. Chijian is too glaring. I don’t know how many hidden and powerful old monsters are hidden above this conference. If the Red Sword of the Lingbao level appears here, it will definitely cause others to worry. He does not want to find that trouble.

  Call! call! ......Yang Shuo started to dance the steel fork in his hand, Li Mo's clothes were windless and automatic. As Yang Shuo's speed accelerated, a wind blade visible to him was formed in front of him!

   "Go!" Shouted, dozens of wind blades struck Li Mo.

   Yang Shuo knew that he was not Li Mo's opponent, so he used his strongest moves as soon as he came up.

  Li Mo is not in a panic, the ‘You Long Sword Technique’ is displayed. Although it is just an ordinary long sword, it is used in Li Mo's hands and is much more powerful than ordinary people. The sword immediately transformed into dozens of sword shadows and greeted it towards the wind blade.

Snapped! Snapped! ... The collision between the sword shadow and the wind blade struck a large spark. Li Mo didn't stop there. His figure moved and pulled out a long afterimage. While Yang Shuo was still stunned, the cold long sword was already resting on his neck.

"I lost!"

  Yang Shuo was a little annoyed. If his strength was close, he would lose the game so easily. God just made him pervert.

  Li Mo took the sword back and smiled politely at Yang Shuo. He walked out of the venue.

  Liu Yan and Bai Xiao have already been waiting outside.

   "Brother Li, you are too powerful. I didn't see what happened. You won. It seems that you are the first one at this conference!"

  Li Mo smiled and patted Bai Xiao's head.

   "Xiao Xiao, there are many powerful people at the conference, but my luck is not met!"

   "Li Mo, I'm sorry, but you must come on!"

  Liu Yan is still thinking about her mistakes.

"Silly girl, I told you all, this thing doesn't blame you. After all, you are also an unintentional act. Besides, being able to compete with so many young talents and learn from each other will be of great help to my future practice. of."

   "But I..."

  Liu Yan had to say something, but Li Mo interrupted and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

   "When I win the first place, you will be Mrs. Wanhuhou in the future!"

   Boom! Liu Yan's smile turned red and her lips chuckled softly. This is the first time she smiled from yesterday to now.


   There are still a few games left, Li Mo glanced at the two sides of the game, both of which are lower than their own strength, so they were not in a mood to look any further, and took Liu Yan and Bai Xiao to the inn where they lived.

   "Li Mo, you wait!"

A man's voice came from behind him.

  Li Mo was a little puzzled. He didn't know anyone here. He turned around and saw that the original Yang Shuo had just failed.

"Is there a problem?"

   is still very fond of this Yang Shuo and Li Mo.

   "Li Mo, thank you for your mercy just now, but can you tell me what your strength is, so that I will be convinced if I lose."

   A straightforward man, Li Mo became more and more interested in him.

   "Yang Shuo, this is not a place to talk, how about you going to my place with me?"

   "Okay, you lead the way."

   Several people returned to the inn, Li Mo asked Liu Yan and Bai Xiao to return to the room first, and Yang Shuo ordered some wine dishes.

   After the two were seated, Yang Shuo, who was still straightforward, spoke first.

   "Li Mo, you can tell me now!"

   "Hehe... the strength of my intermediate warrior, it is normal for you to lose to me. If we have the same strength, I may not be your opponent."

  Li Mo was afraid of hitting Yang Shuo, and gave comfort.

   "Li Mo, rest assured me, my Yang Shuo is not as fragile as you think, you don't have to comfort me, you lose to my suit. I must surpass you for up to three years, how will we compare a game then?"

   "Okay! Let's make a decision."

   The two held up the glass in front of them and drank.


   After a long chat, Li Mo also had some understanding of his life experience.

  Yang Shuo was not a child of a big family, but he followed his father to live by hunting in the mountains. When his father took him into the mountains to hunt, he met a thief and killed his father.

Even when he was about to die under the sword of a bandit an old man saved him and taught him martial arts, this time when the downhill participated in this conference, it was also his master who saved all his savings Give him, I hope he can gain something here and stand out. But what I didn't expect was that the first opponent met Li Mo...

   gave away Yang Shuo, Li Mo returned to his room, originally wanted to take a good rest to cope with tomorrow's game, but accidentally encountered the bronze mirror in his arms, Li Mo took the bronze mirror out of his hand and played.

   "Bronze mirror, bronze mirror, can you tell me what you are?"

   Li Mo said to himself while flipping the bronze mirror over.

   "Hey! What's going on? The rust on the mirror disappeared, and even the position of the Four Saints changed!"

   Li Mo immediately sat upright and observed carefully, but he didn't see any clues in any way. Even with a hand to twist the back of the mirror, the mirror did not respond.

   "Not artificial, that is to say it spins by itself!"

  Li Mo's sense of doubt is even stronger.

   "If it turns on its own, I should have noticed! Could it be..."

   He seemed to remember something suddenly. He shook the mirror tightly and immediately entered a state of cultivation. His figure disappeared in the room, and he came to the red space!


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