Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 388: shopping

The tester is a bear man. He just glanced at Li Mo, snorted, and took ten stone tools to test.

The first-level quiz master test is very simple. Ten pieces of stoneware are taken. As long as six pieces are qualified, you can become a first-class quiz master.

Testers like Li Mo who randomly took out ten kinds of stone tools, the testers saw much more. Like the wealthy races that are not bad, many like to do this. Anyway, Ten Thousand Crystal Coins are nothing to them. Once the test is done, just try again until the test passes.

Obviously, the Xiongren tester regards Li Mo as ‘the kind of person’.

The test results came out in just ten minutes.

"Six pieces passed, so good luck."

Xiongren came to Li Mo with the test report and the badge of the first-class master.

When Xiong Ren handed Li Mo's badge to Li Mo, Li Mo waved his hand.

"I want to continue the test and assess the second level."

"Friend, the first-level quiz master can be right, but the second-level quiz master is not that simple. I advise you to take the badge of the first-class quiz master and forget it. Although you may not be bad, but There is no need to waste money on it."

Li Mo laughed: "Thanks, I still choose to continue the assessment."


Xiongren made a request to Li Mo.

Li Mo walked into the examination room of the second-level stranger.

There are many more types of stone tools placed in the examination room of the second-level stranger, and the style and workmanship are obviously much finer than that of the first-class stranger.

"The second-level quiz master's assessment standard, within a hundred stone tools, the pass rate needs to reach 80."

"To understanding."

"There is one more thing to tell you, in this room, the ratio of qualified and unqualified products is one to four."

There are very few qualified products, which also means that it is almost impossible to pass the examination of the second-level stranger in a blind way.

The same is true of the first-class quiz masters everywhere, but the number of second-level quiz masters has become very small. As for the third-level quiz masters, no matter where they go, they are all in a distinguished position and have been invited to the party.

The first-level quiz appraisers can be passed in ten to six pieces. The second-level quiz-testers can pass only one hundred pieces to eighty pieces, while the third-level quiz-testers must be qualified and unqualified. In the case of a ratio of one to nine, only one hundred pieces are all correct before they can pass.

Although the number of stone tools increased to one hundred, Li Mo's selection speed is still very fast.

The Xiongren tester used a space bag to collect all the stone tools selected by Li Mo.

"just wait."

"Ten correct, ninety failed, failed."

Soon, the test results came down.

Li Mo didn't care either, took out the crystal card, and gave two thousand **** crystal coins to the bear tester.

"carry on."

The Bear Man Tester sneered and reached out: "Please."

The challenge of the second-level quiz master failed, and the cost was doubled when challenged again, and each year, only five chances of challenge were allowed. If this number is exceeded, it will wait for the next year.

Li Mo entered the challenge again, but failed again.

After accumulating three times, Li Mo succeeded in the fourth challenge.

"Luck is okay."

The bear snorted coldly.

He regarded Li Mo as pure luck.

Li Mo smiled, he did not explain, and took the badge of the second-level quiz master handed over by the bear.

The first-level stranger has few permissions, but the second-level stranger is not as good as the third-level stranger except for his status. In terms of permissions, it is no different from the third-level stranger.

Li Mo failed to deliberately challenge the front, but he did not want to attract attention.

Because of the importance of objects in the Lost Times, if you let others know that Li Mo has a ‘sky eye’ that can see everything false, he will not be able to calm down in the future.

On the other hand, Ye Xiaolu had already finished her work. She didn’t even get the qualifications of a first-class spectator. It’s not difficult to choose six out of ten, but she didn’t have a good eye, and she was not lucky. eliminated.

"Shit luck is so good."

Ye Xiaolu looked envious of the second-level Qi Jian badge worn on Li Mo's chest.

Because of his good mood, Li Mo was too lazy to fight with her and walked calmly to the nearest store.

The second-level savvy master is at hand, and the next step is naturally to sweep the goods.

Under the eyes of Li Mo, most of the lost products can be seen clearly. Only a few of the lost products sealed with special methods require him to use a lot of ‘eyesight’ to be able to see a rough idea.

Li Mo started scanning goods from the first store, buying, selling and selling, back and forth, during which he deliberately hid, the items he opened were good or bad, and there were profits and losses, but he has always earned more and less. In general, his assets have been rising.

Ten million, twenty million, thirty million...

While the assets continue to rise, Li Mo has also made a lot of good lost products, but compared with the dragon pattern black gold tripod, it is obviously much different.

"gone back."

Ye Xiaolu followed Li Mo, she is now completely a spectator, Xiaoheihu is even worse, he has no interest in the lost product, and Ye Xiaolu is tired of him again, so angry that he runs in front of Ye Xiaolu It’s a pity that Ye Xiaolu took him as air.

For five days in a row, Li Mo went to a street to buy goods every day, and during this period, his assets rose to 150 million, and there were no less than 50 pieces of precious lost items in the stars.

Soon, on the day when it was not easy for fish to invite Ye Xiaolu, the treasure-treasure conference of the Lost Times officially began.

"It's still not enough."

Li Mo looked at the Shenjing card in his hand and frowned slightly.

Within ten days, his assets have reached 170 million. This number is already an astronomical number for ordinary people, but it is far from enough for Li Mo.

In addition to taking the dragon pattern black gold tripod, Li Mo came to the ancient star. Another goal was to buy about 10,000 copies of the genetic medicine and blood vein medicine on the ancient star. With his current assets, he can also buy one hundred. Multiple.

Not even close.

"never mind."

Li Mo thought for a moment and went to the Lost Street again.

"That **** is here the door!"

"Close the door, don't let him in!"

"Hurry up on the door."

As soon as Li Mo came to the entrance of the Lost Street, he saw a riot.

In the past few days, he has cast shadows on the merchants on the lost street. It seems that he has bought and bought compensation. In fact, he has always made money.

Li Mo walked into the Lost Street and closed more than half of the shops.

"Don't go to the shop today, don't be afraid."

Li Mo shouted and walked to the Gu's Qizhen store. Gu Yiming's lost goods stores are all over the universe. There are naturally many on Guxing, but the lost goods sold in the Gu's Qizhen store are more expensive than ordinary stores. Several times higher.

"How much is this stone chain willing to sell?"

Just when Li Mo walked in, he saw Shui Yunlan holding a string of stone bracelets and asked the store.

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