Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 373: I do not believe

Ye Xiaolu heard Celisia's words and slammed her head straight.

"It's said that the chest is big and brainless, I think the chest is the same!"

Li Mo looked at Ye Xiaolu and nodded in agreement: "Yes."

"Cut, mine is not small!"

"Senior Human, I am pretty sure now that you are talking about two things. I think that our dark elves have left here and have nothing to do with your return to the lake of life."

This time, Li Mo and Ye Xiaolu rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Call your clan all, remember, it's all called, one can't be less!"

"Don't ask why, this is my reward for you."

Celisia nodded: "Okay."

The time was not long, and the dark elves gathered in the underground of Yongye City.

Like Celisia, the dark elves have always thanked Li Mo.

"The second step, let them all get in, Queen, order it."

Celicea ordered that the dark elves did not hesitate, and drilled in one after another.

Until the last dark elf walked into the Dingxingpan Spirit Formation, Li Mo said: "Master, it's your turn."

"Am I going in?"

"of course!"

Celisia took a step forward and backed away: "I don't believe it."

"What do you not believe?" Li Mo cried.

"If I walked in, you closed the circle, how would we come back?"

Ye Xiaolu covered her face: "Aren't you stupid..."

Li Mo couldn't laugh or cry.

"Well, how about I go in with you?"

Celisia nodded: "Okay!"

"Give me in!"

Li Mo hugged Celesia and forcibly threw it into the circle...


Celisia's figure disappeared...

"Where did you send them?"

"An environment is awesome. The life planet is full of plants. There are so many auras. It is the most suitable for the elves."

"What a dark elf, obviously a family of light elves. He has lived in this broken place for hundreds of thousands of years, and even his body has degenerated into a short body. In life, there is absolutely no way to live. This is the case. I never thought about it go away."

"It's naive to need it, I think they are not stupid, but we humans are too cunning." Ye Xiaolu felt suddenly.

Each of the dark elves can die for their queen, without complaint and regret, and the queen will also do anything for them.

Will this happen in the human world?

"You just had that moment, the queen must hate you."

"Just her, they can't go back to this place anyway."

"The planet that sent them away is far away from here?"

"Not very far, but very far, far, far."

"Let's go on the road!"

Li Mo put away the stellar disk spirit array. Although this magic circle can't be used again, if leaving traces, it is definitely not a good thing for the dark elves who left.

Such a naive race, let them go naive forever.

The life planet that Li Mo chose for the Dark Elves is very remote. If it weren’t for the Dark Elves’ strong desire to leave, no foreign enemy would disturb them.

However, with the character of the dark elves, I believe that they will not ‘strongly take the initiative’ to leave such a beautiful planet, right?


Li Mo, Ye Xiaolu and Xiaoheihu rode in the mandarin car and got into the domain gate.

The planet Yongye was completely quiet.


Li Yu called Ye Xiaolu as she shuttled across the domain gate and pressed her hand on her head.

Ye Xiaolu's appearance began to change, and in a blink of an eye, she became the queen of elves. The difference was that her hair was still black and she didn't have long pointed ears.

"Why do I change my appearance? This is much uglier than me. Also, is this chest too flat?"

The little black tiger stared at his eyes and looked at Ye Xiaolu.

"The star zone we entered next is not a meeting point, but a star zone controlled by strong clan. In order to hide their identity, they can only wrong you now."

"This grievance works well, sister forgive you."

Li Mo stretched out his hand and touched his face, and turned into a silver A tribe.

"From now on, you are my servant, and you are also responsible for playing the role of pet." Li Mo reached out his hand and pressed it on the head of the little black tiger. After a while, the little black tiger became a little white Cat.

"Oh, this one is so cute."

Ye Xiaolu's girlish heart came again, hugged the little black tiger, and kept kissing...

"I am the future black tiger emperor, woman, don't kiss me with your mouth!"

Li Mo said: "From now on, you are not allowed to speak."

Brush brush brush brush brush

The domain gate shuttle continued for more than an hour and stopped.

Through the car window, you can see a huge yellow earth planet in front of you.

There are hundreds of small planets revolving around huge planets, and each small planet exceeds the size of the earth.

The huge earthy yellow planet in the center is ridiculous.

"My dear, this big planet is bigger than a thousand of the earth?"

"Ten thousand are almost..."

"What kind of star is this? Won't it be Jiuyuan, or Sky Mars?"

"No, Jiuyuan stars are nine stars connected together, and sky Mars is a red planet. When you look at the starry sky on the left, the nine stars connected together are Jiuyuan stars. Sky Mars is on the right, the planet in front of you, It's Gu Xing."

"Nine-source star saw it, and sky Mars also saw it. I lean on, not far from here."

"Of course, very close. If the strong man rushes on the road, it will only take a few hours."

"That's really careful. What is the name of this star in front of me? It's even more domineering than Jiuyuan star and Tian Mars."

"The name of this star is called the ancient star."

"Ah, what is this name, so strange."

"The ruler on Gu Xing is Gu Yiming. He is a businessman and a cosmic businessman. His business is all over the world, and Gu Xing is his base camp."

"Gu Yiming? The name looks like a human on earth, wouldn't he be a human on earth?"

"Of course not. Gu Yiming is a kobold..."

"Ah?" Ye Xiaolu looked at Li Mo in surprise.

The kobold Ye Xiaolu has seen it, it's cheap and timid, timid and weak, it's a race that is useless.

Li Mo thought for a long time before saying: "Gu Yiming is a very special kobold. His strength may not be very strong, but his connections are definitely the strongest in the universe!"

"This kobold suddenly rose more than a thousand years ago. No one knows his detailed history. He only knows that he has a wide network of people. The top ten strong people, the holy places, the sacred church, and the big families give him. Face, and one of the big things he did soon was to buy this planet that was originally controlled by the Nine-Headed Clan and the Skyfire Clan."

"No one knows what method Gu Yiming bought it from. The two strong clan also kept silent on this, but since then, few people in the universe will provoke Gu Yiming, so his fame It's getting bigger and bigger."

Between the two talking, the mandarin car fell on the ancient star.

"This is Gu Yiming's place. Gu Yiming doesn't like all ethnic groups fighting in his place, so Gu Xing also has another nickname called Peace Star."

The place where the mandarin car landed was a street. Just after landing, two bear men ran over and greeted Li Mo alight.

"The car we ride in means we are rich."

Li Mo stretched his finger and rewarded the two bears and one ‘God Crystal Coin’

Shenjing Coin is the universal currency of the universe, originally Li Mo did not, but after he got the lavish luxury carriage, he suddenly had a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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